41-29555 Powerful Katrinka
A 34th BG Original.
Flown to England by the Armstrong crew with Richard E. Whiteman as the extra man on board.
George Cook, Radio Operator on the Armstrong crew, states that he painted the name, Powerful Katrinka, on this plane and on the crew's flight jackets.
Mission #1 May 23, 1944 41-29555 D/I 4BS Armstrong Powerful Katrinka
Mission #5 May 28, 1944 41-29555 D/I 4BS Armstrong Powerful Katrinka (Airborne spare – returned early)
Mission #7 May 30, 1944 41-29555 D/I 4BS Armstrong Powerful Katrinka (Aborted – place taken by Foster) (Oil leak in #3 engine. A-5 turn control inoperative.)
Mission #10 June 6, 1944 41-29555 D/I 4BS Armstrong Powerful Katrinka Flight indicator out. Inspected and repaired.
Mission #12 June 6, 1944 41-29555 D/I 4BS Armstrong Powerful Katrinka
Transferred to the 493BG (Named Methusala while with the 493BG)
Transferred to the 492BG
Salvaged Feb. 21, 1945
Mission #1 May 23, 1944 41-29555 D/I 4BS Armstrong Powerful Katrinka
Took off at 0523 hours from Hardstand #11.
Flew position 4-1 in Lead Squadron.
Carried 12 500 lb bombs. Jettisoned all bombs at 0858 hours. No altitude recorded.
"Just opposite compass swing, a little short."
Slight damage reported.
Landed 1151 hours.
Fuel sight inoperative. Inspected and repaired.
Armstrong (P)
Burton (CP)
Coyle (N)
Andorn (B)
Cook (R)
Radomski (E)
Titony (NG)
Souden (TG)
Sobran (BG)
Barr (G)
Funk (Photographer)
Mission #5 May 28, 1944 41-29555 D/I 4BS Armstrong Powerful Katrinka
Took off at 1046 hours from Hardstand #11.
Flew as Airborne spare. Returned early when unneeded.
Carried 10 100 lb GP bombs. Brought all bombs back to base.
No damage reported.
Landed 1356 hours.
Armstrong (P)
Burton (CP)
Coyle (N)
Cook (R)
Radomski (E/WG)
Sobran (BG)
Souder (TG)
Titony (NG)
Barr (TT)
May 28, 1944 41-29555 D/I (pilot not listed)
Landed 1815 hours from a local flight.
Mission #7 May 30, 1944 41-29555 D/I 4BS Armstrong Powerful Katrinka
Took off at 0701 hours from Hardstand #11.
Was to fly position 2-1 in High Squadron.
Aborted – place taken by Foster
Carried 6 1000 lb bombs. All bombs brought back to base.
Landed 0926 hours.
No sortie.
Oil leak in #3 engine. A-5 turn control inoperative.
Armstrong (P)
Burton (CP)
Andorn (B)
Cook, G. (R)
Radomski (E/WG)
Titony (NG)
Sobran (BG)
Souder (TG)
Barr (G)
Mission #10 June 6, 1944 41-29555 D/I 4BS Armstrong Powerful Katrinka
Took off at 0243 hours.
Flew position 1-3 in 4th Squadron.
Carried 12 500 lb bombs. Brought all bombs back to base.
No damage reported.
Landed 1048 hours.
Flight indicator out. Inspected and repaired.
Armstrong, R. W. (P) 2 Lt
Burton, E. G. (CP) 2 Lt
Andorn, W. W. (B) 2 Lt
Radomski, F. E. (E) T/Sgt
Cook, G. M. (R) T/Sgt
Titony, R. (NG) S/Sgt
Sobran, V. (BG) S/Sgt
Barr, G. D. (G) Sgt
Souder, W. P. (TG) Sgt
Mission #12 June 6, 1944 41-29555 D/I 4BS Armstrong Powerful Katrinka
Took off at 1709 hours.
Flew position 3-2 in High Squadron.
Carried 12 500 lb bombs. Brought all bombs back.
Landed 2330 at Lavenham.
Armstrong (P)
Burton (CP)
Coyle (N)
Radomski (E)
Cook (R)
Sobran (G)
Titony (G)
Barr (G)
Souder (G)
June 11, 1944 41-29555 Hartley Powerful Katrinka
Took off at 1107 hours for Debach.
Transferred to the 493BG (Named Methusala while with the 493BG)
Transferred to the 492BG
Salvaged Feb. 21, 1945