42-52759 Lucille
A 34BG Original
See photo in Helton’s Hellcats, p.44.
Mission #2 May 24, 1944 42-52759 E/F 7BS Tuttle
Mission #5 May 28, 1944 42-52759 E/F 7BS Hollowell
Mission #6 May 29, 1944 42-52759 E/F 7BS Tuttle
Mission #2 May 24, 1944 42-52759 E/F 7BS Tuttle Lucille
Took off from Hardstand #2.
Was to fly position 2-3 in Lead Squadron but Aborted prior to target at 0815 hours at 22,400 feet due to failure of supercharger, could not keep pace.
Carried 12 500 lb GP bombs. Brought all bombs back to base.
No damage reported.
No Sortie.
Tuttle, D. E. (P)
Strong, E. (CP)
Rogers, E. (B)
Chation, L. (R)
Henry, G. E. (E)
Marshall, W. L. (NG)
Tauhill, L. J. (TG)
Pell, C. W. (BG)
Havron, W. R. (G)
May 24, 1944 42-52759 E/F Lucille
On 34BG Marshalling Chart on Hardstand #2B at 2140 hours.
Mission #5 May 28, 1944 42-52759 E/F 7BS Hollowell
Took off at 1044 hours from Hardstand #2.
Flew position 4-3 in Low Squadron.
Carried 10 500 lb GP bombs. Jettisoned
all bombs early at 1405 hours. Supercharger #3 was out.
Dropped bombs on target of opportunity so
as to keep up with formation with one engine out.
No combat damage reported.
Landed 1738 hours.
#3 supercharger inoperative. Inspected
and repaired.
Hollowell (P)
Weddell (CP)
Scherr (N) (from crew #34)
Thomas (R)
Gray (E/LW)
Logan (NG)
Stonefield (BG)
Kittridge (TG)
Snyder (RW) (from crew #43)
Graff (TT) (from crew #27)
Mission #6 May 29, 1944 42-52759 E/F 7BS Tuttle
Took off at 0736 hours from Hardstand #2.
Flew position 3-3 in Lead Squadron.
Carried 10 500 lb GP bombs. Dropped on the Primary at 1235 hours from 22,000 feet.
Slight damage reported.
Landed 1641 hours.
Slight flak damage: to #4 cowling, right flap, horizontal stabilizer, air duct #4 engine.
Tuttle (P)
Strong (CP)
Gullace (N)
Chation (R)
Henry (E)
Marshall (NG)
Touhill (BG)
Pell (TG)
Havron (G)
May 30, 1944 42-52759 E/F Hanson
Took off at 1800 hours on a flight to Debach.
Plane transferred to Debach.
No landing time given.
Transferred to the 493BG as letter T
June 22, 1944 42-52759 MIA with 493BG Kaplan crew. 3 EVD, 6 POW.