34th Bomb Group Mission Diary for MAY 1944: Missions #1-#8

Compiled by Gary L. Ferrell


Missions as a B-24 Group in May 1944


Date & Mission Number                                     Target


May 10, 1944

Died JACKY BERNARD M                                S/SGT         391      16154688                        WI


JACKY BERNARD M is buried at Cambridge American Cemetery, C-3-78.


May 11, 1944, Special Order #97, par. 10.

1 Lt John D Dulany, O-562897, AC, 4th Bomb Sq. (H), is appointed Investigating Officer to investigate Line of Duty Status and circumstances surrounding the death of S/Sgt Bernard M Jacky, 16154688, 391st Bomb Sq. (H), occurring on 10 May 1944.


May 17, 1944

B-24H 41-29562 Tommy Thumper salvaged with non-battle damage. This plane had suffered a hard landing on a training flight. Pilot: Pedigo.

RTD Pedigo, William E. (P)                                 2Lt              4          O-686592

RTD Danielian, Leo (CP)                                     2Lt              4          O-760261

RTD McColl, Roderich H. (N)                            2Lt              4          O-704033

RTD Saxen, Robert (E)                                        Sgt              4          17071052

RTD Overholt, Charles N. (R)                            S/Sgt          4          32731413

RTD Poirier, Sidney L. (G)                                  Sgt              4          33551701

RTD Storer, Lester F. (G)                                    Sgt              4          35474257

RTD Wade, Francis A. (G)                                 Sgt              4          12077782

RTD Jones, William T. Jr. (G)                             Sgt              4          33616766


May 23, 1944

Mission #1                                                            Etampes Mondesir

Command Pilot: GERHART. 36 aircraft were dispatched with 117 tons of bombs. 24 aircraft made their runs and dropped 72 tons of bombs. Minor damage to 10 planes from flak. No casualties. Score: fair to good.

Planes and crews

42-52750 L/G 4BS Israelsen unknown name (Lead of Lead Squadron)                           Slight damage

41-29566 D/H 4BS Mackey War Eagle (Deputy Lead)

41-29560 D/L 4BS Marks Rat Poison

42-52770 D/N 4BS Johanson The Ruptured Duck

42-94787 D/C 4BS Pavlicek Set 'em Up                                Slight damage

42-94790 D/O 4BS Runyan T N Toni

42-94893 D/E 4BS Simpson Hell's Belle                   Slight damage

42-94811 D/K 4BS Thrun Tommy Thumper II         Slight damage (shown incorrectly as 2811)

42-94869 D/J 4BS Dreher Male Call                                             Major damage

41-29555 D/I 4BS Armstrong Powerful Katrinka    Slight damage

42-94775 D/M 4BS Wright unknown name                                            Slight damage

41-29567 D/B 4BS Cook Bambi

42-94799 E/J 7BS McAlister   Paper Doll (Lead of High Squadron)

42-94919 E/D 7BS Bush (Deputy Lead)

42-94796 L/Q 7BS Brown Me Worry? (Aborted)

41-28851 E/M 7BS Smith, J. C.  The Near Sighted Robin

41-28865 E/R 7BS McDermott LONI

41-28884 E/O 7BS Dean Shadrach (#1)

41-28877 E/I 7BS Gardner Sooner

41-29605 E/K 7BS Hayes unknown name

42-94908 E/E 7BS Holmes Tiger Rag

41-29559 E/P 7BS Alexander Belchin’ Bessie

42-94818 E/B 7BS Tuttle Captain John Silver

42-52696 E/N 7BS Hollowell  Cookie’s Wailing Wall

42-94762 B/F 18BS Ralls The Uninvited (Lead of Low Squadron)

42-94757 B/M 18BS Lindstrom The Dugan Wagon (Deputy Lead) Slight damage

41-29572 B/E 18BS Brain Scotty (#1)

41-29569 L/C 18BS Parrish Cock of the Sky

42-94794 B/I 18BS Harris Bachelor's Baby

42-94815 B/B18BS Coupland Frivolous Sal

42-94782 B/G 18BS Gipson Off Limits

42-94766 L/F 18BS Paulnock Crow's Nest                               Slight damage

42-94890 L/J 18BS Harre Chesty

42-94768 B/N 18BS Blackburn Betty Jayne

41-28840 B/R 18BS Hansen Smoky                                Slight damage.

41-29518 L/H 18BS Kiley Picadilly Lucy

41-29598 E/C 7BS Doell Chesty

42-94879 B/D 18BS Gardner, M. Collapsible Susie

42-94755 D/D 4BS Timblin Weary Willie (Airborne spare – returned early)

42-94911 D/Q Sweet Souix (scheduled for Dreher but replaced)

41-29557 E/L unknown name (scheduled for Brown, but replaced)

42-94880 E/H Misschief (scheduled for Hollowell, but replaced)

41-29542 B/H Rough House Kate (unused Lead spare)

42-94748 L/A Undecided (unused Lead spare) (Incorrectly listed as 4787)

42-94824 E/Q Umbriago (unused spare)

42-52738 L/O Wilson (unused spare)


May 24, 1944                                                      

Mission #2                                                            Poix

Command Pilot: LeBAILLY. 36 aircraft dispatched with 114 tons of bombs. 4 planes aborted. 21bombed secondary target, dropping 62.75 tons of bombs. The primary target was obscured by clouds. Score: possibly fair.

Planes and Crews

42-94845 E/A 7BS Hardison Miz-Pah (Lead of Lead Squadron)

42-94799 E/J 7BS Terry Paper Doll (Deputy Lead)

41-29598 E/C 7BS Doell Chesty

41-28851 E/M 7BS Smith, J. C.  The Near Sighted Robin

42-94818 E/B 7BS Boshears Captain John Silver

42-52759 E/F 7BS Tuttle Lucille

41-29605 E/K 7BS Hayes unknown name   Aborted – complete electrical system failure.

42-94908 E/E 7BS Holmes Tiger Rag           Slight damage.

42-52696 E/N 7BS Swenson Cookie’s Wailing Wall

41-28877 E/I 7BS Gardner, H. T. Sooner

42-94824 E/Q 7BS Avriett Umbriago

42-94755 D/D 7BS Brown, R. S. Weary Willie

42-94757 B/M 18BS Lindstrom The Dugan Wagon (Lead of High Squadron)

41-29542 B/H 18BS Laskin Rough House Kate (Deputy Lead)

42-94794 B/I 18BS Harris, C. W. Bachelor's Baby

41-28878 B/J 18BS Hansen The Heavenly Body

42-94879 B/D 18BS Gardner Collapsible Susie

42-94911 D/Q 18BS Kiley Sweet Souix

41-29572 B/E 18BS Brain Scotty (#1) (Aborted – landed at another field)

42-94768 B/N 18BS Blackburn

42-94904 B/P 18BS Pedigo Belle of the Brawl

42-94815 B/B 18BS Coupland Frivolous Sal

42-94889 B/O 18BS Dees Patches

41-29464 B/Q 18BS Harre The Un-Limited

42-94748 L/A 391BS Ray Undecided (Lead of Low Squadron)

42-52750 L/G 391BS Blair unknown name (Deputy Lead)

42-94780 L/M 391BS Stewart Smitty

42-94811 D/K 391BS Erwin Tommy Thumper II

42-94890 L/J 391BS Foster Chesty

41-29518 L/H 391BS Meyer Picadilly Lucy

42-94796 L/Q 391BS Adams Me Worry?

42-94861 L/B 391BS Daniels The Dutchess

41-28880 L/E 391BS Culver Winnie the Pooh

42-94770 L/I 391BS Smith, O. E. Salutation Rose

42-52738 L/O 391BS Eastman Wilson

41-29569 L/C 391BS Cliff Cock of the Sky                                    Aborted – complete electrical system failure.

42-94755 D/D 7BS (scheduled for Brown, R. S but replaced)  

41-28840 B/R Smoky (Scheduled for Hansen, but replaced)

42-94787 D/C 7BS Dean Set 'em Up (Airborne Spare – returned)

42-94782 B/G 18BS Gipson Off Limits (Airborne spare – returned)

41-29567 D/B 391BS Becker Bambi (Airborne spare – returned)

42-94771 L/N 391BS (Scheduled for Erwin, but replaced.)

41-28884 E/O Shadrach (#1) (scheduled for Brown, but replaced) (incorrectly listed one time as 864)

42-94919 E/D (unused Lead spare)

42-94790 D/O T. N. Toni (unused spare)

41-29548 D/V  (unused spare)


May 25, 1944                                                      

Mission # 3                                                           Moutignies sur Sambre

Command Pilot: BOYD. 36 aircraft were dispatched with 117 tons of bombs. 23 planes dropped 66.5 tons of bombs, getting direct hits on locomotive sheds and near hits on a blast furnace and blower house. Score: good. No enemy fighters and no flak directed at this formation. At 0902 hours a crewmember observed what was believed to be a jet propelled aircraft, whose maneuvers were observed for about five minutes. Rockets were fired at the group at 0934 hours near Brussels.

Planes and crews:

42-94748 L/A 18BS Ralls Undecided (Lead of Lead Squadron)

41-29542 B/H 18BS Laskin Rough House Kate (Deputy Lead of Lead Squadron)

41-28840 B/R 18BS Blackburn Smoky

42-94782 B/G 18BS Gipson Off Limits

42-94904 B/P 18BS Paulnock Belle of the Brawl

41-29464 B/Q 18BS Harre The Un-Limited

41-28878 B/J 18BS Parrish The Heavenly Body

42-94889 B/O 18BS Salveson Patches

42-94794 B/I 18BS Harris Bachelor's Baby

42-52696 E/N 18BS Pedigo Cookie’s Wailing Wall

42-94879 B/D 18BS Gardner Collapsible Susie (listed in error as 4679 on after mission interrogation form.)

42-94815 B/B 18BS Coupland Frivolous Sal

42-94883 L/K 391BS Baker The Hit Parade (Lead of High Squadron)

42-94849 L/D 391BS Bower Maid of Fury (Deputy Lead of High Squadron)

42-94766 L/F 391BS Daniels Crow's Nest

42-94771 L/N 391BS Erwin

42-94861 L/B 391BS Cliff The Dutchess

42-52738 L/O 391BS Eastman Wilson

42-94770 L/I 391BS Smith, O. E. Salutation Rose

42-94780 L/M 391BS Becker Smitty              Dropped only 2 of 12 bombs.

41-28865 E/R 391BS Meyer LONI                                Failed to bomb.

42-94824 E/Q 391BS Adams Umbriago

42-94890 L/J 391BS Foster Chesty

41-28884 E/O 391BS Stewart Shadrach (#1)

42-94775 D/M 4BS Heath unknown name  (Lead of Low Squadron)

42-94758 D/G 4BS Notman Feather Merchant

41-29598 E/C 4BS Armstrong Chesty

42-94893 D/E 4BS Simpson Hell's Belle

41-29567 D/B 4BS Cook Bambi

42-94911 D/Q 4BS Dreher Sweet Souix

42-94745 D/A 4BS Johanson The Bold Sea Rover

42-94755 D/D 4BS Timblin Weary Willie

41-29566 D/H 4BS Runyan War Eagle

42-94811 D/K 4BS Wright Tommy Thumper II

42-94818 E/B 4BS Pavlicek Captain John Silver

42-94908 E/E 4BS Marks Tiger Rag

41-28880 L/E 18BS Brain Winnie the Pooh (Airborne spare – returned)

42-52637 B/K 18BS Kiley (Airborne spare – returned)

41-29548 D/V 4BS Mackey The Flying Devil (Airborne spare – returned)

41-29518 L/H Picadilly Lucy scheduled for Meyer but replaced

42-94796 L/Q scheduled for Adams but replaced

42-94845 E/A Miz-Pah unused spare

42-94919 E/D unused spare

42-94787 D/C Set 'em Up unused spare


May 27, 1944

Mission #4                                                            Metz

Command Pilot: WACKWITZ. 36 aircraft were dispatched with 88.7 tons of bombs. 2 aircraft aborted the mission. Only 11 aircraft dropped 26 tons of bombs on an engine factory at Woippy, a secondary target. Score: fair to good. The primary target was not bombed due to the dust and smoke from previous bombing by the 92nd Bomb Wing. The group was enough off course that only a few planes were in a position to make the bomb run on the secondary target. A few JU-88s and ME-109s were sighted below and at some distance from the target but there were no actual enemy fighter encounters.

Planes and crew:

42-94748 L/A 391BS Ray Undecided (Lead of Lead Squadron)

42-94849 L/D 391BS Blair Maid of Fury

42-94861 L/B 391BS Stewart The Dutchess

42-94879 B/D 391BS Erwin Collapsible Susie

42-94766 L/F 391BS Daniels Crow's Nest

42-94780 L/M 391BS Becker Smitty (incorrectly shown on one form as 4789)

42-94770 L/I 391BS Smith, O. ESalutation Rose

42-94890 L/J 391BS Foster Chesty

42-94796 L/Q 391BS Adams Me Worry?

41-29518 L/H 391BS Meyer Picadilly Lucy

42-52738 L/O 391BS Eastman Wilson

41-28880 L/E 391BS Culver Winnie the Pooh

41-29566 D/H 4BS Mackey War Eagle (Lead of High Squadron)

42-94745 D/A 4BS Isrealsen  The Bold Sea Rover

42-52707 D/P 4BS Wright Open Season

41-29560 D/L 4BS Marks Rat Poison

41-29548 D/V 4BS Heath The Flying Devil

41-29555 D/I 4BS Johanson Powerful Katrinka

42-94790 D/O 4BS Runyan T N Toni (Abort)

42-94787 D/C 4BS Simpson Set 'em Up

42-94811 D/K 4BS Thrun  Tommy Thumper II  (Abort)

42-94755 D/D 4BS Timblin Weary Willie

41-29567 D/B 4BS Cook Bambi

42-94911 D/Q 4BS Dreher Sweet Souix (landed at another field)

42-94919 E/D 7BS Bush

42-94845 E/A 7BS Terry Miz-Pah (incorrectly listed as 4345)

42-94815 B/B 7BS Boshears Frivolous Sal

41-28851 E/M 7BS Smith, J. C.  The Near Sighted Robin

42-94824 E/Q 7BS Avriett Umbriago

41-28884 E/O 7BS Tuttle Shadrach (#1) (listed as 6884)

41-29598 E/C 7BS Gardner, HT

42-94908 E/E 7BS Holmes Tiger Rag

41-29557 E/L 7BS Brown name unknown at this point

42-52696 E/N 7BS Swenson Cookie’s Wailing Wall

41-29559 E/P 7BS Alexander Belchin’ Bessie

42-94880 E/H 7BS Hollowell Misschief (Airborne spare)

41-28865 E/R 7BS McDermott LONI

42-94889 B/O 18BS Salveson Patches (Airborne spare – returned)

42-94762 B/F 391BS Cliff  The Uninvited (Airborne spare - Flew the mission)

42-94758 D/G 391BS Isley Feather Merchant (Ground spare)

42-94911 D/Q Sweet Souix (scheduled for Johnson but replaced.)


May 28, 1944                                                      

Mission #5                                                            Lutzkendorf

Command Pilot: BOSTROM. 36 aircraft were dispatched with 90 tons of bombs, all of which were dropped on either the primary or a secondary target. 10 planes receive minor damage. Score: fair, perhaps good.

Planes and crews:

42-94930 E/S 4BS Isrealson (Lead of Lead Squadron)

42-94775 D/M 4BS Heath unknown name  (Deputy Lead of Lead Squadron)

42-94811 D/K 4BS Thrun Tommy Thumper II

41-29567 D/B 4BS Cook Bambi

42-94755 D/D 4BS Timblin Weary Willie

42-94911 D/Q 4BS Dreher Sweet Souix

42-94758 D/G 4BS Notman Feather Merchant

42-94787 D/C 4BS Marks Set 'em Up

42-94790 D/O 4BS Runyan T N Toni

42-52707 D/P 4BS Johanson Open Season

42-94815 B/B 4BS Wright Frivolous Sal

42-94893 D/E 4BS Simpson Hell's Belle

41-29542 B/H 18BS Laskin Rough House Kate LeBaily (CA) (Lead of High Squadron)

42-94757 B/M 18BS Lindstrom The Dugan Wagon (Deputy Lead of High Squadron)

41-28840 B/R 18BS Hansen Smoky

42-94768 B/N 18BS Brain Betty Jayne

42-94889 B/O 18BS Pedigo Patches

41-29518 L/H 18BS Dees Picadilly Lucy

42-94782 B/G 18BS Gipson Off Limits

41-28878 B/J 18BS Parrish The Heavenly Body

42-52637 B/K18BS Kiley

42-94794 B/I 18BS Harris Bachelor's Baby

41-29464 B/Q 18BS Harre The Un-Limited

42-94879 B/D 18BS Paulnock Collapsible Susie

42-94799 E/J 7BS McAllister, Tavasti (CA) Paper Doll (Lead of Low Squadron)

42-94845 E/A 7BS Hardison Miz-Pah (incorrectly listed as 4645.) (Deputy Lead of Low Squadron)

41-29598 E/C 7BS Doell Chesty

41-28851 E/M 7BS Smith, J. C.  The Near Sighted Robin

42-52696 E/N 7BS Swenson Cookie’s Wailing Wall

41-29557 E/L 7BS Brown name unknown at this point

42-94824 E/Q 7BS Hayes Umbriago

41-28877 E/I 7BS Gardner Sooner

41-28865 E/R 7BS McDermott LONI

42-94796 L/Q 7BS Dean Me Worry?

42-94818 E/B 7BS Boshears Captain John Silver

42-52759 E/F 7BS Hollowell Lucille

42-94890 L/J 18BS Coupland Chesty (Airborne spare – returned early)

41-29555 D/I 4BS Armstrong Powerful Katrinka (Airborne spare – returned early)

42-52738 L/O 7BS Holmes Wilson (Airborne spare – returned early)

42-94919 E/D Avriett (unused Ground spare - Lead)

42-94766 L/F Pavlicek Crow's Nest (unused ground spare)

42-94771 L/H (unused ground spare)

41-28880 L/E Winnie the Pooh (unused ground spare)

42-52770 D/N (unused ground spare)

42-94904 B/P Belle of the Brawl (scheduled for Brown, but replaced)


May 29, 1944

Mission #6                                                            Politz

Command Pilot: FANDEL. 36 aircraft were dispatched with 90 tons of bombs, all dropped on the synthetic oil plant. Three planes lost to flak, one of which made it to Sweden and was interned. 19 planes receive major flak damage; four planes receive minor flak damage. Three crewmen in returning planes were wounded. (Roger Freeman, Mighty Eighth War Diary on page 253 lists 8 bombers landing in Sweden including one from the 34BG.) Wounded included Lester E. Brookshire.

Planes and crews:

42-94930 E/S 391BS Baker (Lead of Lead Squadron)

42-94845 E/A 7BS Terry Miz-Pah (Deputy Lead of Lead Squadron)

42-52696 E/N 7BS Swenson Cookie’s Wailing Wall

41-29559 E/P 7BS Alexander Belchin’ Bessie

41-29598 E/C 7BS Hollowell Chesty (took off late and became Airborne spare)

41-28865 E/R 7BS McDermott LONI                          

41-28877 E/I 7BS Gardner Sooner

42-94908 E/E 7BS Holmes Tiger Rag 

42-52759 E/F 7BS Tuttle Lucille 

42-94818 E/B 7BS Dean Captain John Silver 

42-94824 E/Q 7BS Avriett Umbriago

42-94869 D/J 7BS Brown Male Call

42-94919 E/D 7BS Bush  (Lead of High Squadron)

42-94849 L/D 391BS Bower Maid of Fury (Deputy Lead of High Squadron)

42-94890 L/J 391BS Cliff Chesty                         One crewmember wounded. Plane Category “E”

42-94771 L/N 391BS Erwin                                                  One crewmember wounded.

42-94861 L/B 391BS Isley                                                    MIA (see below)

41-29567 D/B 391BS Culver Bambi                   One crewmember wounded.

42-94770 L/I 391BS Smith, O. E. Salutation Rose           MIA (see below)

41-29518 L/H 391BS Meyer Picadilly Lucy

42-52738 L/O 391BS Eastman Wilson

42-94766 L/F 391BS Daniels Crow's Nest 

42-94796 L/Q 391BS Adams Me Worry?                         MIA (see below)

42-94780 L/M 391BS Becker Smitty

42-94757 B/M 18BS Lindstrom The Dugan Wagon (Lead of Low Squadron)

41-29542 B/H 18BS Laskin Rough House Kate  (Deputy Lead of Low Squadron)

42-94815 B/B 18BS Coupland Frivolous Sal  

42-94787 D/C 18BS Parrish Set 'em Up

42-94768 B/N 18BS Blackburn Betty Jayne

42-94879 B/D 18BS Gardner Collapsible Susie

42-94904 B/P 18BS Hansen Belle of the Brawl

42-94782 B/G 18BS Gipson Off Limits

42-94889 B/O 18BS Salveson Patches

42-52496 B/L 18BS Dees 

41-29464 B/Q 18BS Brain The Un-Limited

42-94794 B/I 18BS Kiley Bachelor's Baby

42-94748 L/A 18BS Harris Undecided (Airborne spare)

41-29605 E/K 7BS Hayes unknown name (Airborne spare)

41-28851 E/M 391BS Stewart The Near sighted Robin  (Airborne spare. Flew with 7BS replacing Hollowell.)

42-94911 D/Q Harre Sweet Souix (unused ground spare)

41-28880 L/E Winnie the Pooh (scheduled for Culver, but replaced)


B-24H 42-94861 L/B The Duchess  Missing in Action believed near Tutow Crashed on Island Hallig Hooge? With 391BS. Pilot: Isley. Missing Air Crew Report # 5351. 9 Prisoner of War.

POW ISLEY RAYMOND A (P)                         1 LT            391      O-667717                        SAN ANTONIO TX

POW WEILER EDWIN R (CP)                           2 LT            391      O-570702                        BAYSIDE NY

POW DELDUCA MICHAEL A (N)                   F/O             391      T-61360                          WEST NEWTON PA

POW JANSEN ALFRED M (NT)                      SGT            391      16141296                        CHICAGO IL

POW CRAFT CARL E (TT)                               S/SGT         391      14084894                        BLAKELY GA

POW MAY GERAL A (RO)                               S/SGT         391      36445824                        STONINGTON IL

POW D’AMARIO PAUL F (BT)                       SGT            391      32515068                        PORT CHESTER NY

POW KORENEK ROBERT (WG)                      SGT            391      18155580                        ROWENA TX

POW SABO LOUIS (TG)                                    SGT            391      36178454                        DETROIT MI


B-24H 42-94770 L/I Salutation Rose  Missing in Action believed near Tutow. Crashed at Altenhof, Germany. With 391BS. Pilot: Smith. Missing Air Crew Report # 5349. 1 Killed in Action, 9 Prisoner of War.

POW SMITH OREN E (P)                                   LT               391      O-747340                        CUTLER IL

POW GRAY WARREN E (CP)                           1 LT            391      O-725287                        HOLLYWOOD CA

POW BUTLER DONALD D (N)                        2 LT            391      O-697819                        BRYON OH

KIA NELSON RICHARD E (B)                          2 LT            391      O-697777                        SNOW HILL MD

POW CARTE CLYDE R (NT)                             SGT            391      32853022                        PERU NY

POW GOODE ALBERT E (TT)                          S/SGT         391      39120580                        SAN FRANCISCO CA

POW BENSON CHARLES (RO)                        SGT            391      34664298                        WILMINGTON NC

POW MARTIN JAMES J (BT)                          SGT            391      11082311                        NEWTON MA

POW HORVATH STEVE J (WG)                      SGT            391      33278844                        IMPERIAL PA

POW APPLEGATE CARLTON F (TG)             SGT            391      32750837                        TOUS RIVER NJ


B-24H 42-94796 L/Q Me Worry?  Interned in Sweden. With 391BS Pilot: Adams.  Missing Air

Crew Report #  5350. 9 Interned.

INT ADAMS JAMES F (P)                                2 LT            391      O-809406

INT BARNES RICHARD E (CP)                        2 LT            391      O-813882

INT MUROV ISAAC I (N)                                  2 LT            391      O-700147

INT OLIVER JOHN F (NT)                                 SGT            391      32851635

INT DAVENPORT HANLEY L (E/TT)             T/SGT        391      34381612

INT HALZECK NICHOLAS (RO)                     T/SGT        391      31313765

INT MACKEY WALLACE (BT)                       SGT            391      6680904

INT HYMDS FRANK P (WG)                            SGT            391      38086940

INT LAMB OLIVER R (TG)                                SGT            391      32013560


May 30, 1944                                                      

Mission #7                                                            Diepholz

Command Pilot: BOYD. 24 aircraft dispatched with 72 tons of bombs for this Luftwaffe airfield. 23 planes dropped 68 tons of bombs. One plane had mechanical failure and aborted. One plane was lost Missing in Action due to flak with 9 crewmen also listed Missing in Action.  4 bombers received battle damage. Score: fair to good.

Planes and crew:

41-28851 E/M 18BS Dees The Near Sighted Robin  (Airborne spare – returned early)

42-94908 E/E 391BS Foster Tiger Rag (Airborne spare – took Armstrong’s place) (listed as 9505 but probably flew 4908, which is listed on the formation chart.)

42-94879 B/D 18BS Gardner Collapsible Susie

42-94889 B/O 18BS Salveson Patches

42-94782 B/G 18BS Harris Off Limits

41-28840 B/R 18BS Hansen Smoky MIA (see below)

41-29598 E/C 18BS Brain Chesty

42-94768 B/N 18BS Blackburn Betty Jayne

42-94904 B/P 18BS Paulnock Belle of the Brawl

42-94815 B/B 18BS Coupland Frivolous Sal

41-28878 B/J 18BS Parrish The Heavenly Body

42-94919 E/R 18BS Ralls

42-94757 B/M 18BS Laskin The Dugan Wagon

42-94762 B/K 18BS Harre The Uninvited

41-29522 D/F 4BS Dreher (Airborne spare – returned early)

42-94755 D/D 4BS Timblin Weary Willie

42-94869 D/J 4BS Halbert Male Call

42-94893 D/E 4BS Simpson Hell's Belle

42-94811 D/K 4BS Thrun Tommy Thumper II

42-94824 E/Q 4BS Runyan Umbriago

42-52770 D/N 4BS Johanson The Ruptured Duck

42-94745 D/G 4BS Notman The Bold Sea Rover

41-29566 D/O 4BS Mackey War Eagle

42-52707 D/P 4BS Lewis Open Season (shown on one chart as 9555 but Armstrong aborted in that plane.)

42-94775 D/V 4BS Cook unknown name

42-94787 D/C 4BS Pavlicek Set 'em Up

41-29555 D/I 4BS Armstrong Powerful Katrinka (Aborted – place taken by Foster)

42-94748 L/P Hanson Undecided (unused ground spare – lead)

41-28880 L/E Kiley Winnie the Pooh (unused ground spare on stand by)

42-94780 L/M Wright Smitty (unused ground spare on stand by)

41-29518 L/H Picadilly Lucy (unused ground spare)


B-24H 41-28840 B/R Smoky Missing in Action believed near Rotterdam. Crashed at Rheine. With 18BS. Pilot: Hansen Missing Air Crew Report # 5238. 8 Prisoner of War, 1 Evaded. Crew Chief: Frank Bristo. (The name had not been painted on the plane as yet.)

POW HANSEN, ARTHUR M (P)                      2 LT            18        O-699979                        BROOKLYN NY

POW BOYLE GEORGE F (CP)                            2 LT            18        O-816779                        FREEHOLD NJ

POW KOCH STEPHEN (B)                                2 LT            18        O-694914                        NEW YORK NY

POW ELMO SALVATORE S (TT)                    S/SGT         18        31279796                        NEW HAVEN CT

POW SIMS PAUL N (R)                                     S/SGT         18        15277744                        VIENNA WV

EVD ANTANOVICH ALEX (BT)                      SGT            18        33423824                        COKESBURG PA

POW THOMAS JAMES E (WG)                      SGT            18        19104980                        TULARE CA

POW SZARAS ADOLPH JR (TG)                    SGT            18        12168814                        BUFFALO NY

POW LAYMAN WILLIAM E (NG)                  SGT            18        19103290                        ELCENTRO CA

NOTES: Layman was returned to Military Control April 16, 1945.

Antanovich evaded capture, contacted the underground and was eventually escorted out through Spain. He arrived months later back at Mendlesham to find all his posessions gone. He was rotated back to the states. (see Sturdivan, p.15.)


May 31, 1944

Mission #8                                                            Recalled from Belgium

Command Pilot: LeBAILLY. 24 aircraft were dispatched to a Belgian target with 75 tons of bombs, but recalled due to 10/10-cloud cover. Only 3 tons of bombs were dropped.

Planes and crews

42-94883 L/K 391BS Blair The Hit Parade

42-94748 L/P 391BS Ray Undecided

42-94782 B/G 391BS Stewart Off Limits

42-94762 B/K 391BS Erwin The Uninvited

42-94780 L/M 391BS Becker Smitty

42-94889 B/O 391BS Cliff Patches (Aborted)

42-94794 B/I 391BS Daniels Bachelor's Baby

42-94757 B/M 391BS Eastman The Dugan Wagon

41-29518 L/H 391BS Meyer Picadilly Lucy (incorrectly listed as 4518)

42-52770 D/N 391BS Bower The Ruptured Duck  (incorrectly listed as 370)

41-28880 L/E 391BS Culver Winnie the Pooh

42-94787 D/C 391BS Foster Set 'em Up

42-94919 E/R 7BS Terry

42-94799 E/F 7BS McAlister Paper Doll

41-29598 E/C 7BS Dean Chesty

41-28851 E/M 7BS Smith, J. C.  The Near Sighted Robin

42-94755 D/D 7BS Boshears Weary Willie

42-52707 D/P 7BS Hollowell Open Season

41-29605 E/K 7BS Hayes unknown name

42-94908 E/E 7BS Alexander Tiger Rag

42-94893 D/E 7BS Avriett Hell's Belle

41-28877 E/I 7BS Gardner Sooner

42-52696 E/N 7BS Swenson Cookie’s Wailing Wall

41-29557 E/L 7BS Brown Shadrach (#2)

42-94811 D/K 7BS McDermott Tommy Thumper II  (Airborne spare – returned early)

41-29566 D/O 4BS Runyan War Eagle (Airborne spare - flew the mission)

42-94869 D/J 4BS Pavlicek Male Call (Airborne spare – returned early)

42-94757 B/Q 391BS Hanson The Dugan Wagon (Ground spare – taken over by the Eastman crew)

41-28878 B/J The Heavenly Body scheduled for Eastman but replaced

7BS Tuttle (Ground spare crew – no plane assigned)


B-24H 42-94890 L/J Chesty salvaged with battle damage.