Adams crew




Crew #70; 391st Squadron

Mission #2 May 24, 1944 42-94796 L/Q 391BS Adams Me Worry?

Mission #3 May 25, 1944 42-94824 E/Q 391BS Adams Umbriago

Mission #4 May 27, 1944 42-94796 L/Q 391BS Adams Me Worry?

Mission #6 May 29, 1944 42-94796 L/Q 391BS Adams Me Worry?       MIA Interned in Sweden




CREW #70; 391st Squadron

ADAMS JAMES F (P) (1024)                            2 LT        391          O-809408

BARNES RICHARD E (CP) (1024)                    2 LT        391          O-813882

MUROY ISSAC I (N) (1034)                               2 LT        391          O-700147

BERNS JOSEPH H (B) (1035)                             F/O         391          T-123065

DAVENPORT HANLEY L (AEG) (748)            S/SGT     391          34381617

HALZACK NICHOLAS (ROG) (757)                S/SGT     391          31313765

OLIVER JOHN F (AG) (612)                               CPL         391          32852625

HYNDS FRANK P JR (BG) (611)                       CPL         391          38086940

LAMB OLIVER R (BG) (611)                              CPL         391          32013560


Mission #2 May 24, 1944 42-94796 L/Q 391BS Adams Me Worry?

Flew position 3-1 in Low Squadron.

Carried 12 500 lb GP bombs. Dropped on the secondary target but no time and altitude was recorded.

No damage reported.

#2 turbosupercharger regulator; interphone operates poorly at altitude. Inspected and repaired.

Adams, J. F. (P)

Barnes, R. E. (CP)

Murov, I. I. (N)

Berns, J. H. (B)

Halzack, N. (R)

Davenport, H. L. (E)

Mackey (BG)

Lamb, O. R. (TG)

Oliver (NG)

Hynds, F. P. (G)


                     May 24, 1944 Adams

Crew Status Report 1700 hours.

Crew #70, 391st Squadron

Adams, J. F. (P)                    OK

Barnes, R. E. (CP)                 OK

Murov, I. I. (N)                     OK

Berns, J. H. (B)                      OK

Halzack, N. (R)                      OK

Davenport, H. L. (E)             OK

Oliver, J. F. (NG)                   OK

Lamb, O. R. (TG)                   OK

Mackey, W. (BG)                 OK

Hynds, F. P. (G)                    OK


Mission #3 May 25, 1944 42-94796 L/Q Me Worry? scheduled for Adams but replaced

Mission #3 May 25, 1944 42-94824 E/Q 391BS Adams Umbriago

Took off at 0518 hours.

Flew position 4-1 in High Squadron.

Carried 12 500 lb bombs. Dropped on the Secondary Target at 0919 hours from 18,000 feet.

No damage reported.

Landed 1102 hours.

Adams, J. F. (P)

Barnes, R. R. (CP)

Murou, I. I.(N)

Berns, J. H. (B)

Halzack, N. (R)

Davenport, H. L. (E)

Mackay, W. (BG)

Lamb, D. R. (TG)

Oliver, R. L. (NG)

Hynds, E. F. (G)


Mission #4 May 27, 1944 42-94796 L/Q 391BS Adams Me Worry?

Took off at 0830 hours.

Flew position 3-3 in Lead Squadron.

Carried 10 500 lb bombs. Brought all bombs back to base.

No damage reported

Landed 1600 hours.

Adams (P)

Barnes (CP)

Murov (N)

Halzack (R)

Davenport (E)

Mackey (BG)

Lamb (TG)

Oliver (NG)

Hynds (G)


Mission #6 May 29, 1944 42-94796 L/Q 391BS Adams Me Worry?       MIA

Took off at 0744 hours from Hardstand #21.

Flew position 4-2 in High Squadron.

Carried 10 500 lb GP bombs. Dropped on the Primary but there is no drop report as the plane is MIA.

Damaged by flak near Kiel at the coast on the way out. Fell behind the formation and decided to head for Sweden.

Missing in Action. Report on 42-94796 appears to be incorrect as it seems to fit the circumstances of 42-94861 instead. The report on 42-94861 seems to fit the circumstances of 42-94796.

Quoted here is the reported listed as for 42-94861: "Left formation with two propellers feathered at 1350 hours at 18,000 feet, headed for Sweden."

Landed and Interned in Sweden.

Adams (P)

Barnes (CP)

Murov (N)

Halzack (R)

Davenport (E)

Oliver (NG)

Mackey (BG)

Lamb (TG)

Hynds (G)


B-24H 42-94796 L/Q Me Worry?  Interned in Sweden. With 391BS Pilot: Adams.  Missing Air Crew Report # 5350. 9 Interned.

INT ADAMS JAMES F (P)                                2 LT            391      O-809406

INT BARNES RICHARD E (CP)                        2 LT            391      O-813882

INT MUROV ISAAC I (N)                                  2 LT            391      O-700147

INT OLIVER JOHN F (NG)                                 SGT            391      32851635

INT DAVENPORT HANLEY L (E/LW)            T/SGT        391      34381612

INT HALZECK NICHOLAS (R/RW)                T/SGT        391      31313765

INT MACKEY WALLACE (BG)                       SGT            391      6680904

INT HYNDS FRANK P (TG)                              SGT            391      38086940

INT LAMB OLIVER R (TT)                                SGT            391      32013560