42-52751 Jane’s Wittle Wabbit
See photo of noseart in Helton’s Hellcats, p.57.
Mission #11 June 6, 1944 42-52751 E/O 7BS Dean
Mission #12 June 6, 1944 42-52751 E/O 7BS Dean
Mission #14 June 11, 1944 42-52751 E/O 7BS Dean
Missions with the 486BG. Name was Jane’s Wittle Wabbit.
486BG Mission #3 May 9, 1944 42-52751 P/E Moseley
486BG Mission #4 May 11, 1944 42-52751 P/E Moseley
486BG Mission #6 May 23, 1944 42-52751 P/E Moseley (Aborted before the target)
486BG Mission #7 May 24, 1944 42-52751 P/E Fellmeth
486BG Mission #9 May 27, 1944 42-52751 P/E Moseley
486BG Mission #11 May 29, 1944 42-52751 P/E Moseley
486BG Mission #12 May 30, 1944 42-52751 P/E Moseley
Transferred to 34BG. Name remained Jane’s Wittle Wabbit.
Mission #11 June 6, 1944 42-52751 E/O 7BS Dean
Took off at 0622 hours from Hardstand #4.
Flew position 3-3 in High Squadron.
Carried 12 500 lb bombs. Due to 10/10 clouds, brought all bombs back to base.
No damage reported.
Landed 1219 hours.
Oxygen leak. Inspected and repaired.
Dean, D. R. (P)
Ferris, H. C. (CP)
Leckenby, S. D. (B)
Holt, Leslie C. (E)
Maurer, R. C. (R)
Miller, F. W. (G)
Gibson, W. C. (G)
Hayes, C. T. (G)
Kordes, L. P. (G)
Mission #12 June 6, 1944 42-52751 E/O 7BS Dean
Took off at 1707 hours.
Flew position 2-3 in High Squadron.
Carried 12 500 lb bombs. Dropped on the Primary but no time or altitude report.
No damage report.
Landed 2352 hours.
Dean (P)
Ferris (CP)
Palmer (N)
Holt (E)
Maurer (R)
Miller (G)
Hayes (G)
Gibson (G)
Kordes (G)
Mission #14 June 11, 1944 42-52751 E/O 7BS Dean
Took off at 0446 hours.
Flew position 4-3 in High Squadron.
Carried 24 250 lb GP bombs. Brought back all bombs to base due to 10/10 cloud coverage of target.
No battle damage reported.
Landed 1036 hours.
Dean (P)
Ferris (CP)
Leckenby (B)
Mayer (R)
Holt (E)
Kordes (G)
Miller (G)
Gibson (G)
Hayes (G)
Transferred to the 493BG. Name remained Jane’s Wittle Wabbit.
October 1944 Work in progress at Hanger 4, B.A.D. 2, Warton.
December 14, 1944 transferred to the MTO.