41-29605 unknown name / Leo
A 34BG Original.
Name unknown, but is said to have had a painting of a girl that was later incorporated into the 486th BG Leo artwork.
Mission #1 May 23, 1944 41-29605 E/K 7BS Hayes unknown name
Mission #2 May 24, 1944 41-29605 E/K 7BS Hayes unknown name Aborted ?
Mission #6 May 29, 1944 41-29605 E/K 7BS Hayes unknown name (Airborne spare)
Mission #8 May 31, 1944 41-29605 E/K 7BS Hayes unknown
Transferred to 486BG. Named Leo while in the 486BG, the second plane with that name.
486BG Mission #15 June 6, 1944 41-29605 D/E Hillfinger Leo
486BG Mission #16 June 6, 1944 41-29605 D/E Leo (unused spare)
486BG Mission #19 June 8, 1944 41-29605 D/E Hillfinger Leo
486BG Mission #21 June 12, 1944 41-29605 D/E Van Camp Leo
486BG Mission #24 June 16, 1944 41-29605 D/E Sandblom Leo
486BG Mission #25 June 17, 1944 41-29605 D/E Hillfinger Leo
486BG Mission #26 June20, 1944 41-29605 D/E Hillfinger Leo
486BG Mission #38 July 4, 1944 41-29605 D/E Leo (unused spare)
486BG Mission #39 July 5, 1944 41-29605 D/N Leo (unused spare)
486BG Mission #44 July 14, 1944 41-29605 ?/? Malone Leo (Flew lead of 493BG Squadron)
Transferred to 34BG. Name was Leo.
Mission #46 July 29, 1944 41-29605 B/Q 4BS Johanson Leo
Mission #47 July 31, 1944 41-29605 B/Q 4BS Johanson Leo
Mission #62 August 18, 1944 41-29605 B/Q 391BS Gipson Leo Major damage
The plane was unnamed or had a now unknown name during its time with the 34BG in May 1944.
Mission #1 May 23, 1944 41-29605 E/K 7BS Hayes unknown
Took off at 0535 hours from Hardstand #2.
Was to fly position 3-2 in High Squadron, but flew position 2-3 in High Squadron.
Carried 12 500 lb bombs. Brought all bombs back to base.
No damage reported.
Landed 1157 hours.
Hayes (P)
Anderson (CP)
Maw (N)
McPherson (B)
Gibbons (E)
Gray (BG)
Murphy (TG)
Rockey (NG)
Duffelmier (G)
Flood (R) (an add on)
Mission #2 May 24, 1944 41-29605 E/K 7BS Hayes unknown name
Took off at 0502 hours from Hardstand #2.
Was to fly position 3-1 in Lead Squadron but aborted.
Carried 12 500 lb GP bombs. Brought all bombs back to base.
Aborted at 0802 hours at 19,000 feet due to complete electrical system failure.
No combat damage reported.
No sortie.
Landed 0910 hours.
Hayes, M. (P)
Anderson, L. (CP)
Maw, S. A. (N)
McPherson, H. S. (B)
Roberts, C. (R) (from crew #35)
Gibbons, A. J. (E)
Rockey, R. K. (NG)
Murphy, R. P. (TG)
Gray, R. L. (BG)
Duffelmier, A. (G)
May 24, 1944 41-29605 E/K
On 34BG Marshalling Chart on Hardstand #2B at 2140 hours.
Mission #6 May 29, 1944 41-29605 E/K 7BS Hayes unknown name
Took off at 0756 hours from Hardstand #3.
Flew as Airborne spare. Not needed and so returned early.
Carried 10 500 lb GP bombs. Brought all bombs back to base.
No damage reported.
Landed 1134 hours.
Hayes (P)
Anderson (CP)
Maw (N)
McPherson (B)
Bower (R)
Gibbons (E)
Rockey (TG)
Murphy (BG)
Gray (NG)
Duffelmier (G)
Mission #8 May 31, 1944 41-29605 E/K 7BS Hayes unknown name
Took off at 0758 hours.
Carried 6 1000 lb bombs. Brought all bombs back to base.
The mission was Recalled.
Landed 1230 hours.
Hayes (P)
Anderson (CP)
Maw (N)
McPherson (B)
Bowers (R)
Gibbons (E)
Rockey (G)
Murphy (G)
Gray (G)
Duffelmier (G)
Mission #46 July 29, 1944 41-29605 B/Q 4BS Johanson Leo
Took off at 0448 hours.
Flew Lead of Lead Squadron.
Carried 6 500 lb bombs. Dropped on Primary. Time and altitude on shown but approx 0848 hours from 20,500 feet.
No battle damage reported.
Landed 1034 hours.
Rate of Climb inaccurate. Inspected and being replaced.
Johanson (P) 1 Lt
Griffis (CP) 2 Lt
McWay (N) 2 LT
Lombardo (N2) 2 Lt
Graham (B) 2 Lt
Trotter (R) T/Sgt
Copeland (E) T/Sgt
Hunter (G) S/Sgt
Andignola (G) S/Sgt
Sadowski (G) S/Sgt
Garrett (Command Pilot) Major
Mission #47 July 31, 1944 41-29605 B/Q 4BS Johanson Leo
Took off 0902 hours.
Flew Lead of Lead Squadron.
Carried 6 500 lb bombs. Dropped on Primary at 1308 hours from 22,500 feet.
No battle damage reported.
Landed 1555 hours.
Johanson (P) 1 Lt
Griffis (CP) 2 Lt
McWay (N) 2 LT
Lombardo (N2) 2 Lt
Graham (B) 2 Lt
Trotter (R) T/Sgt
Copeland (E) T/Sgt
Hunter (G) S/Sgt
Andignola (G) S/Sgt
Sadowski (G) S/Sgt
Boyd (Command Pilot) Lt Col
Mission #62 August 18, 1944 41-29605 B/Q 391BS Gipson Leo
Major damage