44-8170 unknown name (PFF)




June 29, 1944 Delivered to Dallas

July 24, 1944 to Langley

August 16, 1944 to Dow Field

August 28, 1944 Assigned to the 4th Squadron, 34th Bomb Group, Mendlesham




Mission #71 October 2, 1944 44-8170 490BG Ray (PFF)

Mission #72 October 3, 1944 44-8170 H/M 18BS Ray (PFF)

                       October 4, 1944 44-8170 H/M McNulty (PFF) was to fly with 490BG Mission Scrubbed

Mission #73 October 5, 1944 44-8170 H/M 4BS Israelson

Mission #74 October 6, 1944 44-8170 H/M McNulty with 490BG (PFF)

Mission #75 October 7, 1944 44-8170 H/M McNulty with 490BG (PFF)

Mission #77 October 14, 1944 44-8170 H/M McNulty (PFF) flew with 490BG

                       October 26, 1944 44-8170 H/M McNulty (PFF) flew with 490BG

                       November 5, 1944 44-8170 H/M McNulty (PFF) flew with 490BG

Mission #98 December 6, 1944 44-8170 H/M 18BS Perry (PFF)

Mission #100 December 12, 1944 44-8170 H/M (unused ground spare – PFF)

                         December 24, 1944 44-8170 H/M Brandt (PFF) flew with 490BG

                         December 25, 1944 44-8170 H/M Cleaves (PFF) flew with 490BG




Mission #71 October 2, 1944 44-8170 490BG Ray (PFF)


                       October 2, 1944 44-8170

On Marshalling Chart on Hardstand #10 at 2100-2200 hours.


Mission #72 October 3, 1944 44-8170 H/M 18BS Ray (PFF)


                       October 4, 1944 44-8170 H/M McNulty (PFF) was to fly with 490BG Mission Scrubbed

Was to fly Lead of Lead Squadron of 490BG


Mission #73 October 5, 1944 44-8170 H/M 4BS Israelson


Mission #74 October 6, 1944 44-8170 H/M McNulty (PFF) flew with 490BG

Flew Lead of Lead Squadron of 490BG

McNulty (P)

Col. Good (Command Pilot)

Lt. Beymer (Lead Navigator)



Mission #75 October 7, 1944 44-8170 H/M McNulty flew with 490BG (PFF)

Took off at 0255 hours.

Flew Lead of Lead Squadron of 490BG

Used Visual bombing.

Flak damage. Lost #4 engine oil pressure, lost oil regulator. (from 490BG report page B, and I believe this applies to this plane)
Landed  1510 hours.

McNulty (P)

Maj Gell (Command Pilot)

Capt. O'Dell (Lead Navigator)


Mission #77 October 14, 1944 44-8170 H/M McNulty (PFF) flew with 490BG

Flew Lead of Lead Squadron of 490BG

McNulty (P)

Col. Bostrom (Command Pilot)

Lt. Dilts (Lead Navigator)


                       October 26, 1944 44-8170 H/M McNulty (PFF) flew with 490BG

Flew Lead of Lead Squadron of 490BG

McNulty (P)

Capt. Allen (Command Pilot)

Kallstrom (Lead Navigator)


                       November 5, 1944 44-8170 H/M McNulty (PFF) flew with 490BG

Took off at 0654 hours.

Flew Lead of Lead Squadron of 490BG

Landed 1440 hours.

McNulty (P)

Maj. Lightner (Command Pilot)

Capt. Odell (Lead Navigator)


Mission #98 December 6, 1944 44-8170 H/M 18BS Perry (PFF)


Mission #100 December 12, 1944 44-8170 H/M (unused ground spare – PFF)


                         December 24, 1944 44-8170 H/M Brandt (PFF) flew with 490BG

Flew Lead of High Squadron of 490BG

Brandt (P)

Wesson (Command Pilot)                   Capt


                         December 25, 1944 44-8170 H/M Cleaves (PFF) flew with 490BG

Flew Lead of Lead Squadron of 490BG

Cleaves (P)

Allan (Command Pilot)                        Maj

Dilts (Lead Navigator)                         Capt


Returned to the US

January 5, 1945 to RFC Walnut Ridge