Mission #1 May 23, 1944 41-29598 E/C Doell (Airborne Spare)
Mission #2 May 24, 1944 41-29598 E/C Doell
Mission #3 May 25, 1944 41-29598 E/C Armstrong
Mission #4 May 27, 1944 41-29598 E/C Gardner, HT
Mission #5 May 28, 1944 41-29598 E/C Doell
Mission #6 May 29, 1944 41-29598 E/C Hollowell
Mission #7 May 30, 1944 41-29598 E/C Brain
Mission #8 May 31, 1944 41-29598 E/C Dean
Transferred to the 486BG.
486BG Mission #16 June 6, 1944 41-29598 P/P Carroll (Airborne Spare)
486BG Mission #18 June 7, 1944 41-29598 P/F Moseley (should be P/P)
486BG Mission #19 June 8, 1944 41-29598 P/P Springer
486BG Mission #20 June 11, 1944 41-29598 P/P Carroll
486BG Mission #21 June 12, 1944 41-29598 P/P Carroll
486BG Mission #28 June 22, 1944 41-29598 P/F (unused spare) (should be P/P as there is another P/F on this mission)
486BG Mission #35 June 30, 1944 41-29598 P/P (unused spare)
486BG Mission #44 July 14, 1944 41-29598 D/P Moore (Squadron Lead)
486BG Mission #46 July 18, 1944 41-29598 D/P Huff
Transferred to the 34BG.
Mission #47 July 31, 1944 41-29598 B/U Kirklin
Mission #61 August 16, 1944 41-29598 B/U Blackburn
Mission #62 August 18, 1944 41-29598 B/U GH Alexander (Flew Lead of 493BG’s A group)
compiled by Gary L. Ferrell, Feb. 1999
Flown to England by the Doell crew minus Helget but with S/SGT William L Cloud, 35362934 as passenger.
41-29598 was originally with the 7th Squadron. It’s R/T call sign was “E/C” the “E” signifying the 7th Squadron and the “C” being the individual letter carried on the tail. It was apparently the regular plane of the Doell crew.
34BG Mission #1 May 23, 1944 to Etampes Mondesir
TO 0554 Landed 0943
CHESTY was an airborne spare for this mission and returned early. The crew loading lists for spares is not available for this mission but would likely be the same as for the next mission. Pilot: Doell.
Mission #1
34BG Mission #2 May 24, 1944 to Poix
This plane, along with most of the 7th Squadron, failed to bomb due to weather.
Pilot: 2 Lt Herman M Doell O-687561
Co-Pilot: 2 Lt Lewis A Duncan O-700422
Bombardier: 2 Lt Robert K Swarthout O-697786
Radio Op & RW: S/Sgt Alvin I Rainey 18137983
Engineer: S/Sgt William D. Curtin 39038488
Nose Gunner: S/Sgt Vincent Drozdek 36648028
Tail Gunner: Sgt Arthur Stancati 15342096
Ball Turret: S/Sgt William E. Price 18109226
Waist Gunner: S/Sgt Jerome M. Helget 37542521
May 24, 1944 41-29598 E/C
On 34BG Marshalling Chart on Hardstand #4A at 2140 hours.
Mission #2
34BG Mission #3 May 25, 1944 to Montignies sur Sambre
Flying with a 4th Squadron crew, it failed to bomb, as did all of the 4th Squadron.
Pilot: 2 Lt Richard W Armstrong
Co-Pilot: 2 Lt Eugene G Burton O-806785
Navigator: 2 Lt Frank J Coyle O-700704
Radio Op & WG: S/Sgt George M Cook 39273127
Engineer & WG: S/Sgt Frank B Radomiski 16134242 (or Radomski)
Ball Turret: Sgt John Sobron 16019718 (or Sobran)
Tail Gunner: Souder
Nose Gunner: Sgt Rudolph Titony 38411831
Top Turrett: Sgt Glen D Barr 37147172
Mission #3
34BG Mission #4 May 27, 1944 to Metz
Pilot: 2 Lt Henry T Gardner O-686458
Co-Pilot: 2 Lt Linus H Maxwell O-699839
Navigator: 2 Lt Raymond C Koppelman O-704596 (or Hoppleman)
Bombardier: 2 Lt William Pugh O-6997759
Radio Op: T/Sgt Fred L Tunnell 18116581
Engineer: Sgt Harold F Gray 39280616
Nose Gunner: Sgt Edward T McDonough, Jr. 13167843
Tail Gunner: Sgt Marcus R Smart 38450829
Ball Turret: Leach
Waist Gunner: Sgt Paul L Locklear 39292027
Mission #4
34BG Mission #5 May 28, 1944 to Lutzkendorf
Dropped 10 500lb bombs on the primary target.
Pilot: 2 Lt Herman M Doell O-687561
Co-Pilot: 2 Lt Lewis A Duncan O-700422
Navigator: Gross
Radio Op & RW: S/Sgt Alvin I Rainey 18137983
Engineer: S/Sgt William D. Curtin 39038488
Nose Gunner: S/Sgt Vincent Drozdek 36648028
Tail Gunner: Sgt Arthur Stancati 15342096
Ball Turret: S/Sgt William E. Price 18109226
Waist Gunner: S/Sgt Jerome M. Helget 37542521
Mission #5
34BG Mission #6 May 29, 1944 to Politz
This plane was an Airborne spare for this mission and returned early with its bombs.
Pilot: 2 Lt James S Hollowell O-807441
Co-Pilot: 2 Lt George C Weddell O-700583
Navigator: 2 Lt Robert T Priddy O-390297
Radio Op: Sgt Harold E Thomas 18202616
Engineer: Sgt Robert L Gray 34720282
Nose Gunner: Sgt Harold F Logan 13063099
Ball Turret: Sgt Richard Stonefield 17154710
Tail Gunner: Cpl Richard B Kittridge 33195332
Waist Gunner: S/Sgt Jerome M. Helget 37542521
Mission #6
34BG Mission #7 May 30, 1944 to Diepholz
Dropped 6 1000lb bombs on the primary target, flying with the 18BS.
Pilot: 2 Lt Stanley M Brain O-808941
Co-Pilot: 2 Lt Robert L Buenger O-816784
Navigator: 2 Lt Richard H Stevens O-702977
Bombardier: 2 Lt Donald J McCarthy O-691906
Radio Op: S/Sgt Stuart A Stygall 32830463
Engineer: S/Sgt Junior Craft 17120772
Nose Gunner: Cpl Albert J Davids 15127022
Tail Gunner: -----kowski (not readable)
Ball Turret: Sgt Ernest A Tipton 39555066
Waist Gunner: Sgt Paul R Schopf 33501053
Mission #7
34BG Mission #8 May 31, 1944 (recalled)
Pilot: 2 Lt David R Dean O-742071
Co-Pilot: 2 Lt Harry C Ferris, Jr. O-687021
Navigator: 2 Lt Kenneth W Palmer O-814392
Bombardier: 2 Lt Stephen D Leckenby O-755027
Radio Op: S/Sgt Raymond G Maurer 36283677
Engineer: S/Sgt Leslie C Holt 14162069
Gunner: Sgt William G Gibson 32711948
Gunner: Sgt Elwyn W Miller 16134723
Gunner: Kirdes
Gunner: Sgt Clifford T Hayes 19102963
Mission #47 July 31, 1944 41-29598 B/U Kirklin
Took off at 0900 hours.
Flew Deputy Lead of a 493BG Squadron.
Carried 6 500 lb bombs. Brought back all bombs because Lead failed to drop.
Landed 1551 hours.
#2 carburetor temperature gauge out. Inspected and repaired.
1 Lt Kirklin, (P)
2 Lt Russell (CP)
1 Lt Kurtz (N)
2 Lt Keyt (N2)
2 Lt Crofts (B)
T/Sgt Ripple (R)
T/Sgt Simpson (E)
Sgt Mitchem (G)
S/Sgt Shiffer (G)
S/Sgt Hudson (G)
Mission #8
34BG Mission #61 August 16, 1944 to Halberstadt
Dropped 12 500lb general purpose bombs on the primary target.
Pilot: Blackburn
Co-Pilot: Lian
Navigator: Orr
Navigator #2: Mollenberg
Bombardier: Pearce
Radio Op: Oyster
Engineer: Huebler
Gunner: Snyder
Gunner: Denter
Gunner: Wolf
Mission #62 August 18, 1944 41-29598 B/U GH Alexander (Flew Lead of 493BG’s A group)
This ends the 34BG combat mission record of 41-29598 CHESTY.