Gipson crew


Crew Note: Pendowski made two trips to London to do radio broadcasts to the Polish underground.




CREW #42; 18th Squadron

Mission #1 May 23, 1944 42-94782 B/G 18BS Gipson Off Limits

Mission #2 May 24, 1944 42-94782 B/G 18BS Gipson Off Limits (Airborne spare – returned)

Mission #3 May 25, 1944 42-94782 B/G 18BS Gipson Off Limits

Mission #5 May 28, 1944 42-94782 B/G 18BS Gipson Off Limits

Mission #6 May 29, 1944 42-94782 B/G 18BS Gipson Off Limits Slight damage.

Mission #9 June 4, 1944 42-94782 B/G 18BS Gipson Off Limits

Mission #11 June 6, 1944 42-94782 B/G 18BS Gipson Off Limits

Mission #12 June 6, 1944 42-94782 B/G 18BS Gipson Off Limits

Mission #15 June 12, 1944 42-94782 B/G 18BS Gipson Off Limits

Mission #16 June 14, 1944 42-94782 B/G 18BS Gipson Off Limits

Mission #17 June 17, 1944 42-94782 B/G 18BS Gipson Off Limits

Mission #19 June 20, 1944 42-94782 B/G 18BS Gipson Off Limits

Mission #20 June 22, 1944 42-94782 B/G 18BS Gipson Off Limits Crash-landed

Mission #33 July 9, 1944 42-51190 B/H Gipson Ann

Mission #34 July 12, 1944 42-94815 B/B 7BS Gipson Frivolous Sal     apparently did not take off.


CREW #72; GH crews (as of July 28, 1944)

Mission #47 July 31, 1944 41-28871 B/P Gipson

Mission #56 August 10, 1944 44-40267 B/A 18BS Gipson

Mission #62 August 18, 1944 41-29605 B/Q 391BS Gipson Leo        Major damage


CREW #72; 18th Squadron (as of the transition to B-17s)

Mission #65 September 19, 1944 43-38353 E/A 18BS Gipson

Mission #66 September 22, 1944 43-38410 B/C 18BS Gipson

Mission #67 September 25, 1944 43-38292 B/A 18BS Gipson

Mission #69 September 27, 1944 43-38409 B/B 18BS Gipson

Mission #70 September 28, 1944 44-8320 E/G 7BS Gipson

Mission #71 October 2, 1944 44-8320 E/G 7BS Gipson

Mission #72 October 3, 1944 43-38286 E/T 18BS Gipson Flying Dutchmen

Mission #73 October 5, 1944 43-38292 B/A 18BS Gipson

Mission #74 October 6, 1944 44-8320 E/G 7BS Gipson  Major damage

Mission #77 October 14, 1944 43-38326 B/U 18BS Gipson

Mission #81 October 22, 1944 43-38292 B/A 7BS Gipson             Aborted – mechanical. Jettisoned bombs.

Mission #85 October 30, 1944 43-38380 L/B 391BS Gipson

Mission #87 November 5, 1944 43-38410 B/C 18BS Gipson

Mission #93 November 26, 1944 43-38410 B/C 18BS Gipson

Mission #99 December 11, 1944 43-38416 E/C 7BS Gipson

Mission #100 December 12, 1944 43-38410 B/C 391BS Gipson




CREW #42; 18th Squadron

GIPSON GUY M (P) (1024)                                 2 LT        18            O-523179

DRAPER FRANKLIN O (CP) (1024)                 2 LT        18            O-687684

PARISEAU RAYMOND (N) (1034)                  2 LT        18            O-814394

LICHTENSTEIN ALVIN D (B) (1035)               2 LT        18            O-689156

MANN DONALD G (AEG) (748)                       S/SGT     18            39612122

PETERS RICHARD J (ROG) (757)                     T/SGT    18            12035627

PENDOWSKI EDWARD S (AG) (612)             S/SGT     18            20646023

STEVENS WILLIAM R (BG) (748)                    SGT        18            17161686

SWICK GIDEON W JR (BG) (748)                     SGT        18            16152009


Mission #1 May 23, 1944 42-94782 B/G 18BS Gipson Off Limits

Took off at 0544 hours from Hardstand #17.

Flew position 3-1 in Low Squadron on assembly but position 3-2 on the bomb run.

Carried 12 500 lb bombs. Dropped on the Primary at 0850 hours from 13,500 feet and at 0915 hours from 14,000 feet. Results Good.

"Middle work shop seen by ball gunner to be hit and blow up. Work shop row hit. Compass swing base and 4 main hangers completely in smoke and debris. Radio operator saw direct hit on end shop of main workshops (water tower area). Hanger area in flames, oil fires."

No damage reported.

Landed 1141 hours.

#2 and #4 carb air temperature erratic; landing gear solenoid inoperative. Inspected and repaired.

Gipson (P)

Draper (CP)

Pariseau (N)

Lichtenstein (B)

Peters (R)

Mann (E)

Lisowski (NG)

Stevens (TG

Pandowski (BG)

Swick (G)


Mission #2 May 24, 1944 42-94782 B/G 18BS Gipson Off Limits

Took off at 0527 hours.

Flew as Airborne spare.

Carried 12 500 lb GP bombs. Returned early, brought all bombs back to base.

Landed 0940 hours.

Gipson, G. M. (P)

Draper, F. O. (CP)

Pariseau, R. (N)

Lichtenstein, A. D. (B)

Peters, R. J. (R)

Mann, D. G. (E)

Lisowski, J. W. (NG)

Stevens, W. R. (TG)

Pandowski, E. S. (BG)

Swick, G. W. (G)


                     May 24, 1944 Gipson

Crew Status Report 1000 hours.

Crew #42, 18th Squadron

Gipson (P)                             2 Lt         OK

Draper (CP)                           2 Lt         OK

Pariseau (N)                          2 Lt         OK

Lichtenstein (B)                    2 Lt         OK

Peters (R)                               T/Sgt      OK

Mann (E)                               S/Sgt      OK

Lisowski (NG)                       Sgt          OK

Stevens (TG)                         Sgt          OK

Pandowski (BG)                    Sgt          OK

Swick (G)                               Sgt          OK


Mission #3 May 25, 1944 42-94782 B/G 18BS Gipson Off Limits

Took off at 0453 hours.

Flew position 2-1 in Lead Squadron.

Carried 12 500 lb bombs. Dropped on the Secondary target at 0919 hours. No altitude report.

No damage reported.

Landed 1058 hours.

Gipson, G. M. (P)

Draper, F. O. (CP)

Pariseau, R. (N)

Lichtenstein, A. D. (B)

Peters, R. J. (R)

Mann, D. G. (E)

Lisowski, J. W. (NG)

Stevens, W. R. (TG)

Pandowski, E. S. (BG)

Swick, G. W. (G)


Mission #5 May 28, 1944 42-94782 B/G 18BS Gipson Off Limits

Took off at 1031 hours from Hardstand #17.

Flew position 3-1 in High Squadron.

Carried 10 500 lb GP bombs. Dropped on the Primary at 1500 hours from 22,100 feet.

No damage reported.

Landed 1813 hours.

#2 Turbosupercharger surgesat high altitude. Inspected and repaired.

Ball turret stuck at 90 degree angle. Gunner, in operating, did not disengage elevation handcrank. New gears installed.

Gipson, G. M. (P)

Draper, F. O. (CP)

Pariseau, R. (N)

Lichtenstein, A. D. (B)

Peters, R. J. (R)

Mann, D. G. (E)

Lisowski, J. W. (BG)

Stevens, W. R. (TG)

Pandowski, E. S. (NG)

Swick, G. W. (G)


Mission #6 May 29, 1944 42-94782 B/G 18BS Gipson Off Limits

Took off at 0752 hours from Hardstand #17.

Flew position 3-2 in Low Squadron.

Carried 10 500 lb GP bombs. Dropped on the Primary at 1233 hours but no altitude given.

Slight damage reported.

Landed 1635 hours.

Gipson, G. M. (P)

Draper, F. O. (CP)

Pariseau, R. (N)

Peters, R. J. (R)

Mann, D. G. (E)

Lisowski, J. W. (BG)

Stevens, W. R. (TG)

Pandowski, E. S. (NG)

Swick, G. W. (G)


Mission #9 June 4, 1944 42-94782 B/G 18BS Gipson Off Limits

Took off at 1607 hours from Hardstand #17.

Flew position 4-1 in the one 34th BG Squadron on this mission.

Carried 12 500 lb GP bombs. Dropped on the Primary at 2017 hours from 23,000 feet.

No damage reported.

Landed 2221 hours.

#2 engine throws oil. Inspected and repaired

Gipson (P)

Draper (CP)

Lichtenstein (B)

Peters (R)

Mann (E)

Pendowski (BG)

Stevens (TG)

Lisowski (NG)

Swick (G)


Mission #11 June 6, 1944 42-94782 B/G 18BS Gipson Off Limits

Took off at 0612 hours from Hardstand #17.

Flew position 3-1 in Lead Squadron.

Carried 12 500 lb bombs. Due to 10/10 clouds, brought all bombs back to base.

No damage reported.

Landed 1212 hours.

Gipson (P)

Draper (CP)

Lichtenstein (B)

Mann (E)

Peters (R)

Pendowski (BG)

Stevens (TG)

Lisowski (NG)

Swick (G)


Mission #12 June 6, 1944 42-94782 B/G 18BS Gipson Off Limits

Took off at 1657 hours.

Flew position 2-1 in Lead Squadron.

Carried 12 500 lb bombs. Dropped 13 miles North of target on a cross road at 2025 hours from 14,700 feet.

Reported in at 2320 hours as having landed at Chebburg.

Gipson (P)

Draper (CP)

Pariseau (N)

Mann (E)

Peters (R)

Pendowski (G)

Stevens (G)

Lisowski (G)

Swick (G)


Mission #15 June 12, 1944 42-94782 B/G 18BS Gipson Off Limits

Took off at 0523 hours.

Flew position 2-1 in Low Squadron.

Carried a K-20 camera.

Carried 52 100 lb bombs. Dropped 50 bombs on the Primary at 0913 hours from 21,600 feet. No reported on the other 2 bombs.

No damage reported.

Landed 1102 hours.

Gipson (P)

Draper (CP)

Lichtenstein (B)

Peters (R)

Mann (E)

Pendowski (BG)

Stevens (TG)

Lisowski (NG)

Swick (G)


Mission #16 June 14, 1944 42-94782 B/G 18BS Gipson Off Limits

Took off at 0341 hours.

Flew position 4-3 in Low Squadron.

Carried 20 100 lb bombs including 3 6 hr., 4 12 hr., & 3 72 hr. delayed action bombs. Jettisoned all bombs.

Slight damage reported.

Landed 1022 hours.

Gipson (P)

Draper (CP)

Pariseau (N)

Lichtenstein (B)

Peters (R)

Mann (E)

Pendowski (BG)

Stevens (TG)

Lisowski (NG)

Swick (G)


Mission #17 June 17, 1944 42-94782 B/G 18BS Gipson Off Limits

Took off at 1634 hours.

Flew position 2-3 in Lead Squadron.

Carried 12 500 lb bombs. Dropped on the Primary at 2021 hours from 18,000 feet.

Slight battle damage reported.

Landed 2234 hours.

Gipson (P)

Draper (CP)

Pariseau (N)

Peters (R)

Mann (E)

Pendowski (BG)

Lisowski (TG)

Swick (NG)

Stevens (G)


Mission #19 June 20, 1944 42-94782 B/G 18BS Gipson Off Limits

Took off at 1750 hours.

Flew position 2-1 in Group B (18th)

Carried 52 100 lb GP bombs. Dropped on the Primary at 2056 hours from 23,000 feet.

No battle damage reported.

Landed 2206 hours.

No Crew Loading List available.


Mission #20 June 22, 1944 42-94782 B/G 18BS Gipson Off Limits

Took off at 1446 hours.

Flew position 3-2 in High Squadron.

Carried a K-20 and a K-24 camera.

Carried 52 100 lb bombs. Dropped on the Primary, but no time or altitude report due to the crash.

Major damage reported. Plane salvaged.

Ran out of fuel and Crash-landed at Dungeness at 2100 hours.

Gipson (P)

Draper (CP)

Pariseau (N)

Lichtenstein (B)

Peters (R)

Mann (E)

Pendowski (BG)

Stevens (TG)

Lisowski (NG)

Swick (G)


B-24H 42-94782 B/G Off Limits crash-landed at Dungeness. With 18BS. Pilot: Guy Gipson. See 34th Bombardment Group (H) 1941-1945, p.54 for the story “The Story of the B-24 Liberator Off Limits and Its Flight Crew” by Alvin D. Lichtenstein and “Flight and Ground Crew of the B-24 Off Limits” on the same page. The crew chief of Off Limits was Ray Summa, assisted by Junius Cobb. Photo in Freeman, Mighty Eighth War Diary, p.276.

RTD GIPSON GUY MAURICE (P)                    1 LT            18        O-523179                uninjured

RTD DRAPER FRANKLIN A (CP)                   2 LT            18        O-687684                uninjured

RTD PARISEAU RAYMOPND F (N)               1 LT            18        O-814394                Mental shock

RTD LICHTENSTEIN ALVIN D (B)                  2 LT            18        O-698156               uninjured

RTD LISOWSKI JOSEPH W (NT)                    SGT            18        32257                       uninjured

RTD STEVENS WILLIAM P (TT)                     SGT            18        17161686                Lacerated scalp

RTD PETERS RICHARD J (R)                           T/SGT        18        12035627                 Strained left knee, contusions, slightly injured

RTD PENDOWSKI EDWARD S (BT)              S/SGT         18        20646023                Abrasion right knee

RTD MANN DONALD E (WG)                         S/SGT         18        39612122               uninjured

RTD SWICK GIDEON W JR (TG)                     S/SGT          18        16152009               uninjured

The injured were taken to S.S. QS Lympne. The remainder were at RAF Lympne until returned to base.

The aircraft was Category E: Salvaged by 86 MU Sundridge.


Mission #32a July 8, 1944 42-51190 B/H Gipson Ann

This second mission of the day was scrubbed.


Mission #33 July 9, 1944 42-51190 B/H Gipson Ann

Took off at 1008 hours.

Flew position 2-1 in Low Squadron, B Group.

Landed 1512 hours.

Gipson (P)

Draper (CP)

Pariseau (N)

Lichtenstein (B)

Peters (R)

Mann (E)

Pendowski (BG)

Frye (TG) (a write-in)

Crooch (G) (from crew #50)

Long (NG) (from crew #39)


Mission #34 July 12, 1944 42-94815 B/B 7BS Gipson Frivolous Sal

Scheduled but did not take off.


Mission #35 July 14, 1944 Gipson

Was scheduled to take part in this mission but was replaced.


CREW #72; GH crews (as of July 28, 1944)

Gipson, Guy M. (P)                              1 Lt         O-523179

Draper, Franklin O. (CP)                      2 Lt         O-687684

Pariseau, Raymond (N)                       2 Lt         O-814394

Bujalski, Francis P. (N)                        2 Lt         O-703937

Lichtenstein, Alvin D. (B)                   2 Lt         O-689156

Peters, Richard J. (R)                           T/Sgt      12035627

Mann, Donald G. (E)                            T/Sgt      39612122

Pendowski, Edward S. (G)                   S/Sgt      20646023

Stevens, William F. (G)                        S/Sgt      17161686

Lisowski, Joseph W. (G)                     S/Sgt      32277854

Swick, Gideon W. Jr. (G)                     S/Sgt      16152009


Mission #47 July 31, 1944 41-28871 B/P Gipson

Took off at 0901 hours.

Flew Lead of High Squadron of 490BG attacking Griel.

Carried 6 500 lb bombs. Dropped on Secondary target at 1336 hours from 23,400 feet.

No battle damage reported.

Landed 1542 hours.

GH equipped. Gee box equipment out. Inspected and repaired.

Gipson (P)

Maj. Halloren (Command Pilot)

Draper (CP)

Pariseau (N)

Bujalski (N)

Lichtenstein (B)

Peters (R)

Mann (E)

Pendowski (G)

Stevens (G)

Lisowski (G)

Swick (G)


Mission #56 August 10, 1944 44-40267 B/A 18BS Gipson

Gipson (P)

Draper (CP)

Pariseau (N)

Mollenberg (N) (a write-in)

Lichtenstein (B)

Peters (R)

Mann (E)

Pandowski (G)

Stevens (G)

Lisowski (G)

Swick (G)


Mission #62 August 18, 1944 42-94873 B/O (Scheduled for Gipson but replaced)

Mission #62 August 18, 1944 41-29605 B/Q 391BS Gipson Leo        

Took off at 0626 hours.

Flew Deputy Lead, position 1-2 in Lead Squadron.

Carried 6 500 lb GP bombs. Dropped on the Primary at 0955 hours.

Major damage

Landed 1149 hours.

Gipson (P)

Draper (CP)

Pariseau (N)

Bujalski (N)

Lichtenstein (B)

Peters (R)

Mann (E)

Pandowski (G)

Stevens (G)

Swick (G)


CREW #72; 18th Squadron (as of the transition to B-17s)

Gipson (P)

Draper (CP)

Pariseau (N)

Lichtenstein (B)

Peters (R)

Mann (E)

Stevens (TG)

Pendowski (NG)

Swick (G)


Mission #65 September 19, 1944 43-38353 E/A 18BS Gipson

Mission #66 September 22, 1944 43-38410 B/C 18BS Gipson

Mission #67 September 25, 1944 43-38292 B/A 18BS Gipson

Mission #69 September 27, 1944 43-38409 B/B 18BS Gipson

Mission #70 September 28, 1944 44-8320 E/G 7BS Gipson

Mission #71 October 2, 1944 44-8320 E/G 7BS Gipson

Mission #72 October 3, 1944 43-38286 E/T 18BS Gipson Flying Dutchmen

Mission #73 October 5, 1944 43-38292 B/A 18BS Gipson

Mission #74 October 6, 1944 44-8320 E/G 7BS Gipson  Major damage

Mission #77 October 14, 1944 43-38326 B/U 18BS Gipson

Mission #81 October 22, 1944 43-38292 B/A 7BS Gipson             Aborted – mechanical. Jettisoned bombs.

Mission #85 October 30, 1944 43-38380 L/B 391BS Gipson

Mission #87 November 5, 1944 43-38410 B/C 18BS Gipson

Mission #93 November 26, 1944 43-38410 B/C 18BS Gipson

Mission #99 December 11, 1944 43-38416 E/C 7BS Gipson

Mission #100 December 12, 1944 43-38410 B/C 391BS Gipson