Delivered Jan 16, 1945 to Cheyenne
Jan 27, 1945 to Hunter
Feb 7, 1945 to Dow Field
Feb 9, 1945 assigned to 4th Squadron, 34th Bomb Group, Mendlesham
Mission #144 March 17, 1945 44-8839 H/L (unused ground spare - PFF)
Mission #145 March 18, 1945 44-8839 H/L 7BS Thompson
Mission #151 March 24, 1945 44-8839 H/L (unused spare) (PFF)
Mission #155 March 31, 1945 44-8839 H/L 7BS Thompson (PFF)
Mission #157 April 4, 1945 44-8839 H/L 391BS Daniels (PFF)
Mission #159 April 7, 1945 44-8839 H/L 18BS Hall Took off 0900 landed 1728.
Mission #160 April 8, 1945 44-8839 H/L 7BS Carmen (PFF)
Mission #161 April 9, 1945 44-8839 H/L 18BS Butler
Mission #162 April 10, 1945 44-8839 H/L 391BS Carmen (PFF)
Mission #168 April 18, 1945 44-8839 H/L 18BS Fox Bombed Passau with 96BG
Mission #170 April 20, 1945 44-8839 H/L 391BS Thompson (PFF)
Returned to US
Dec 20, 1945 RFC Walnut Ridge, Arkansas
October 11, 1945 to RFC Walnut Ridge, Arkansas (listed in error as a B-24 in Bits & Pieces)