43-392___8 No missions with 34BG (complete serial number not readable)
B17G-105-BO ?
Possible serial numbers include
43-39208 served with the 487th BG, returned to US Bradley July 13, 1945, which is about the right time.
43-39218 NOT POSSIBLE, assigned 8th AF, no group noted, but was still in Europe in 1947.
43-39228 NOT POSSIBLE, salvaged by 9th AF in Germany.
43-39238 assigned 8th AF, no group noted, returned to US Bradley July 7, 1945, which is about right.
43-39248 assigned to 388th BG, returned to US Bradley June 11, 1945, probably too early to be with 34th BG movement.
43-29258 assigned 8th AF, no group noted, returned to US Bradley July 5, 1945, which is a bit early.
43-39268 NOT POSSIBLE, in San Francisco in 1945 and went to the Phillipines in 1947.
43-39278 NOT POSSIBLE, salvaged by the 9th AF in Germany.
43-29288 assigned 8th AF, no group noted, returned to US Bradley July 13, 1945, which is about right.
43-39298 assigned 8th AF, no group noted, returned to US Bradley July 5, 1945, which is a bit early.
43-392___8 No missions with 34BG (complete serial number not readable)
B17G-105-BO ?
Flown back to the US by the Cook crew #26-34. See Microfilm reel B0115, p. 1530.
Cook, Charles Major O-415441 Pilot 2161
Bailey, Ernest A. Jr. 2Lt O-823239 Co-Pilot 1091
Dornblaser, Fred D. 2Lt O-2077552 Nav 1034
Friendlander, Henry 2Lt O-2000244 Bomb 1035
Masson, Alexander F. Sgt 42017581 Radio Op 757
Beamer, Richard P. Sgt 32928645 Engr 748
Farmer, Frank L. Sgt 39282170 Gunner 611
Bacon, Garland L. Sgt 39476281 Gunner 611
Fogarty, Leo W. Sgt 39141698 Gunner 611
Goldberger, Sidney Pfc 32883126 Gunner 683
Boardman, Robert F/O T-6683 Passenger 1091
Applegate, Ralph M. Sgt 35553394 Passenger 657
Danks, Robert L. S/Sgt 37309828 Passenger 826
Lebrun, Reno A. Pfc 31016699 Passenger 941
Tilgner, David H. Sgt 17030624 Passenger 911
Golden, Robert J. S/Sgt 16047946 Passenger 747
Thomas, Millard F. Sgt 35427744 Passenger 901 ORD
Cadau, Frank J. Cpl 33485879 Passenger 901 ORD
Cassell, Albert J. Cpl 35629430 Passenger 901 ORD
Fox, James E. Sgt 36634930 Passenger 511 ORD