34TH Bomb Group Crew Chiefs and Ground Crews

These lists are subject to further research and correction.


4th Squadron

Baker, John P.                                                     M/Sgt     12060832


Brune, Ralph B.                                                   T/Sgt      16018568


Fulton, William J.                                               M/Sgt     6151858


Gray, John A.                                                       M/Sgt     37978322

Herbert T. Donahue

Derrick Venne

B-24H 42-94869 D/J Male Call

B-17G 44-8158 H/F Bobby Sox

B-17G 44-8731 H/H Knockout Dropper

B-17G 43-38402 L/P name unknown (briefly was H/P in late Dec 1944 and early Jan 1945 then back to L/P)


Hoffman, Herbert H.                                           S/Sgt      12047311


Mauk, Basil F.                                                     T/Sgt      18005700 or 18005200


Reilly, Charles J.                                                T/Sgt      31170472

Warren (Ground Crew)

Visconti (Ground Crew)

B-24H 42-94911 D/Q Sweet Sioux from deployment until shot down on June 7, 1944

B-24J 44-40454 D/Q Picadilly Tilly from July 17, 1944 until August 24, 1944


Schreiber, Julian                                                S/Sgt      12159661


Stroud, Walter R.                                                T/Sgt      33350392


Turek, Mitchell C.                                              S/Sgt      11071147


Varga, Edwin S.                                                   T/Sgt      35513528


Vidulich, Sylvester N.                                        Sgt          32466993


Vrooman, Burton E. Jr.                                      T/Sgt      32491492


Wadsworth, Herbert S.                                      Sgt          33246371


Warren, Marion H.                                             S/Sgt      18151459


Whiteman, Richard E.                                        T/Sgt      13089332

B-24H 41-29555 D/I Powerful Katrinka from deployment until June 6, 1944 after which it was transferred to the 493rd BG.


Wooten, John R.                                                  M/Sgt     15073168 (also with 391st Sq.)


4th Squadron Line Chief

Lowell Larsen


4th Squadron Instrument Mechanics

Ernie Long

Marvin Syverson

James Bunn

Harold Sherd


4th Squadron Prop Specialist

Kurt Westenburger


4th Squadron Flight Chiefs

Harold Meredith

Al Westhoff



7th Squadron

Antkowiak, Chester J.                                       T/Sgt      35318841

Suddreth, Clyde (ground crew)

B-24H 41-2957 E/L Shadrach (#2)


Beckham, Jennings B.                                       M/Sgt     17013485


Dwyer, John H.                                                    M/Sgt     11019818


Englehart, Raymond E.                                       M/Sgt     17051505

Smith. Franklin S., Jr. (ground crew)                 CPL         34648859

B-24H 42-94818 E/B Captain John Silver from deployment until shot down July 9, 1944


B-17G 43-38353 E/A Lili Marlene from transition until shot down Oct 17, 1944


Fuelling, Richard H.                                           M/Sgt     15085036


Gorski, Clarence J.                                            M/Sgt     16022711


Gray, Willian N. (Pete)     

Smith, Charles

B-24H 42-94908 E/E Tiger Rag, later E/I

B-17G 44-8309 E/H Ol’ Buddy


Jordan, Dexter B.                                                T/Sgt      31165922

Miller, Jim (ground crew)

Schommer, Paul (ground crew)

B-24H 41-28851 E/M The Near Sighted Robin from deployment until August 24, 1944

B-17G 43-38265 E/I unnamed Sept. 1944 until MIA Oct. 2, 1944.

B-17G 43-38403 E/Z unnamed from unknown date (probably early Oct 1944) until MIA February 26, 1945

B-17G 43-38991 E/Z Sweet Seventeen from mid March 1945 until May 1945


Kastler, Leroy W.                                               M/Sgt     37009751


Lipsky, Borah                                                      S/Sgt      32183201


Muellenbach, John L.                                         M/Sgt     36327717


Rose, Everett M.                                                   M/Sgt     16007918


Sauermilch, Frederick                                      M/Sgt     39083995

B-24H 42-94824 E/Q Umbriago           deployment - July 25, 1944

B-24H 42-94824 E/R Umbriago           July 27, 1944 - August 24, 1944

B-17G 43-38391 E/J Hit and Run


Saeger, Earl E.                                                     S/Sgt      33273397


Sivret, Franklin L.                                              M/Sgt     11009139

Simpson, Bob

King, Manuel

B-24H unnamed

B-17G 44-8320 E/G Bottoms Up


Sothern, Bruce S.                                               M/Sgt     39381800

B-24H 42-51209 E/R The Wrangler, later E/Q

B-17G 43-38367 E/L Gotta Haver


Straight, Lawrence C.                                        M/Sgt     32381766


Therrien, Romeo

B-24H 41-29559 E/P Belchin' Bessie


Ulam, Kenneth                                                     T/Sgt      13089506

B-17G 44-6939 E/P Mizpah


7th Squadron Refueling Unit

Anderson, Keith

Baumgardner, Donald R.




18th Squadron

Adkins, Leean J.                                                 S/Sgt      15067512


Bei, Joseph D.                                                      S/Sgt      13115981


Bialas, Steve W.                                                  M/Sgt     37143908


Cohen, Norman                                                    M/Sgt     12016299


Dybsetter, Melvin

B-24H 42-94879 B/D Collapsible Susie


Fehrenbach, William A.                                     M/Sgt     16011460


Franklin, Wesley E.                                            M/Sgt     17043375


Hudelson, Raymond L.                                        S/Sgt      34452049


Jurgens, Henry F.                                               M/Sgt     12041169


Levy, Irving                                                           M/Sgt     12024497


Santarsiero, John                                               T/Sgt      12159390


Seaton, Norris E.                                                 S/Sgt      38149413


Squires, Clarence W.                                         S/Sgt      37211276

B-17 Lucky 13                                                                                                      w/Abrams crew (from Morton Abrams in MM, Dec 1989, p.25)


Sugerman, Robert                                               T/Sgt      32472407


Summa, Ray L.

Junius Cobb (ground crew)

B-24H 42-94782 B/G Off Limits           deployment - June 22, 1944.


18th Squadron Tech Supply

Beach, Roland Rockwell                                                                                     Later took S-2 course and transferred to 391st Squadron Intelligence Section.




391st Squadron

Allega, Alfred                                                      M/Sgt     11009150


Blakely, George R.                                             M/Sgt     19062665


Bocheneck, Stanley C.                                       T/Sgt      33375280


Bradford, Clarence L.                                        M/Sgt     33185259

Had a string of at least 36 missions without an abort in Feb 1945.


Bryant, George W.                                              M/Sgt     18039815    Inspector


Bryant, Lester W.                                               M/Sgt     19066676


Bolduc, Oliver F.                                                 M/Sgt     11096096

Had a record of 94 missions without an Abort.

Higgins, Harold

Hathcock, Behjamin

B-24H 42-52738 L/O Wilson

B-24H 42-50613 L/A Holy Joe

B-17G 43-38365 L/N                                             only 1 mission 17 Sept 1944

B-17G 43-38423 L/N                                             only 2 missions 25 & 27 Sept 1944

B-17G 43-38406 L/W                                            28 Oct 1944 to 15 Dec. 1944

B-17G 43-38789 L/F Fast Company                   7 Jan 1945 to May 1945 (Could also have been named Winnie the Pooh while flown by the Blum crew)


Fager, Willard M.                                               M/Sgt     19066676

Had a string of at least 47 missions without an abort in Feb 1945.

Walker, Oral D. (ground crew)

B-24H 41-29598 E/C

B-24                    Tondelayo

B-24J 44-40323 L/N Sunshine Rose                   6 July 1944 - 24 July 1944

B-24J 44-40323 L/C Sunshine Rose                   27 July 1944 - 7 August 1944

B-17G 44-8271 L/O Butch


Hackeny, Clarence D. Jr.                                  T/Sgt      31150976

String of missions without an abort was broken at 57 in Jan 1945.

Awarded the Bronze Star on 23 Feb 1945 for 50+ missions without an abort.


Januz, Theodore                                                 T/Sgt      31175150


LaScala, Vincent J.                                             M/Sgt      32496717

Had a string of at least 38 missions without an abort in Feb 1945.


Majchrzak, Ambrose J.                                     M/Sgt     33352693

String of missions without an abort was broken at 84 in Feb 1945.

Awarded the Bronze Star on 23 Feb 1945 for 50+ missions without an abort.

B-24H 42-94780 L/M Smitty                                deployment - 24 Aug 1944


Mehl, Frederick W.                                            T/Sgt      37202322

String of missions without an abort was broken at 62 in Jan 1945.

Awarded the Bronze Star on 23 Feb 1945 for 50+ missions without an abort.

In Feb 1945, T/Sgt. Frederick Mehl finally changed engines one and two on his B-17 (serial number given is incorrect for any B-17) after they reached 554:40 hours of which 345:45 were combat hours.


O'Malley                                                               M/Sgt

String of missions without an abort was broken at 51 Jan 1945.


Petterson, Albert N.                                            M/Sgt     38096544

String of missions without an abort was broken at 70 in Feb 1945.

Awarded the Bronze Star on 23 Feb 1945 for 50+ missions without an abort.


Rutowski, Stephen                                              T/Sgt

Had a string of at least 60 missions without an abort in Feb 1945


Sagany, Thomas J.                                              M/Sgt     32415208

Had a string of at least 56 missions without an abort in Jan 1945.

Awarded the Bronze Star on 23 Feb 1945 for 50+ missions without an abort.

B-24J 44-40436 L/O Nancy


Sass, Michael                                                       M/Sgt     33018245


Siegfried, Ralph D.                                             M/Sgt     37316608

String of missions without an abort was broken at 68 in Feb 1945.

Awarded the Bronze Star on 23 Feb 1945 for 50+ missions without an abort.

In Feb 1945, M/Sgt Siegfried and his crew assisted by T/Sgt Frank Sligh and his crew, changed an engine, oil tank, oil cooler and feathering pump in approx. 5 hours.


Sligh, Frank T.                                                    T/Sgt      14156557


Striplin, Clyde T.                                                 M/Sgt     34089380


Tepper, Henry                                                      M/Sgt     32412260


391st Squadron Inspector

Kuppig, Donald N.                                               M/Sgt     17031659                new in Dec 1944 or Jan 1945, formerly a flight chief



Unknown Squadron Crew Chiefs

Beaver, Joseph T.                                                M/Sgt     6850106

Burrours, Irvin L.                                                  M/Sgt     18061164

Carney, Leo D.                                                      M/Sgt     20922294

Cesmat, Richard E.                                               M/Sgt     19065318

Crocker, Arthur L.                                                M/Sgt     11029757

DeRaimo, Nicholas A.                                         M/Sgt     31173066

Franklin, Floyd L.                                                 M/Sgt     39381432

Harkless, James F.                                                S/Sgt      15061774

Heinzen, Matthew A.                                          M/Sgt     20709122

Jackson, Bernard J.                                              M/Sgt     17031603

John, John A.                                                       M/Sgt     13025962

Kelleher, Vincent J.                                              Pvt          6083220

Lapinsky, Leonard                                               M/Sgt     36239841

Mooney, Gerald                                                   S/Sgt      32144713

Quick, Carl                                                             M/Sgt     6828729

Rodriguez, Ramon                                                Sgt          12065840

Rogers, Basil E.                                                    M/Sgt     7000939

Rotelli, Joseph J.                                                  M/Sgt     13038167

Ruby, Albert A.                                                    M/Sgt     18045540

Ryan, James III                                                     S/Sgt      33321387

Smith, Russell E.                                                   T/Sgt      16042301

Willhite, Quinn W.                                               T/Sgt      38319708

Wilson, Leonard E.                                              S/Sgt      34186866