44-8200 unknown name SAL 6-27-46
July 8, 1944 Delivered to Dallas
August 3, 1944 to Langley
August 29, 1944 to Grenier
September 1, 1944 Assigned to the 861st Squadron, 493rd Bomb Group, Debach
September 6, 1944 Transferred to the 350th Squadron, 100th Bomb Group, Thorpe Abbotts
Mission #69 September 27, 1944 44-8200 H/H Alexander (Flying with 493BG)
Mission #70 September 28, 1944 44-8200 H/H 4BS Baker
October 2, 1944 44-8200 H/H
On Marshalling Chart in Hanger #2 at 2100-2200 hours.
October 18, 1944 44-8200 H/H Fisher flew with 490BG
Mission #82 October 25, 1944 44-8200 H/H Bower & Young Chaff plane
Listed in Helton's Hellcats
As with 493BG, 861st Squadron as B/L
And with 493BG, 863rd Squadron as P/L
June 27, 1946 Salvaged by the 9th AF in Germany