Dreher crew




CREW#17; 4th Squadron

Mission #1 May 23, 1944 42-94869 D/J 4BS Dreher     Major damage

Mission #3 May 25, 1944 42-94911 D/Q 4BS Dreher Sweet Souix

Mission #4 May 27, 1944 42-94911 D/Q 4BS Dreher Sweet Souix (landed at another field)

Mission #5 May 28, 1944 42-94911 D/Q 4BS Dreher Sweet Souix

Mission #7 May 30, 1944 41-29522 D/F 4BS Dreher (Airborne spare – returned early)

Mission #11 June 6, 1944 42-94911 D/Q 4BS Dreher Sweet Souix

Mission #12 June 6, 1944 42-94911 D/Q 4BS Dreher Sweet Souix

Mission #13 June 7, 1944 42-94911 D/Q 4BS Dreher Sweet Souix Crashed




CREW#17; 4th Squadron

DREHER WILMER J (P) (1024) (P) (1024)        2 LT        4              O-811349

ROWLEY FRANCIS O (CP) (1024)                    2 LT        4              O-817535

GRABOWSKY ANTONI H (N) (1034)              2 LT        4              O-703730

HUMPHREY KENNETH (B) (1035)                   2 LT        4              O-698014

BLACKHAM JACK F (AEG) (748)                   S/SGT     4              38217676

FORESTER CARROL E (ROG) (757)                 S/SGT     4              37601087

JOHNSON WILLARD (AG) (612)                     SGT        4              14135578

FRISCH ROBERT D (BG) (748)                          PVT        4              16186484

ROSCHKE WILLIAM R (BG) (748)                   SGT        4              12031572


April 18, 1944 42-94911 Dreher Sweet Souix

Special Order 1164 HQ Station #11, Caribbean Wing, ATC, Morrison Field

Movement Orders, Shipment 5464

Dreher, Wilmer J. (P)                            2 Lt         O-811349

Rowley, Francis O. (CP)                      2 Lt         O-817535

Grabowski, Antoni H (N)                    2 Lt         O-703730

Humphreys, Kenneth (B)                    2 Lt         O-698014

Blackham, Jack F. (E)                           S/Sgt      38217676

Forister, Carroll E. (R)                          S/Sgt      37601087

Johnson, Willard (G)                           Sgt          14135548

Erisch, Robert D. (G)                            Cpl          16186484

Roschke, William A. (G)                      Sgt          12031572

Fulton, William J. (Crew Chief)          M/Sgt     6151858


Mission #1 May 23, 1944 42-94869 D/J 4BS Dreher

Took off at 0522 hours from hardstand #8.

Flew position 3-3 in Lead Squadron.

Carried 12 500 lb bombs. Dropped at least some bombs at 0856 hours from 15,075 feet.

"Slightly East of compass swinging base. Just over road South of compass base. Entire compass base - buildings of workshops hit - 2nd Squadron hit MPI (workshops) - area in line with workshops hit."

Major damage reported.

Landed 1149 hours.

Dreher (P)

Rowley (CP)

Grabowski (N)

Humphreys (B)

Forister (R)

Blackham (E)

Golden (NG)

Erisch (TG)

Johnson (BG)

Roschke (G)


                     May 24, 1944 Dreher

Crew Status Report 1700 hours.

Crew #17, 4th Squadron

Dreher (P)                              OK

Rowley (CP)                          OK

Grabowski (N)                       OK

Humphreys (B)                     OK

Forister (R)                            OK

Blackham (E)                         OK

Golden (NG)                          OK

Erisch (TG)                            OK

Johnson (BG)                        OK

Roschke (G)                          OK


Mission #3 May 25, 1944 42-94911 D/Q 4BS Dreher Sweet Souix

Took off at 0513 hours.

Flew position 2-3 in Low Squadron.

Carried 12 500 lb bombs. Did not drop. Brought all bombs back to base.

No damage reported.

Landed 1048 hours.

Dreher (P)

Rowley (CP)

Grabowski (N)

Forister (R)

Blackham (E)

Johnson (BG)

Erisch (TG)

Golden (NG)

Reschke (G)


Mission #4 May 27, 1944 42-94911 D/Q 4BS Dreher Sweet Souix

Took off at 0840 hours.

Flew position 3-2 in High Squadron.

Carried 10 500 lb GP bombs. Dropped on the Primary but no time or altitude report.

No damage reported.

Landed at 1615 hours at Boxsted Airfield. Returned to Mendlesham at 1729 hours.

Dreher (P)

Rowley (CP)

Humphreys (B)

Forister (R)

Blackham (E)

Johnson, W. (BG)

Erisch (TG)

Golden (NG)

Reschke (G)


Mission #5 May 28, 1944 42-94911 D/Q 4BS Dreher Sweet Souix

Took off at 1023 hours from Hardstand #8.

Flew position 2-3 in Lead Squadron.

Carried 10 500 lb GP bombs. Dropped on the Primary at (time unclear) from 21,900 feet. (Seems to read 1549 hours but probably should read 1459 hours.)

No damage reported.

Landed 1747 hours.

Station 3 right rear rack failed to release. New A-2 release installed.

Dreher (P)

Little (CP) (from crew #49)

Grabowski (N)

Forister (R)

Blackham (E)

Johnson, W. (BG)

Erisch (TG)

Golden (NG)

Reschke (G)


Mission #7 May 30, 1944 41-29522 D/F 4BS Dreher (Airborne spare)

Took off at 0712 hours from Hardstand #11.

Flew as Airborne Spare. Was not needed and therefore returned to base early.

Carried 6 1000 lb bombs. All bombs returned to base.

Landed 0943 hours.

Dreher (P)

Rowley (CP)

Grabowski (N)

Humphrey (B)

Forester (R)

Blackham (E)

Golden (NG)

Johnson, W. (BG)

Erisch (TG)

Reschke (G)


Mission #11 June 6, 1944 42-94911 D/Q 4BS Dreher Sweet Souix

Took off at 0620 hours from Hardstand #8.

Flew position 2-3 in High Squadron.

Carried 12 500 lb bombs. Due to 10/10 clouds, brought all bombs back to base.

No damage reported.

Landed 1225 hours.

Dreher, W. T. (P)

Rowley, F. A. (CP)

Humphrey, K. (B)

Blackham, T. F. (E/TT)

Frisch, R. D. (TG)

Golden, J. J. (NG)

Forester, C. E. (R/RW)

Reschke, W. A. (LW)

Johnson, W. (BG)


Mission #12 June 6, 1944 42-94911 D/Q 4BS Dreher Sweet Souix

Took off at 1713 hours.

Flew as Airborne Spare.

Carried 12 500 lb bombs. No drop report.

Aborted due to weather. Could not find the formation.

No damage report.

Landed 1911 hours at A.B.

Dreher (P)

Rowley (CP)

Grabowski (N)

Blackham (E)

Forrester (R)

Johnson (G)

Erich (G)

Golden (G)

Reschke (G)


Mission #13 June 7, 1944 42-94911 D/Q 4BS Dreher Sweet Souix Crashed

Took off at 1654 hours.

Flew position 1-3 in Lead Squadron.

Carried a K-24 camera.

Carried 12 500 lb GP bombs but no drop report due to being shot down.

Shot down over the base upon return.

Dreher (P)

Rowley (CP)

Grabowski (N)

Humphrey (B)

Forrister (R)

Blackham (E)

Johnson (G)

Erich (G)

Golden (G)

Reschke (G)


B-24H 42-94911 D/Q Sweet Souix crash landed near Wethering StelI. With 4BS Pilot: Dreher. Salvaged with battle damage

RTD DREHER, WILMER J (P)                           2 LT            4          O-811349

RTD ROWLEY FRANCIS (CP)                          2 LT            4          O-817535

KIA GRABOWSKI ANTONI H (N)                  2 LT            4          O-703730        MA

RTD HUMPHREY KEN (B)                                2 LT            4          O-698014

RTD BLACKMAN JACK F (E/TT)                   S/SGT         4          38217676

RTD FORISTER CARROLL E (R)                      S/SGT         4          37601087

KIA JOHNSON WILLARD (BT)                       S/SGT         4          14135578        AL

RTD RESCHKE WILLIAM R (WG)                  SGT            4          12031572

RTD GOLDEN J (NT)                                          SGT            4

KIA ERISH ROBERT D (TG)                              SGT            4          16166484


GRABOWSKI ANTONI H is buried at Cambridge American Cemetery, B-3-37.

JOHNSON WILLARD D is buried at Cambridge American Cemetery, B-5-35.