41-29560 Rat Poison
A 34th BG Original.
See photo in Helton’s Hellcats, p.49.
See photo of noseart in Helton’s Hellcats, p.57.
Mission #1 May 23, 1944 41-29560 D/L 4BS Marks Rat Poison
Mission #4 May 27, 1944 41-29560 D/L 4BS Marks Rat Poison
Mission #10 June 6, 1944 41-29560 D/L 4BS Marks Rat Poison
Mission #1 May 23, 1944 41-29560 D/L 4BS Marks Rat Poison
Took off at 0516 hours from Hardstand #11.
Flew position 1-3 in Lead Squadron.
Carried 12 500 lb bombs. Dropped bombs at 0856 hours.
"Short to left of target."
Landed 1153 hours.
Marks (P)
Turko (CP)
Goetsch (N)
Merwin (B)
Wood (R)
Neel (E)
Nolan (NG)
Creedon (TG)
Cole (BG)
Cresiski (G)
Mission #4 May 27, 1944 41-29560 D/L 4BS Marks Rat Poison
Took off at 0837 hours.
Was to fly position 2-2 in High Squadron but switched to position 2-1 after Thrun aborted.
Carried 10 500 lb GP bombs. Jettisoned all bombs.
Reported slight damage.
Returned early because #4 engine oil pressure dropped; prop governor ran away; feathered engine.
Landed 1549 hours.
Marks (P)
Turko (CP)
Merwin (B)
Wood (R)
Neel (E)
Cole (BG)
Nolan (NG)
Cresiski (G)
Bynum (TG) (from crew #16)
NOTE: Creedon (TG) (Hit by a truck and broke his leg on the evening of May 26, 1944 and therefore was replaced on this crew.)
May 31, 1944 41-29560 D/L Wright
Took off at 1700 hours on a local flight.
Landed 1944 hours.
Mission #10 June 6, 1944 41-29560 D/L 4BS Marks Rat Poison
Took off at 0245 hours.
Flew position 2-3 in 4th Squadron.
Carried 12 500 lb bombs. Brought all bombs back.
Aborted, landing at Plymouth, time not given.
Landed 1203 hours back at base.
#4 Turbosupercharger run-away; #2 meshing selonoid inoperative. Inspected and being repaired.
Marks, J. K. (P) 2 Lt
Turko, W. (CP) 2 Lt
Merwin, T. P. (B) 2 Lt
Neel, W. W. (E) S/Sgt
Wood, J. R. (R) S/Sgt
Cole, T. P. (BG) Sgt
Cresiski, B. E. (TG) Sgt
Nolan, B. E. (NG) Sgt
Crawford, H. (TG) Sgt (from another crew)
June 11, 1944 41-29560 Rat Poison (cannot make out pilot’s name)
Took off at 1106 hours for Debach.
Transferred to 493BG.
Transferred to 487BG.
Transferred to 392BG.
October 1944 Work in progress at Hanger 4, B.A.D. 2, Warton.