34th Bomb Group Combat Mission Diary: JANUARY 1945 Missions #107-#

compiled by Gary L Ferrell


Missions as a B-17 Group in January 1945


January 1, 1945

B-17G 43-38406 L/W badly damaged by strafing on the ground at Brussels. Salvaged 2-1-45 See photo on

page 413 in Roger Freeman Mighty Eighth War Diary.)


January 2, 1945

Mission #107       Bad Kreuznach

Command Pilot: HERSHENOW. 38 planes dispatched. 36 planes dropped 105 tons on the primary target while 2 planes failed to bomb. 36 Credit Sorties. One plane was lost to flak and 10 crewmembers were listed as Missing in Action.

Planes and crew:

44-8237 H/I 4BS Baker (PFF)

43-38325 H/B 4BS Kimmerle

43-38343 L/I 391BS Blum

43-38365 L/S 391BS Isaacs

43-37864 L/E 391BS Felker

43-38415 L/G 391BS Hansen

43-38372 L/A 391BS Sherman

43-38380 L/B 391BS Baker, L.  (incorrectly listed as L/S)

44-8327 L/R 391BS Ettlebrick

44-8271 L/O 391BS Hammersrley       Aborted - mechanical

44-8320 E/G 391BS McLean

43-38378 L/K 391BS Smith

44-8356 H/N 4BS Richardson, Z. C.

43-38292 H/R 4BS Hofmann               MIA. See below.

43-38338 B/M 18BS Nass

44-8321 B/F 18BS Jones, W. S.

43-38953 B/D 18BS Goss

44-8282 B/V 18BS Lerch

44-8283 B/G 18BS Abrams

43-38392 B/E 18BS Knowlton

43-38373 B/J 18BS Peede

43-38332 B/Q 18BS Kyser

43-38433 B/R 18BS Bouldin

43-38374 B/X 18BS Mann

43-38326 B/U 18BS Ratcliff

44-8457 H/G 4BS Perry (PFF)

43-38402 H/P 4BS Gibson

43-38286 E/T 7BS Raver

43-38391 E/J  7BS Mowers

43-38987 E/F 7BS Vick

43-38113 E/S 7BS Peterson Wee Willie's Wolves

43-38280 E/M 7BS MacTaggart

43-38367 E/L 7BS Ames

43-38382 L/Q 7BS O’Grady Queenie

43-38386 E/K 7BS Barbaras

44-6296 E/R 7BS James

44-8309 E/H 7BS Roscher

44-8263 E/Y 7BS Giardini

44-8482 H/A Thaete and Hartley VHF Relay Aircraft

44-8235 H/X (unused ground spare – PFF)

43-38416 H/C (unused ground spare – lead)

43-38991 H/Z (unused ground spare – lead) (incorrectly listed as L/Z)

43-38299 L/U (unused ground spare)


B-17G 43-38292 H/R Missing in Action. This aircraft was last seen shortly after take-off. It never joined the formation at any time. The control tower and the Command pilots in the formation report that this aircraft never made any raido contact after take-off. Circumstances of the loss are unknown. With 4BS. Pilot: Hofmann. Missing Air Crew Report # 11566. 10 Killed in Action.

KIA HOFMANN ROGER P (P)                          1 LT        4              O-825171                NORTH BERGEN NJ           11

KIA JOHNSON WARREN L (CP)                     2 LT        4              O-775379                ALAMEDA CA                   12

KIA REED RICHARD O (N)                               2 LT        4              O-2061050              SAN BERNARDINO CA    11

KIA BROWN HERMAN S (B)                           2 LT        4              O-722690                BROOKLYN NY                   12

KIA BACHMAN FORD F B (MO)                    1 LT        4              O-375608                LEXINGTON TX                  7

KIA REITMAN ELMER LOUIS (TT)               T/SGT    4              35684931                MELBOURNE NY                11

KIA SUMMERS JACK C (R)                             T/SGT    4              35215548                COLUMBUS OH                  11

KIA SCOTT PERRY L JR (TG)                           S/SGT     4              35143723                CASPER WY                        23

KIA SUMPTER NARVIE E (BT)                       S/SGT     4              17009107                FORT WORTH TX              18

KIA UNKLESBEE MERVIN F (WG)                 S/SGT     4              33743007                WASHINGTON DC             11


BACHMAN FORD F B is listed on the Wall of the Missing at the Cambridge American Cemetery.

BROWN HERMAN S is listed on the Wall of the Missing at the Cambridge American Cemetery.

HOFMANN ROGER P is listed on the Wall of the Missing at the Cambridge American Cemetery.

JOHNSON WARREN L is listed on the Wall of the Missing at the Cambridge American Cemetery.

REED RICHARD O is listed on the Wall of the Missing at the Cambridge American Cemetery.

REITMAN ELMER L is listed on the Wall of the Missing at the Cambridge American Cemetery.

SCOTT PERCY L JR. is listed on the Wall of the Missing at the Cambridge American Cemetery.

SUMERS JACK C is listed on the Wall of the Missing at the Cambridge American Cemetery.

SUMPTER NARVIE E is listed on the Wall of the Missing at the Cambridge American Cemetery.

UNKLESBEE MERVIN F is listed on the Wall of the Missing at the Cambridge American Cemetery.


B-17G 43-39406 L/W Salvaged in Belgium from damage on 26-2-45 mission & 1-1-45 strafing.


January 3, 1945

Mission #108       Pforzheim, Aschaffenburg

Command Pilot: TAVASTI. 38 planes dispatched. 24 planes dropped 66 tons on the primary target. 13 planes dropped 30 tons on targets of opportunity and 1 plane failed to bomb. 37 Credit Sorties.

Planes and crew:

44-8356 H/N 18BS Perry (PFF)

43-38402 H/P 18BS Kimmerle

43-38433 B/R 18BS Bouldin

43-38953 B/D 18BS Goss

43-38392 B/E 18BS Richardson, L.

43-38304 B/L 18BS Mann

43-38138 B/I 18BS Mote Ole-Timer

43-38326 B/U 18BS Ratcliff

44-8283 B/G 18BS Abrams

43-38338 B/M 18BS Nass

43-38332 B/Q 18BS Springer

44-8282 B/V 18BS Lerch

44-8237 H/I 7BS Richardson, Z. (PFF)

43-38991 H/Z 7BS Gibson

43-38286 E/T 7BS Raver

44-8320 E/G 7BS Mowers

43-38391 E/J  7BS Vick

44-6296 E/R 7BS Wright

44-8263 E/Y 7BS Weaver

44-6826 E/C 7BS Sheesley

44-6822 E/B 7BS O’Grady

44-8309 E/H 7BS Giardini

43-38972 L/C 7BS Barbaras

43-38987 E/F 7BS James

43-38386 E/K 7BS Roscher

44-8457 H/G 391BS Livingston (PFF)

43-38416 H/C 391BS Sain

43-38343 L/I 391BS Jones, J. L.

43-38365 L/S 391BS Isaacs

43-37864 L/E 391BS Felker

43-38415 L/G 391BS Hansen

43-38380 L/B 391BS Baker, L. A.

43-38378 L/K 391BS Smith

43-38257 L/T 391BS Hammersley

43-38367 E/L 391BS Ames

43-38113 E/S 391BS Peterson Wee Willie's Wolves            Aborted – jettisoned bombs in the channel.

43-38280 E/M 391BS MacTaggart

43-38299 L/U 391BS Blum

44-8176 H/Q Daniels & Freeman        Weather and Monitor Aircraft

43-38374 B/X (scheduled for Mote but replaced.)

43-38410 H/J (unused ground spare – lead)

44-8482 H/A (unused ground spare –PFF)

44-8629 L/D (unused ground spare)

43-38789 L/F (unused ground spare)


January 5, 1945

B-17G 43-38304 B/L  crash landed and salvaged with non-battle damage


January 7, 1945

Mission #109       Bielefeld

Command Pilot: BRUNK. 38 planes dispatched. 36 planes dropped 104 tons on the primary target and two failed to bomb. 36 Credit Sorties.

Planes and crew:

44-8237 H/I 7BS Iverson (PFF)

43-38325 H/B 7BS Gibson

43-38286 E/T 7BS Raver

43-38391 E/J  7BS Henderson

43-38263 E/N 7BS Mowers

43-38416 E/C 7BS O’Grady

44-6826 E/D 7BS Sheesley

44-8309 E/H 7BS Weaver

43-38280 E/M 7BS MacTaggart

43-38367 E/L 7BS Ames

44-8263 E/Y 7BS Roscher

43-38386 E/K 7BS James

44-8482 H/A 391BS Livingston (PFF)

43-38410 H/J 391BS Daniels

43-38372 L/A 391BS Sherman

43-37864 L/E 391BS Hammersley       Aborted - #4 out.

43-38365 L/S 391BS Isaacs

43-38789 L/F 391BS Blum

44-8629 L/D 391BS Hansen

43-38299 L/U 391BS Anderson

43-38972 L/C 391BS Latz

43-38343 L/I 391BS Jones, J. L.

43-38380 L/B 391BS Baker

43-38257 L/T 391BS Feldman             Aborted - #2 out.

44-8327 L/R 391BS Smith

44-8441 H/S 18BS Benedict (PFF)

43-38991 H/Z 18BS Felker

43-38374 B/X 18BS Mote

44-8529 B/A 18BS Jones, W. S.

43-38378 L/K 18BS Nass

43-38326 B/U 18BS Ratcliff

44-8282 B/V 18BS Hemingway

43-38392 B/E 18BS Knowlton

44-8283 B/G 18BS Abrams

43-38953 B/D 18BS Goss

43-38409 B/B 18BS Gustofson

44-8321 B/F 18BS Rainey

43-38332 B/Q 18BS Fiedler

43-38415 L/G (scheduled for J. L. Jones but replaced)

43-38338 B/M (scheduled for Nass but replaced)

44-8356 H/N (unused ground spare – PFF)

43-38959 H/R (unused ground spare – lead)

44-6296 E/R (unused ground spare)

43-38987 E/F (unused ground spare)

43-38331 B/Y (unused ground spare)


January 10, 1945

Mission #110       Cologne

Command Pilot: CRABTREE. 33 planes dispatched. 31 planes dropped 90 tons on the primary target while one plane dropped 3 tons on a target of opportunity and one plane failed to bomb. 32 Credit Sorties.  (Cleveland Romero #19. “Took off in snow & ice on runway. 2 holes in left horizontal stabilizer, piece of flak came thru plexiglass nose from above. Close shave.”)

Planes and crew:

44-8237 H/I 391BS Perry (MH)

44-8441 H/S 391BS Alling

43-38367 E/L 391BS Sherman

44-8271 L/O 391BS Hammersley

43-38365 L/S 391BS Isaacs

43-38789 L/F 391BS Smith

44-8629 L/D 391BS Hansen                Major damage

43-38972 L/C 391BS Jones, J.

43-38380 L/B 391BS Baker, L.

43-38343 L/I 391BS Werth  Oxygen system went out 2 minutes before target – Bombardier helping Engineer

44-8457 H/G 18BS Dunham (MH)

43-38991 H/Z 18BS Kimmerle

43-38409 B/B 18BS Springer

43-38373 B/J 18BS Peede

43-38331 B/Y 18BS Nass

44-8283 B/G 18BS Fiedler

43-38138 B/I 18BS Mann Ole-Timer

44-8321 B/F 18BS Rainey

43-38338 B/M 18BS Gustofson

43-38433 B/R 18BS Hemingway

44-8529 B/A 18BS Jones, W.

44-8356 H/N 7BS Richardson, (MH)

43-38325 H/B 7BS Gibson

44-8263 E/Y 47BS McLean

43-38263 E/N 7BS Vick

43-38391 E/J  7BS Henderson             Aborted - #3 turbo out

43-38416 E/C 7BS Giardini

44-6465 E/O 7BS Barbaras Fancy Nancy

43-38280 E/M 7BS Weaver

43-38386 E/K 7BS Austin

44-8309 E/H 7BS Carter       Leaflets only.

43-38113 E/S 7BS Davis Wee Willie's Wolves

44-6826 E/D 7BS Sheesley

43-38402 L/P 391BS Anderson           Failed to take off.

43-38415 L/G 391BS Moore                Failed to take off.

43-38953 B/D 18BS Mote    Failed to take off.

43-38392 B/E 18BS Thaete  Failed to take off.

44-6296 E/R 7BS Wright      Failed to take off.

43-38326 B/U (scheduled for Hemingway but replaced)

43-38410 H/J (unused ground spare – lead)

44-8112 H/D (unused ground spare –PFF)

43-38987 E/F (unused ground spare)


January 13, 1945

Mission #111       Bischofsheim

Command Pilot: FANDEL. 38 planes dispatched. 35 planes dropped 88 tons on the primary target and 3 planes failed to bomb. 35 Credit Sorties. Two crewmembers were listed as Wounded in Action.

Planes and crew:

44-8356 H/N 18BS Iverson (MH)

44-8112 H/D 18BS Day

43-38433 B/R 18BS Bouldin

43-38409 B/B 18BS Rainey

43-38326 B/U 18BS Ratcliff

43-38338 B/M 18BS Lerch

44-8529 B/A 18BS Thaete   Landed away.

43-38373 B/J 18BS Peede    One man WIA

43-38374 B/X 18BS Mote

43-38953 B/D 18BS Goss

43-38392 B/E 18BS Tigges

43-38138 B/I 18BS Mann Ole-Timer

44-8441 H/S 7BS Richardson, Z. (MH)

44-6822 H/E 7BS Kimmerle

44-8309 E/H 7BS Carter       Aborted - #4 engine out.

44-8320 E/G 7BS McLean    Landed away. Major damage.

44-6826 E/D 7BS Henderson

43-38416 E/C 7BS Giardini

44-6465 E/O 7BS Barbaras Fancy Nancy

43-38386 E/K 7BS Austin    One man WIA.

44-6296 E/R 7BS Wright

43-38286 E/T 7BS Raver      Aborted - #2 engine out.

43-38987 E/F 7BS Davis

43-38367 E/L 7BS Roscher

43-38419 E/E 7BS James

44-8237 H/I 391BS Livingston (MH)

43-38959 H/R 391BS Gibson

43-38402 L/P 391BS Jones, J. L.

44-8271 L/O 391BS Felker

43-38365 L/S 391BS Isaacs

43-38343 L/I 391BS Sherman

43-38380 L/B 391BS Baker

43-38378 L/K 391BS Smith

44-8629 L/D 391BS Latz

43-38299 L/U 391BS Anderson

43-38257 L/T 391BS Feldman

43-38415 L/G 391BS Moore

43-38789 L/F 391BS Blum

43-38325 H/B Daniels & Crabtree      Weather and Monitor Aircraft

44-8235 H/X (scheduled for Z. Richardson but replaced)

44-8263 E/Y (schedule for Giardini but replaced)

43-38410 H/J (unused ground spare – lead)

43-38331 B/Y (unused ground spare)

43-38113 E/S Wee Willie's Wolves (unused ground spare)

43-38263 E/N (unused ground spare)


B-17G 44-8529 B/A salvaged with battle damage


January 14, 1945

Mission #112       Derben

Command Pilot: HERSHENOW. 39 planes dispatched. 32 planes dropped 95 tons on the primary target. 2 planes dropped 6 tons on targets of opportunity and 5 planes failed to bomb. 34 Credit Sorties. 2 planes were lost due to flak and 18 crewmembers were listed as Missing in Action.

Planes and crew:

44-8237 H/I 7BS Pelszynski (PFF)

44-8482 H/A 7BS Sain (PFF)

44-8263 E/Y 7BS Carter        Lost MIA. See below

43-38416 E/C 7BS Vick

43-38367 E/L 7BS Henderson

43-38280 E/M 7BS MacTaggart

43-38113 E/S 7BS Peterson Wee Willie's Wolves  Major damage.

43-38386 E/K 7BS Austin

44-6296 E/R 7BS Wright

43-38987 E/F 7BS Davis

43-38419 E/E 7BS Raver      Lost MIA. See below.

44-6826 E/D 7BS Sheesley

44-8441 H/S 391BS Benedict (PFF)

43-38991 H/Z 391BS Gibson

43-38382 L/Q 391BS Jones, J.  Queenie

43-37864 L/E 391BS Felker

43-38365 L/S 391BS Isaacs Aborted.

43-38972 L/C 391BS Latz

43-38378 L/K 391BS Smith

43-38343 L/I 391BS Sherman

44-8629 L/D 391BS Moore

43-38257 L/T 391BS Fledman

43-38402 L/P 391BS Anderson           Dropped 7 bombs, brought back 5 – rack malfunction

43-38789 L/F 391BS Blum

43-38380 L/B 391BS Baker

44-8112 H/D 18BS Dunham (PFF)

43-38410 H/J 18BS Kimmerle

44-8282 B/V 18BS Lerch

43-38332 B/Q 18BS Gustofson

43-38953 B/D 18BS Goss

43-38326 B/U 18BS Fiedler

43-38392 B/E 18BS Peede

43-38433 B/R 18BS Abrams

43-38138 B/I 18BS Mann Ole-Timer     Aborted - #1 engine out. Jettisoned bombs.

43-38331 B/Y 18BS Knowlton

43-38409 B/B 18BS Butler

43-38374 B/X 18BS Rainey

43-38338 B/M 18BS Kennedy

44-8235 H/X (scheduled for Benedict but replaced)

43-38325 H/B (unused ground spare – lead)

43-38263 E/N (unused ground spare)

44-8271 L/O (unused ground spare)

43-38373 B/J (unused ground spare)


B-17G 43-38419 E/E Missing in Action Derben flak. Aircraft was hit by flak in the right wing. Aircraft rolled over almost like in a slow roll, during which time the outer wing panel tore away, just to the left of the outer engine nacelle. All four engines were still running as the aircraft went into a spin, going straight down. No fires were seen and no chutes observed. Some crews report this plane as exploding at about 15,000 feet. Crashed Eggenstedt, Germany. With 7BS. Pilot: Raver. Missing Air Crew Report  # 11567. 7 Killed in Action, 2 Prisoner of War.

KIA RAVER JACOB T (P)                                  2 LT        7              O-767647                GLEN ROCK PA                   32

KIA KIEFER DEANE W (CP)                            2 LT        7              O-721117                LAWRENCE KS                   1

KIA ZUMPANO JOSEPH L (B)                         1 LT        7              O-698626                WILKES BARRE PA           34

KIA HUHTA WILLIAM O (R)                          T/SGT    7              15374748                ASHTABULA OH               31

KIA SINGER JOHN L (E)                                    T/SGT    7              36480864                PONTIAC IL                         32

KIA BAILEY EDWIN C (TG)                             SGT        7              17149190                RED OAK IA                        1

KIA FRANCIS DAVID (Tog)                            S/SGT     7              34012903                SOMERSET KY                    10

POW ERWN CLAYTON (BT)                           S/SGT     7              35772281                UPPER TYGART KY           31

POW HANKIN ERVIN W (TT)                         S/SGT     7              17130631                SIOUX FALLS SD               32


BAILEY EDWIN C is buried at Cambridge American Cemetery, C-7-51 (Note: Pete Grey has a photo in

his book, The Long, the Short, and the Tall on p.98 that  shows Ed Bailey’s grave in Belgium in 1990, not in Cambridge.) BAILEY was on his first combat mission when he was killed.

RAVER JACOB T is buried at Cambridge American Cemetery, C-1-39.


B-17G 44-8263 E/Y  Missing in Action Derben flak. Aircraft was hit by flak in the right wing, the explosion of which tore off the outer wing panel next to the outboard engine nacelle, leaving about a foot and a half of airleron. The aircraft rose slightly then veered into a right almost vertical bank, then into a right spiral, which developed into a steep right spin. No fire was seen. Two to four chutes were seen. Aircraft exploded on impact. Crashed Innien, Germany. With 7BS. Pilot: Carter. Missing Air Crew Report # 11565.  8 Killed in Action, 1 Prisoner of War.

KIA CARTER LESLIE C (P)                               1 LT        7              O-761235                SANTA ANA CA                24

KIA ROZELL JOSEPH E (B)                               1 LT        7              O-772079                NEW YORK NY                   26

KIA RUSSELL JOHN J (N)                                 1 LT        7              O-723694                NEW YORK NY                   26

KIA KOCH ROBERT A (CP)                              2 LT        7              O-822470                CHICAGO IL                         8

KIA GUSE LEONARD W (R)                             T/SGT    7              37344523                LONGMONT CO                  22

KIA HUT MOE (E/TT)                                        T/SGT    7              12145645                BROOKLYN NY                   23

KIA BARREDA FERNANDO A (WG)             S/SGT     7              38213215                ELPASO TX                          24

KIA BELH ROBERT C (BT)                               S/SGT     7              42080925                SEWELL NJ                          25

POW ROMERO CLEVELAND J (TG)               S/SGT     7              38489733                LAFAYETTE LA                 20


January 15, 1945               

Mission #113       Augsberg


Command Pilot: LANDRY. 38 planes dispatched. 37 planes dropped 105 tons on the primary target while one failed to bomb. 36 Credit Sorties. (This would seem to be in error.) One crewmember was listed as Wounded in Action.

Planes and crew:

44-8235 H/X 391BS Richardson (PFF)

44-8457 H/G 391BS Daniels (PFF)

43-38325 H/B 391BS Jones, J.

43-38365 L/S 391BS Isaacs

43-38789 L/F 391BS Blum    Major damage.

43-38382 L/Q 391BS Baker  Queenie

43-38972 L/C 391BS Latz

43-38402 L/P 391BS Hammersley

44-8629 L/D 391BS Anderson

43-38257 L/T 391BS Feldman

43-38378 L/K 391BS Smith

44-8112 H/D 18BS Perry (PFF)

43-38991 H/Z 18BS Kimmerle

43-38409 B/B 18BS Butler

43-38332 B/Q 18BS Springer               Aborted - mechanical

43-38338 B/M 18BS Nass

43-38373 B/J 18BS Tigges (incorrectly shown as B/S)

43-38953 B/D 18BS Goss

43-38392 B/E 18BS Mann

43-38326 B/U 18BS Ratcliff

43-38374 B/X 18BS Gustofson

43-38331 B/Y 18BS Knowlton

43-38433 B/R 18BS Fiedler  One man WIA

44-8282 B/V 18BS Lerch

44-8441 H/S 7BS Livingston (PFF)

43-38410 H/J 7BS Gibson

43-38959 H/R 7BS Henderson

43-38280 E/M 7BS McLean

43-38263 E/N 7BS Peterson

43-38367 E/L 7BS O’Grady

44-6826 E/D 7BS Sheesley

44-8271 L/O 7BS Weaver

44-6296 E/R 7BS Wright

43-38987 E/F 7BS Davis

44-6465 E/O 7BS Barbaras Fancy Nancy

44-8327 L/R 7BS James

43-38386 E/K 7BS Austin    Major damage.

43-37864 L/E 391BS Felker (apparently did not take off)

43-38372 L/A 391BS Werth                (apparently did not take off)

44-6822 H/E (unused ground spare – lead)

44-8176 H/Q (unused ground spare – PFF)


January 16, 1945

Mission #114       Bitterfeld

Command Pilot: LeBAILLY. 38 planes dispatched. 29 planes dropped 90 tons on the primary target. 3 planes dropped 9 tons on targets of opportunity and 6 failed to bomb. 33 Credit Sorties. One plane was lost, however, only one crewmember is listed as Killed in Action.

Planes and crew:

44-8235 H/X 18BS Perry (MH)

44-8482 H/A 18BS Day (MH)

43-38409 B/B 18BS Peede   Apparently landed at Mardon Moor, needs tires. Ball gunner missing. He didn’t leave with the rest of the crew, couldn’t find him.

43-38326 B/U 18BS Ratcliff                

43-38392 B/E 18BS Jones, W.             Caught fire and crashed near Cambridge. Ball gunner killed.

43-38433 B/R 18BS Mann

44-8321 B/F 18BS Kennedy                Aborted - #3 engine out)

43-38331 B/Y 18BS Knowlton

44-8283 B/G 18BS Abrams  Landed at Antwerp, Belgium

43-38953 B/D 18BS Goss

44-8282 B/V 18BS Lerch                      Landed in France at Fighter strip. Plane needs repair.

43-38338 B/M 18BS Nass

44-8112 H/D 7BS Pelszynski (MH)    Aborted - #3 engine out)

44-6822 H/E 7BS Gibson

43-38416 E/C 7BS Weaver  Aborted - #3 engine out)

43-38403 E/Z 7BS Vick

43-38263 E/N 7BS Mowers Landed in Belgium at RAF base.

43-38386 E/K 7BS Austin                    Aborted - #2 turbo out)

44-6465 E/O 7BS Barbaras Fancy Nancy

43-38280 E/M 7BS MacTaggart

43-38367 E/L 7BS Peterson Major damage.

43-38332 B/Q 7BS Wright

43-38987 E/F 7BS Davis

44-6826 E/D 7BS Sheesley

43-38374 B/X 7BS James     Engineer injured his hand in the turret.

44-8457 H/G 391BS Benedict (MH)

43-38959 H/R 391BS Kimmerle

43-38325 H/B 391BS Hammersley      Aborted - #3 engine out)

44-8629 L/D 391BS Felker

43-38365 L/S 391BS Isaacs

43-38380 L/B 391BS Baker

44-8327 L/R 391BS Werth

43-38382 L/Q 391BS Jones, J.  Queenie

43-38378 L/K 391BS Smith

43-38372 L/A 391BS Anderson

43-38972 L/C 391BS Latz

43-38789 L/F 391BS Blum

43-38402 L/P 391BS Feldman

44-8176 H/Q Capt Bower & Dunham                Weather & monitor aircraft

44-8271 L/O (scheduled for Hammersley but replaced)

44-8356 H/N (unused ground spare – PFF)


B-17G 43-38392 B/E “Old Crow” with 18BS crash-landed at Ampton, UK during assembly. #3 engine caught fire at 12,000 feet and pilot ordered the crew to bail out. All the crew got out OK, but the explosion of the plane when it hit the ground apparently collapsed the ball gunner’s chute, letting him fall the last 150-200 feet to the ground. Pilot: W. S. Jones. 1 Killed in Action.  Plane was salvaged.







KIA MAHER ROBERT A (BT)                          SGT        18            18193045

RTD CAROTHERS (gunner)             

RTD CHAFFEE (gunner)   


January 17, 1945

B-17G 43-38374 B/X Crashed on training flight and salvaged. Pilot: Steffen.

KIA STEFFEN JOHN P (P)                                 2LT         18            0-721876 KY

KIA REIMECKE FRANK (CP)                                           18

KIA RAMEY HOWARD L (N)                          F/O         18            T-132355                GA

KIA ROBINSON PAUL (B)                                                18

KIA LANG HERMAN J (E)                                SGT        18            12207690                NY


LANG HERMAN J is buried at Cambridge American Cemetery, B-2-14.

RAMEY HOWARD L is buried at Cambridge American Cemetery, B-1-13.

STEFFEN JOHN P is buried at Cambridge American Cemetery, B-1-14.


January 20, 1945

Mission #115       Rheine

Command Pilot: BRUNK.  32 planes dispatched. 19 planes dropped 54 tons on the primary target and one plane dropped 3 tons on the secondary target. 12 planes failed to bomb. 20 Credit Sorties. One plane was lost and 5 crewmembers were listed Missing in Action and 2 crewmembers were Killed in Action.

Planes and crew:

44-8457 H/G 7BS Richardson (MH)

44-6822 H/E 7BS Alling       Aborted – clipped 2 feet off wing. One man injured.

44-8327 L/R 7BS Weaver  Did not take off.

44-8629 L/D 7BS McLean

43-38391 E/J 7BS Henderson              Aborted – turbo out.

43-38280 E/M 7BS MacTaggart

43-38987 E/F 7BS Davis

44-6826 E/D 7BS O’Grady

43-38263 E/N 7BS Austin                    #1 engine out. 5 Crewmembers bailed out. See below.

44-6465 E/O 7BS Barbaras Fancy Nancy

43-38113 E/S 7BS Wright Wee Willie's Wolves    Did not take off.

43-38367 E/L 7BS Roscher  Did not take off.

44-8356 H/N 391BS Iverson (MH)

43-38991 H/Z 391BS Felker

43-38380 L/B 391BS Baker

43-38402 L/P 391BS Hammersley

43-38257 L/T 391BS Feldman             Did not take off.

43-38789 L/F 391BS Blum

43-38378 L/K 391BS Smith

43-38372 L/A 391BS Sherman

43-38415 L/G 391BS Moore

43-38299 L/U 391BS Anderson

43-38343 L/I 391BS Werth

43-38972 L/C 391BS Latz     Bombed with 388BG

43-38410 H/J 18BS Dunham (MH)

43-38959 H/R 18BS Gibson

43-38326 B/U 18BS Ratcliff

43-38331 B/Y 18BS Knowlton

43-38953 B/D 18BS Goss

43-38433 B/R 18BS Hemingway

43-38373 B/J 18BS Thaete

43-38332 B/Q 18BS Mote    Crashed at Haughley

43-38409 B/B 18BS Butler

43-38138 B/I 18BS Nass Ole-Timer      #2 engine out.

43-38286 E/T 18BS Kennedy

43-38365 L/S 18BS Jones, W. S.

44-6820 H/C Bouldin                            Relay aircraft

44-8309 E/H (scheduled for Weaver but replaced)

44-8441 H/S  (scheduled for Iverson but replaced. Iverson actually took off in this plane, but the “Gee” box burned out and he returned to base and took off again in 44-8356 H/N. When he finally caught up with the formation he joined the High Squadron in 4-3 position. He resumed the lead after the secondary had been bombed.)


B-17G 43-38332 B/Q “Gallopin’ Ghost” with 18BS crashed on take-off. Highest altitude reached was about 500 feet. #1 engine out with fire in the wing. Salvoed safetied bombs in a field near Gipping Lane near Haughley. 4 men bailed out. Hulings’ chute did not open. Navigator missing. The other two were injured and are in hospital. The rest of the crew rode the plane in on the crash landing and are OK.  Pilot: Mote. 2 Killed in Action. Plane salvaged. Four photos of the crash are in the mission file. Also see Sturdivan, p.74.

RTD MOTE (P)                                                                     18

RTD PRUITT (CP)                                                               18

KIA YARBROUGH CARLTON I (N)                1 LT        18            0-723729 CLARKSVILLE AL              30

???  FOSSUM (B)                                                                 18

RTD ILKKA (R)                                                                   18

KIA HULINGS JAMES E (E)                              T/SGT    18            32757584

RTD CHANEY (TG)                                                             18

RTD LOOKWOOD KEN (NG)                                           18

RTD KEIST (Gunner)                                                          18


B-17G 43-38263 E/N This plane caught fire in #1 engine during assembly over Buncher #19 at about 20,000 feet. As the flames began to flow over the wing, the pilot had the crew stand by for bail out. As the flames continued to increase in intensity and the aircraft started to go out of control into in diving spiral, the pilot ordered the bail out as it seemed the plane could blow up at any moment. 5 crewmembers bailed out at this time, over the English Channel. Air-Sea Rescue was advised immediately. When the increased airspeed seemed to extinguish the flames, the remaining crew was ordered to stand by and await developments. Returning to the field the plane caught fire once again then went out as it came in for a landing. Caught fire again when it landed but went out as the prop stopped turning. As the crew left the plane, it caught fire once again and had to be put out by the fire crews. With 7BS. Pilot: Austin. Unnumbered Missing Air Crew Report showing 5 MIA, later changed to KIA. The plane was eventually repaired and put back into service.

RTD AUSTIN RAYMOND E (P)                       1 LT        7              O-759100

RTD SORRELL, RAYMOND G JR (CP)            2 LT        7              O-768280

KIA SOMMER PETER W (N)                            1 LT        7              O-723197                IL

RTD DAVIS KENNETH J (R)                             T/SGT    7              19095572

RTD WILLIAMS FELIX M JR (E)                     SGT        7              34702621               

RTD COBB CECIL G (BT)                                   S/SGT     7              34632370

KIA FISHER JAMES W (WG)                           S/SGT     7              38532803                Brownwood TX

KIA HICKERSON THOMAS W (TG)              S/SGT     7              38563457                OK

KIA YATES ROBERT J (Tog)                           T/SGT    7              39551990                CA

KIA RIVETT RICHARD S (Photographer)      S/SGT     391          16076381                IL


FISHER JAMES W JR is listed on the Wall of the Missing at Cambridge American Cemetery.

HICKERSON THOMAS W is listed on the Wall of the Missing at Cambridge American Cemetery.

RIVETT RICHARD S is listed on the Wall of the Missing at Cambridge American Cemetery.

SOMMER PETER W is listed on the Wall of the Missing at Cambridge American Cemetery.

YATES ROBERT J is listed on the Wall of the Missing at Cambridge American Cemetery.


January 21, 1945


5 planes were dispatched to fly with the 493BG. The five planes dropped 14 tons on the primary target with no losses. 5 Credit Sorties.

43-38299 L/U 391BS Anderson

43-38415 L/G 391BS Smith, G.

43-38372 L/A 391BS Sherman

43-38382 L/Q 391BS Jones Queenie

44-8629 L/D 391BS Latz

44-6820 H/C (pilot not known) Relay aircraft

44-8556 H/F Benedict & Kiser            Weather aircraft


KIA LONGTINE JOSEPH R                                SGT        18            16107921                WI


LONGTINE JOSEPH R is buried at Cambridge American Cemetery, F-4-82.


January 23, 1945

Mission #116       Neuss

Command Pilot: CRABTREE. 38 planes were dispatched but only 32 were airborne. 28 planes dropped 60 tons on the primary target while 4 failed to bomb. 28 Credit Sorties.

Planes and crew:

44-8457 H/G 4BS Perry (PFF)

43-38416 E/C 391BS Baker

44-8441 H/S 391BS Dunham (PFF)

43-38365 L/S 391BS Isaacs

44-8327 L/R 391BS Hammersley

43-38372 L/A 391BS Sherman            Aborted – leak in a pump.

44-8271 L/O 391BS Werth

43-38415 L/G 391BS Moore

43-38382 L/Q 391BS Jones, J. L.  Queenie

43-38113 E/S 391BS Feldman Wee Willie's Wolves

43-38299 L/U 391BS Anderson          Aborted - #4 engine out.

43-38378 L/K 391BS Smith

44-8629 L/D 391BS Hansen

44-8235 H/X 4BS Livingston (PFF)   Aborted - #3 engine out

43-38280 E/M 18BS Knowlton

43-38959 H/R 18BS Richardson, L. S.

43-38409 B/B 18BS Jones, W. S.

43-38433 B/R 18BS Hemingway

44-8309 E/H 18BS Abrams

44-8321 B/F 18BS Springer

43-38257 L/T 18BS Fiedler

43-38789 L/F 18BS Mann

43-38953 B/D 18BS Nass

43-38373 B/J 18BS Peede

44-8320 E/G 18BS Tigges

43-38391 E/J  18BS Kennedy

44-8112 H/D 4BS Alling (PFF)

43-38386 E/K 7BS Weaver  Chaff

43-38380 L/B 7BS Mowers  Chaff

43-38403 E/Z 7BS McLean  Chaff

43-38326 B/U 7BS O’Grady Chaff

43-38331 B/Y 7BS MacTaggart          Chaff. Aborted – oil leak.

44-8356 H/N (unused ground spare – PFF)

43-38410 H/J (unused ground spare – lead)

44-6826 E/D (unused ground spare)

43-38367 E/L (unused ground spare)

43-38987 E/F (unused ground spare)


January 28, 1945

Mission #117       Duisberg

Command Pilot: SIMPSON. 13 planes dispatched. 10 planes dropped 29 tons on the primary target and 3 failed to bomb. 10 Credit Sorties.

Planes and crew:

44-8356 H/N 7BS Benedict (PFF)       Battle damage

43-38325 H/B 7BS Gibson

44-8629 L/D 7BS Weaver    Major damage

44-6296 E/R 7BS Vick           Aborted - #3 prop governor

43-38391 E/J  7BS Henderson             Major damage

43-38257 L/T 7BS Giardini

43-38113 E/S 7BS Peterson Wee Willie's Wolves  Battle damage

43-38416 E/C 7BS O’Grady

44-6826 E/D 7BS Sheesley  Battle  damage

44-8327 L/R 7BS MacTaggart          Battle damage. Ended up forming on 96BG and did not drop because 96BG dnd.

44-8112 H/D 7BS Daniels

43-38380 L/B 7BS James      Battle damage

43-38367 E/L 7BS Roscher  Battle damage

43-38987 E/F (scheduled for Davis but did not fly. Daniels in 112 took his plane.)

44-6820 H/C Bouldin Relay aircraft

43-38959 H/R (scheduled for Gibson but replaced)

44-8457 H/G (unused ground spare – PFF)

43-38789 L/F (unused ground spare)

43-38971 B/A (unused ground spare)

44-8271 L/O (unused ground spare)

44-8237 H/I Iverson             (Scheduled but did not take off)

43-38372 L/A Knowlton      (Scheduled but did not take off)

44-8321 B/F Rainey              (Scheduled but did not take off)

43-38953 B/D Ratcliff           (Scheduled but did not take off)

43-38382 L/Q Tigges Queenie           (Scheduled but did not take off)

43-38433 B/R Abrams          (Scheduled but did not take off)

43-38378 L/K Springer         (Scheduled but did not take off)

43-38415 L/G Thaete            (Scheduled but did not take off)

43-38409 B/B Butler             (Scheduled but did not take off)

43-38373 B/J Peede              (Scheduled but did not take off)

43-38365 L/S Mann              (Scheduled but did not take off)


January 29, 1945

Mission #118       Kassel, Ober Lahustein

Command Pilots: DUNHAM and PELSZNSKI. 26 planes dispatched. 13 planes dropped 42 tons on the primary target while the other 13 planes dropped their 42 tons on targets of opportunity. 26 Credit Sorties.

Planes and crew:

44-8237 H/I 391BS Dunham (PFF)

43-38959 H/R 391BS Felker

43-38382 L/Q 391BS Jones, J.  Queenie

44-8271 L/O 391BS Hammersley

43-38365 L/S 391BS Isaacs

43-38372 L/A 391BS Sherman

44-8327 L/R 391BS Latz

43-38415 L/G 391BS Moore

43-38280 E/M 391BS Hansen

43-38257 L/T 391BS Feldman

43-38789 L/F 391BS Bass

43-38380 L/B 391BS Werth

43-38378 L/K 391BS Smith

44-8457 H/G 18BS Pelszynski

43-38991 H/Z 18BS Richardson, L.

43-38416 E/C 18BS Knowlton

43-38987 E/F 18BS Rainey

43-38953 B/D 18BS Ratcliff

43-38286 E/T 18BS Tigges

43-38433 B/R 18BS Abrams

43-38338 B/M 18BS Springer

43-38971 B/A 18BS Thaete

43-38409 B/B 18BS Butler

43-38373 B/J 18BS Peede

44-6826 E/D 18BS Mann

44-6296 E/R 18BS Nass

44-6820 H/C Ettlebrick       Relay Aircraft

44-8321 B/F (scheduled for Rainey but replaced)

44-8441 H/S (unused ground spare – PFF)

44-6822 H/E (unused ground spare – lead)

43-38325 H/B (unused ground spare)