34th Bomb Group Combat Mission Diary: SEPTEMBER 1944 Missions #64-#70

compiled by Gary L. Ferrell


Missions as a B-17 Group in September 1944


The 4BS was reorganized as the nucleus for a Pathfinder squadron to furnish Pathfinder lead crews to the entire 93 Wing, which included the 34BG, 485BG, 490BG, and 493BG. 4BS planes and personnel are therefore rather hard to follow because they could have flown with any of these groups on any given mission.


September 16, 1944

Killed DIXON ROBERT E                                   2LT                         O-825123

Killed BEATSON DOUGLASS                          SGT                        32358737


September 17, 1944           

Mission #64         Tactical targets

Command Pilot: CREER. 51 planes dispatched, all of which bombed, dropping 123 tons of bombs on the primary target. These bomb runs were coordinated with the eastward moving ground troops. On this mission, one crewman was WIA. 51 Credit Sorties. (Cleveland Romero #1. 7 flak holes in the tail of his plane.)

Planes and crew:

43-38410 B/C 18BS Ralls (lead)

43-38325 E/B 18BS Lindstrom (deputy lead)

43-38332 B/Q 18BS Baskin

44-8321 B/F 18BS Salveson

43-38138 B/I 18BS Harris, C. W.  Ole-Timer

44-8283 B/G 18BS Parkhusrt

43-38392 B/E 18BS Brain

43-38268 B/N 18BS Ratcliff

43-38300 B/P 18BS Harris, R. N.

43-38304 B/L 18BS Pedigo

43-38338 B/M 18BS Talbott

43-38373 B/J 18BS Pelszynski

43-38342 H/B 4BS Israelson (lead)

43-38265 E/I 4BS Halbert (deputy lead)

43-38374 B/X 4BS Bowen

43-38331 B/Y 4BS Bice

43-38188 H/C 4BS Heath

43-38286 E/T 4BS Vick

43-38402 L/P 4BS Heiby

43-38280 E/M 4BS Runyon

43-38294 E/O 4BS Hemingway

43-38326 B/U 4BS Timblin

43-38433 B/R 4BS Carter

44-8303 B/K 4BS Alleman

43-38353 E/A 7BS McAllister (lead)

43-38391 E/J  7BS Iverson (deputy lead)

43-38419 E/E 7BS Weaver

44-8309 E/H 7BS Harmon

43-38292 B/A 7BS Bush

43-38367 E/L 7BS Gibson

43-38399 E/Y 7BS Durrett

43-38263 E/N 7BS Mowers

43-38386 E/K 7BS McCage

44-8320 E/G 7BS McDannold

43-38363 E/F 7BS Richardson, Z C.

44-6296 E/R 7BS Granger

43-38372 L/A 391BS Blair

43-38351 L/F 391BS Marsden

43-38299 L/U 391BS Nigg

44-8271 L/O 391BS Becker

43-38380 L/B 391BS Hanson

43-38257 L/T 391BS Sheridan

44-8327 L/R 391BS Meyer

43-37864 L/E 391BS Richart

43-38059 L/M 391BS Foster

43-38382 L/Q 391BS Bagus Queenie

43-38365 L/N 391BS Scharmen

43-38422 L/J 391BS Culver

44-8328 L/C 18BS Hartley (composite Sq. flying with 493BG) 

43-38343 L/I Perry (composite Sq. flying with 493BG)

43-38113 E/S 7BS Winsor Wee Willie's Wolves (composite Sq. flying with 493BG)

43-38415 L/G (scheduled for Sheridan but replaced)

43-38378 L/K (unused ground spare)


September 19, 1944           

Mission #65         Oberwestal, Ebenheim

Command Pilot: LeBAILLY. 37 planes dispatched. 24 planes dropped 79 tons on targets of  opportunity, while 13 failed to bomb. 37 Credit Sorties. (Cleveland Romero #2. Pilot’s seat shot  out. 17 flak holes.)

Planes and crew:

…….646 4BS Griffis (PPF)

43-38342 H/B 4BS Notman

43-38326 B/U 4BS Henderson

43-38419 E/E 4BS Bowen

43-38300 B/P 4BS Runyon

43-38391 E/J  4BS Allenman

44-8309 E/H 4BS Heiby

44-8320 E/G 4BS Carter

43-38363 E/F 4BS Vick

43-38265 E/I 4BS Bice

43-38367 E/L 4BS Anderson

43-38386 E/K 4BS Perry

43-38372 L/A 391BS Ray

44-8328 L/C 391BS Marsden

43-38299 L/U 391BS Nigg

44-8327 L/R 391BS Becker

44-8271 L/O 391BS Meyer

43-38257 L/T 391BS Beyer

43-38422 L/J 391BS Culver

43-37864 L/E 391BS Richart

43-38280 E/M 391BS Scharmen

43-38263 E/N 391BS Palmer

43-38222 L/H 391BS Bagus

43-38415 L/G 391BS Sheridan

43-38343 L/I 391BS Friedel

43-38410 B/C 18BS Hartley

43-38353 E/A 18BS Gipson

43-38304 B/L 18BS Pedigo

43-38373 B/J 18BS Brain (leaflets)

44-8321 B/F 18BS Salveson

43-38113 E/S 18BS Goss Wee Willie's Wolves

43-38332 B/Q 18BS Baskin

44-8283 B/G 18BS Hemingway

44-6296 E/R 18BS Richardson

43-38268 B/N 18BS Ratcliff

44-8303 B/K 18BS Talbot

43-38138 B/I 18BS Harris, C. W. Ole-Timer

43-38338 B/M 18BS Parkhurst

43-38188 H/C (unused ground spare – lead)

43-38380 L/B (unused ground spare – lead)

43-38294 E/O (unused ground spare)

43-38399 E/Y (unused ground spare)

43-38382 L/Q Queenie (unused ground spare)


September 22, 1944           

Mission #66         Kassel

Command Pilot: TAVASTI. 36 planes were dispatched. 34 planes dropped 96 tons on the primary  target and 2 failed to bomb. 2 planes were lost Missing in Action by way of a mid-air collision. 18 crewmen on these two planes were listed as Missing in Action and one crewman was Wounded in  Action. 36 Credit Sorties.

Plane and crew:

……144 I/Q 7BS Tavasti (PPF)

……013 7BS Brunk (PPF)

43-38419 E/E 7BS Richardson

44-8309 E/H 7BS McDannold

43-38351 L/F 7BS Harmon

43-38113 E/S 7BS Winsor Wee Willie's Wolves

43-38399 E/Y 7BS Durrett (Lost – collision) (see below)

43-38286 E/T 7BS Gibson

43-38263 E/N 7BS Mowers

44-6296 E/R 7BS Wright, R. H.

43-38280 E/M 7BS Smith, J. C.

43-38294 E/O 7BS Whited, R. L. (Lost – collision) (see below)

43-38380 L/B 18BS Lindstrom

43-38410 B/C 18BS Gipson

44-8321 B/F 18BS Salveson

43-38373 B/J 18BS Parrish

43-38138 B/I 18BS Harris, C. W.  Ole-Timer

43-38392 B/E 18BS Brain

43-38338 B/M 18BS Gardner, M.

43-38304 B/L 18BS Pedigo

43-38433 B/R 18BS Richardson

44-8303 B/K 18BS Kiley

43-38268 B/N 18BS Ratcliff

43-38300 B/P 18BS Goss

44-8283 B/G 18BS Coupland

44-8328 L/C 391BS Blair

43-38372 L/A 391BS Marsden

43-38299 L/U 391BS Nigg

44-8327 L/R 391BS Becker

44-8271 L/O 391BS Bagus

43-38415 L/G 391BS Sheridan

43-38257 L/T 391BS Pavlicek

43-38422 L/J 391BS Culver

43-38378 L/K 391BS Scharmen

43-37864 L/E 391BS Palmer

43-38343 L/I 391BS Friedel

43-38059 L/M 391BS Foster

43-38382 L/Q 391BS McCage Queenie

43-38391 E/J (scheduled for Harmon but replaced by a spare)

43-38409 B/B (scheduled for Lindstrom but replaced by a spare)

43-38423 L/N (scheduled for Scharmen but replaced by a spare)

43-38402 L/P (unused ground spare)


B-17G 43-38294 E/O The Wrangler With 7BS. Missing in Action Kassel mid-air collision. The  collision occurred as the planes uncovered for the bomb run and was thought to be caused  by prop wash which caused this plane, flying in position 3-2, to drop down onto 43-38399,  which was in position 4-1. This plane sustained damage to the wing as its #3 engine sheared the tail assembly from the other plane. It dropped of on its right wing going straight  down, exploding about 5,000 feet below the formation. As many as five chutes were seen and 5 crewmembers did survive to be taken Prisoners of War. Crashed Buren, Germany. Pilot: Whited. Missing Air Crew Report  # 10199. 4 Killed in Action, 5 Prisoner of War.

KIA WHITED RICHARD L (P)                          1 LT        7              O-1293688              RAPATTE IL                        30

POW McDERMOTT MYRON DEAN (CP)     1 LT        7              O-809018                                                                28

POW JORGENSON WAYNE LEO (N)              1 LT        7              O-703267                                                                22

POW LAMBERT HENRY KENNETH (B)        1 LT        7              O-695504                                                                28

KIA MOYER EDWIN N (E/TT)                         T/SGT    7              39249001                WHITTIER CA                     29

KIA WASHCO MARCEL A V (R)                    SGT        7              32737793                BINGHAMPTON NY          5

POW MINK CLAYTON ALBERT (BT)           S/SGT     7              12005431                                                                22

KIA GARMAN WALLACE C (TG)                  S/SGT     7              36657196                STERLING IL                        26

POW BRAUKS WALLACE GEORGE (WG)   S/SGT     7              17073803                                                                25


GARMAN WALLACE C is buried at Cambridge American Cemetery, D-2-10.

WASHCO MARCEL A V is listed on the Wall of the Missing at Henri-Chapelle American Cemetery.

WHITED RICHARD L is buried at Cambridge American Cemetery, D-2-24. (Awarded DFC, AM/3OLC, PH)


B-17G 43-38399 E/Y With 7th Sq. Missing in Action Kassel mid-air collision. The plane 43-38294,  flying position 3-2 dropped down onto this plane, which was in position 4-1. This plane’s tail assembly was sheered off. The plane winged over onto its back and went into a right spin, smoking as it went down. Crashed Buren, Germany. Pilot: Durrett. Missing Air Crew Report # 10200. 9 Killed in Action.

KIA DURRETT STANLEY E (P)                       F/O         7              T-061615                BURLINGTON IA                26

KIA STRINGHAM DANIEL D (CP)                 1 LT        7              O-759522                MANCOS CO                       19

KIA BOOTH RICHARD T (N)                           2 LT        7              O-699921                MONROE WI                       26

KIA FERGUSON KENNETH R (B)                    2 LT        7              O-694910                DETROIT MI                        22

KIA WELSH DAVID S (E/TT)                           T/SGT    7              33169890                YORK PA                              27

KIA ROBERTS CHARLES JR (R)                      T/SGT    7              15394156                CINCINNATI OH                 28

KIA PALMER JAY W (BT)                               S/SGT     7              20312729                GROVE CITY PA                  25           


KIA WINGFIELD PAUL L (WG)                       S/SGT     7              33538050                CHARLOTTESVILLE VA   26

KIA HUDSON WILLIAM O (TG)                     S/SGT     7              15327404                GREENVILLE OH                 23


BOOTH RICHARD T is buried at Cambridge American Cemetery, D-2-17.

DURRANT STANLEY E is buried at Cambridge American Cemetery, B-38-14.

STRINGHAM DANIEL D is buried at Cambridge American Cemetery, D-2-15.

WELSH DAVID S is buried at Cambridge American Cemetery, D-2-42.

WINGFIELD PAUL L is buried at Cambridge American Cemetery, D-21-18.


September 25, 1944           

Mission #67         Ludwigshaven

Command Pilot: FANDEL. 36 planes were dispatched. 35 planes dropped 102 tons on the primary target and one plane failed to bomb. 36 Credit Sorties.

Planes and crew:

…….144 I/Q 391BS Bastion

…….633 C/M 391BS Blackburn

43-38422 L/J 391BS Culver

43-38299 L/U 391BS Nigg

43-38351 L/F 391BS Marsden

43-38415 L/G 391BS Sheridan

43-38423 L/N 391BS Scharmen

43-38257 L/T 391BS Beyer

43-38343 L/I 391BS Friedel

43-37864 L/E 391BS Richart

43-38059 L/M 391BS Palmer

43-38378 L/K 391BS Murphy

43-38188 H/C 4BS Heath

43-38334 H/A 4BS Runyon

43-38419 E/E 4BS Alleman

43-38363 E/F 4BS Bowen

44-8309 E/H 4BS Bice

43-38391 E/J  4BS Harmon

43-38386 E/K 4BS Pavlicek

43-38265 E/I 4BS McCage

43-38367 E/L 4BS Ames

43-38263 E/N 4BS Timblin

43-38280 E/M 4BS Smith, J. C., Jr.

44-6296 E/R 4BS Wright

44-6465 E/O 4BS Carter Fancy Nancy

43-38410 B/C 18BS Ralls

43-38292 B/A 18BS Gipson

43-38419 E/E 18BS Coupland

43-38304 B/L 18BS Kiley

43-38392 B/E 18BS Parrish

43-38326 B/U 18BS Pelszynski

43-38433 B/R 18BS Ratcliff

43-38332 B/Q 18BS Baskin

43-38300 B/P 18BS Harris, R. N.

43-38338 B/M 18BS Gardner, M.

44-8321 B/F 18BS Talbott

43-38331 B/Y 18BS Perry

43-38374 B/X 18BS Parkhurst

44-8283 B/G (scheduled for Coupland but replaced)

44-8328 L/C (unused ground spare – lead)

43-38380 L/B (unused ground spare – lead)

44-8320 E/G (unused ground spare)

43-38113 E/S Wee Willie's Wolves (unused ground spare)

44-8327 L/R (unused ground spare)


September 26, 1944           

Mission #68         Bremen

Command Pilot: CRABTREE. 36 planes were dispatched. 33 planes dropped 95 tons on the primary target and 3 failed to bomb. Two crewmen were Wounded in Action. 34 Credit Sorties. While fuelling the planes for this mission, KEITH M ANDERSON 35173495 earned a SOLDIER'S MEDAL when a gun in Crew Chief Dexter Jordan's plane discharged into the fuel truck setting it on fire. Sgt. Anderson quickly disconnected from the plane and then drove the burning truck out onto the field, away from the flight line so as not to endanger the bomb-laden aircraft.

Planes and crew:

44-8112 H/D 18BS Baker (PFF)

43-38300 B/P 18BS Harris, R. N.

43-38338 B/M 18BS Gardner, M. L.

43-38373 B/J 18BS Parrish

43-38374 B/X 18BS Parkhusrt

43-38304 B/L 18BS Richardson, L. S.

43-38138 B/I 18BS Goss Ole-Timer

44-8283 B/G 18BS Coupland (Photographer T/Sgt Shepherd G. Litsey Lightly Wounded in Action and sent to 65th General Hospital.)

43-38332 B/Q 18BS Kiley

43-38331 B/Y 18BS Perry

43-38433 B/R 18BS Hemingway

43-38416 E/C 7BS Bush

43-38280 E/M 7BS Smith, J. C. 

43-38334 H/A 7BS Iverson

43-38391 E/J  7BS Harmon

44-8309 E/H 7BS McDannold

43-38286 E/T 7BS Zarfoss

43-38419 E/E 7BS Weaver

43-38113 E/S 7BS Winsor Wee Willie's Wolves

43-38367 E/L 7BS Ames

43-38363 E/F 7BS Carter

44-8263 E/Y 7BS Finch

43-38386 E/K 7BS Pavlicek

43-38265 E/I 7BS Vick

43-38342 H/B 4BS Notman

43-38422 L/J 4BS Bowen

43-38188 H/C 4BS Runyon

44-8327 L/R 4BS Schwartz

43-37864 L/E 4BS Thrun

44-8271 L/O 4BS Bice

43-38351 L/F 4BS Henderson

44-8320 E/G 4BS Timblin

43-38415 L/G 4BS Heiby

43-38263 E/N 4BS McCage

44-6465 E/O 4BS Austin Fancy Nancy

44-6296 E/R 4BS Wright

43-38378 L/K 4BS Murphy

44-8176 493BG McFarland (PFF)

44-8015 452BG Croft (PFF)

43-38372 L/A (unused ground spare – lead)

43-38222 L/H (unused ground spare)

43-38402 L/P (unused ground spare)

43-38382 L/Q Queenie  (unused ground spare)


September 27, 1944

Mission #69         Ludwigshaven

Command Pilot: BURTON. 36 planes were dispatched and 35 were airborne. 33 planes dropped 99 tons on the primary target and 2 failed to bomb. One aircraft was lost to flak. 10 crewmen were listed Missing in Action and 1 as Killed in Action. 34 Credit Sorties.

Planes and crew:

44-8185 H/P 391BS Blackburn            Lost – MIA See below.

44-8146 C/F 391BS Colburn

43-38422 L/J 391BS Culver Major damage

43-38351 L/F 391BS Marsden             Major damage

43-38299 L/U 391BS Nigg

43-38382 L/Q 391BS Whited, R. H. Queenie (Major damage)

43-38257 L/T 391BS Beyer  (Major damage – one crewman wounded)

43-38423 L/N 391BS Scharmen (Major damage – one crewman wounded: Dotson (KIA) died of injuries)

43-38343 L/I 391BS Friedel  (Major damage – one crewman wounded)

43-37864 L/E 391BS Richart

43-38378 L/K 391BS Murphy

43-38268 B/N 391BS Goss

43-38410 B/C 18BS Hartley

43-38409 B/B 18BS Gipson

43-38338 B/M 18BS Gardner, M. L.

43-38433 B/R 18BS Perry

44-8303 B/K 18BS Kiley

44-6296 E/R 18BS Coupland

43-38326 B/U 18BS Pelsznyski

44-8271 L/O 18BS Parrish

44-8327 L/R 18BS Vick

43-38374 B/X 18BS Parkhurst

43-38222 L/H 18BS Harris, R. N.

43-38059 L/M 18BS Talbott

43-38402 L/P 18BS Hemingway

43-38416 E/C 7BS McAllister

43-38325 E/B 7BS Iverson

43-38280 E/M 7BS Smith, J. C.

43-38263 E/N 7BS Mowers

43-38391 E/J  7BS Harmon

44-8320 E/G 7BS Gibson

43-38113 E/S 7BS Winsor Wee Willie's Wolves

43-38419 E/E 7BS Weaver

43-38363 E/F 7BS Richardson

44-8309 E/H 7BS McDannold

43-38286 E/T 7BS Zarfoss

43-38386 E/K 7BS Pavlicek

44-8200 H/H Alexander (Flying with 493BG)

44-8158 H/F Fischer (PFF) (Flying with 490BG)

4x-xx992 H/G McNulty (PFF) (Flying with 490BG)

43-38415 L/G (scheduled for Coupland but replaced.)

44-8263 E/Y (scheduled for Finch but cancelled, did not fly)

43-38372 L/A (unused ground spare – lead)

43-38188 H/C (unused ground spare – lead)

44-6465 E/O Fancy Nancy (unused ground spare)

43-38265 E/I (unused ground spare)


B-17G 44-8185 H/P Mean Kid Missing in Action Ludwigshaven by flak. #2 engine and trailing edge of the left wing on fire. Stayed in formation 2-3 minutes while up to 3 crewmembers bailed out. Made 90 degree turn and jettisoned bombs while at least one more crewman bailed out. Made another 90 degree turn going into a  steep dive, apparently trying to put out the fire. Last seen apparently under control, holding altitude with #2  engine feathered but still on fire. Crashed Stromburg, Germany. Pilot: Capt. Blackburn. Missing Air Crew Report # 9367. 11 Prisoner of War.

POW BLACKBUN JAMES R (P)                      CAPT     4              O-433454                                                                15

POW LIAN ELMER T (CP)                                1 LT        4              O-386909                                                                14

KIA ORR CURTIS E (N)                                     1 LT        4              O-703295                HOUSTON TX                     12

POW PEARCE ROBERT C (B)                           1 LT        4              O-684190

POW HUEBLER ROBERT O (TT)                     T/SGT    4              32720094                                                                12

POW OYSTER JOHN B (R)                                T/SGT    4              33452904                                                                12

POW WOLF JOHN E (WG)                                S/SGT     4              13075161                                                                13

POW STELLMACH ROBERT E (N)                 1 LT        391          O-704085                                               

POW BURTON HOWARD C (Com P)             MAJ       HQ          O-364882                                                                13

POW DAVIS WALTER (Mickey Op)               2 LT        94BG       O-677189                                                                1

POW DENTER JOHN J (NG)                              S/SGT     4              32856371                                                                11

NOTE: Orr is also listed in one source as POW.


On B-17G 43-38423 L/N Piloted by SCHARMON

KIA DOTSON GEORGE R (NG)                         S/SGT     391          38451345                AR


DOTSON GEORGE R is buried at Cambridge American Cemetery, F-1-4 (Awarded DFC, AM/3OLC, PH)


September 28, 1944           

Mission #70         Merseburg

Command Pilot: CREER. 36 planes were dispatched. 29 planes dropped 73 tons on the primary target, 3 planes

dropped 8 tons on targets of opportunity and 4 failed to bomb. One plane was lost Missing in Action to flak. 9

crewmen were listed Missing in Action. 33 Credit Sorties. Score; fair, possibly good.

Planes and crew:

44-8200 H/H 4BS Baker

44-8156 H/V 4BS McFarland

44-8303 B/K 4BS Schwartz  MIA. See below.

43-38416 E/C 4BS Johanson

43-38334 H/A 4BS Bowen

43-38326 B/U 4BS Runyan

43-38331 B/Y 4BS Bice

43-38332 B/Q 4BS Timblin (Navigator 1Lt Richard H. Golterman O-703728 Lightly Wounded in Action and sent to 65th General Hospital.)

43-38403 H/U 18BS Harris, R. N.

44-8271 L/O 4BS Thrun

44-8282 H/W 7BS Carter

43-38406 L/S 4BS Anderson

44-8328 L/C 391BS Blair

43-38380 L/B 391BS Bower

44-8327 L/R 391BS Culver

43-38299 L/U 391BS Nigg

43-38059 L/M 391BS Beyer

43-38265 E/I 391BS Whited

44-6465 E/O 391BS Friedel Fancy Nancy

43-38374 B/X 18BS Parkhurst (incorrectly shown as E/X)

43-37864 L/E 391BS Richart

44-6296 E/R 18BS Hemingway

43-38391 E/J  7BS Harmon

43-38402 L/P 391BS Marsden

43-38378 L/K 391BS Murphy

43-38188 H/C 7BS Bush

43-38325 E/B 7BS Iverson

43-38280 E/M 7BS Smith, J. C. 

44-8309 E/H 7BS McDannold

43-38410 B/C 7BS Mowers

44-8263 E/Y 7BS Finch

43-38386 E/K 7BS Vick

43-38113 E/S 7BS Winsor Wee Willie's Wolves

43-38367 E/L 7BS Ames

43-38363 E/F 7BS Richardson

44-8320 E/G 7BS Gipson

43-38286 E/T 7BS Zarfoss

43-38419 E/E 7BS Weaver

44-8150 H/R Wesson (PFF) flew with 490BG

44-8158 H/F Fisher (PFF) flew with 490BG

43-38268 B/N (scheduled for Bowen but replaced.)

43-38386 E/K (scheduled for Harmon but flown by Vick.)

43-38263 E/N (scheduled for Mowers but replaced.)

43-38391 E/J  (scheduled for Vick but flown by Harmon.)

43-38292 B/A (unused ground spare – lead)

43-38334 H/A (unused ground spare)


B-17G 44-8303 B/K Sustained a direct flak hit between #2 engine and the fuselage, immediately bursting into flames which envelope the entire plane. The plane pulled out of the formation, saving other aircraft in the formation, and went into a spin. The aircraft exploded after about three turns at about 12,000 feet. Some crews saw maybe two chutes. Missing Air Crew Report unnumbered? Check #9368

KIA SCHWARTZ SERAPHIN E (P)                 2 LT        4              O-817543                ROCHESTER NY                  15

KIA EIKE RICHARD J (CP)                               2 LT        4              O-820975                ROCHESTER NY                  14

POW SMITH THOMAS H (N)                          1 LT        4              O-702973                                                                28

KIA McBEE IRA C (B)                                        F/O         18            T-123076                EUREKA SPRINGS AR       28

KIA RENTZ BENNETT J (NT)                          S/SGT     4              37563573                MANKATO MN                  14           

KIA BAKER LESLIE H (E/TT)                           T/SGT    4              34670946                RED SPRINGS NC                14

KIA PAYNE DAVID W (R)                                S/SGT     4              38158364                SAN ANTONIO TX            3

POW WALTERS EARL O (WG)                       S/SGT     4              33633012                                                                12

KIA DOUGLAS HENRY L (TG)                         S/SGT     4              14092282                LA FOLLETTE TN               9


BAKER LESLIE H is buried at the Netherlands American Cemetery, A-19-4.

RENTZ BENNETT J is buried at the Netherlands American Cemetery, P-15-13.


September 30, 1944

4x-xx143 H/V McNulty (PFF) flew with 490BG

44-8158 H/F Fisher (PFF) flew with 490BG