42-94845 Miz-Pah
A 34th BG Original
Mission #2 May 24, 1944 42-94845 E/A 7BS Hardison Miz-Pah
Mission #3 May 25, 1944 42-94845 E/A Miz-Pah unused spare
Mission #4 May 27, 1944 42-94845 E/A 7BS Terry Miz-Pah (incorrectly listed as 4345)
Mission #5 May 28, 1944 42-94845 E/A 7BS Hardison Miz-Pah (incorrectly listed as 4645.)
Mission #6 May 29, 1944 42-94845 E/A 7BS Terry Miz-Pah
Mission #14 June 11, 1944 42-94845 E/G 7BS Bush Miz-Pah
Mission #16 June 14, 1944 42-94845 E/C 7BS Alexander Miz-Pah
Mission #17 June 17, 1944 42-94845 E/C 7BS Swenson Miz-Pah
Mission #18 June 20, 1944 42-94845 E/N Miz-Pah (ground spare)
Mission #19 June 20, 1944 42-94845 E/N 7BS Alexander Miz-Pah
Mission #20 June 22, 1944 42-94845 E/N 391BS Culver Miz-Pah
Mission #20 June 22, 1944 42-94845 E/N Miz-Pah (scheduled for Culver but replaced)
Mission #28 June 29, 1944 42-94845 E/N 7BS Swenson Miz-Pah (Lost #3 engine – Jettisoned bombs) (incorrectly shown as 854 E/N)
Mission #29 July 2, 1944 42-94845 E/N Richart Miz-Pah (ground spare – did not take off)
Mission #30 July 6, 1944 42-94845 E/N 7BS Swenson Miz-Pah
Mission #32 July 8, 1944 42-94845 E/N 7BS Brown Miz-Pah
Mission #33 July 9, 1944 42-94845 E/N Swenson Miz-Pah
Mission #40 July 21, 1944 42-94845 E/N Miz-Pah (scheduled for Swenson but replaced)
Mission #41 July 24, 1944 42-94845 E/N 7BS Whited Miz-Pah
Mission #42 July 25, 1944 42-94845 E/N 7BS Whited Miz-Pah (listed incorrectly in one place as 854)
Mission #44 July 27, 1944 42-94845 E/N 7BS Swenson Miz-Pah
Mission #47 July 31, 1944 42-94845 E/N 7BS Terry Miz-Pah
Mission #48 August 1, 1944 42-94845 E/N 7BS Swenson Miz-Pah
Mission #49 August 2, 1944 42-94845 E/N Swenson Miz-Pah (Airborne spare)
Mission #50 August 3, 1944 42-94845 E/N 7BS Swenson Miz-Pah
Mission #51 August 4, 1944 42-94845 E/N Miz-Pah (ground spare)
Mission #52 August 5, 1944 42-94845 E/N 7BS Swenson Miz-Pah
Mission #53 August 6, 1944 42-94845 E/N 7BS Swenson Miz-Pah
Mission #54 August 7, 1944 42-94845 E/N 18BS Swenson Miz-Pah
Mission #55 August 8, 1944 42-94845 E/N 7BS Vande Guche Miz-Pah
Mission #56 August 10, 1944 42-94845 E/N 18BS McCage Miz-Pah
Mission #57 August 11, 1944 42-94845 E/N 7BS Winsor Miz-Pah (Aborted – mechanical)
Mission #60 August 15, 1944 42-94845 E/N 391BS Murphy Miz-Pah
Mission #61 August 16, 1944 42-94845 E/N 7BS Swenson Miz-Pah
Mission #62 August 18, 1944 42-94845 E/N 7BS Swenson Miz-Pah (incorrectly shown as 854) Did not drop – rack malfunction
Mission #63 August 24, 1944 42-94845 E/N 7BS Swenson Miz-Pah
Mission #2 May 24, 1944 42-94845 E/A 7BS Hardison Miz-Pah
Took off at 0456 hours from Hardstand #7.
Flew Lead of Lead Squadron.
Carried 12 500 lb bombs. Dropped on the Secondary target at 0924 hours from 21,000 feet.
No damage reported.
Landed 1042 hours.
Pilot's and Co-pilot's mike switch inoperative. Inspected and repaired.
Hardison (P)
LeBailly (Command Pilot)
Stringham, D. D. (CP)
Metz, C. F. (N)
Priddy (PN) (from crew #25)
Shore, W. A. (B)
Price, R. A. (R)
Johnson, G. O. (E)
Furr, V. C. (TG)
Hayes, R. B. (BG)
Blackman, W. B. (G)
Mission #3 May 25, 1944 42-94845 E/A Miz-Pah unused spare
May 25, 1944 42-94845 E/A Hardison Miz-Pah
Took off at 1616 hours on a local flight.
Landed 1700 hours.
Mission #4 May 27, 1944 42-94845 E/A 7BS Terry Miz-Pah (incorrectly listed as 4345)
Took off at 0845 hours.
Flew Deputy Lead, position 1-2 in Low Squadron.
Carried 52 100 lb M47-A bombs. Brought all bombs back to base.
No damage reported.
Landed 1557 hours.
Terry (P)
Halgren (CP)
Adams (N)
Stampon (N2 & NT) (7th Squadron Navigator)
Ritchie (B)
Zakaib (R)
Schildman (E & LW)
Walker (TG)
Jenkins (BG)
Frischmuth (TT)
Mission #5 May 28, 1944 42-94845 E/A 7BS Hardison Miz-Pah (incorrectly listed as 645 on one form.)
Took off at 1036 hours from Hardstand #7.
Flew Deputy Lead, position 1-2 in Low Squadron.
Carried 10 500 lb GP bombs. Dropped on the Primary at 1501 hours from 21,000 feet.
No damage reported.
Landed 1756 hours.
Hardison (P)
Stringham (CP)
Metz (N)
Priddy (PN) (from crew #25)
Shore (B)
Price (R)
Johnson (E)
Tolbert (NG)
Furr (BG)
Hayes (TG)
Blackman (G)
Mission #6 May 29, 1944 42-94845 E/A 7BS Terry Miz-Pah
Took off at 0732 hours from Hardstand #7.
Flew as Deputy Lead, position 1-2 in Lead Squadron.
Landed 1655 hours.
Carried 10 500 lb GP bombs. Dropped on the Primary at 1236 hours from 22,000 feet.
Slight damage reported.
Extensive flak damage: to nose heater, fuselage right side, right wing, vertical stabilizer, tirm tab, left wing flap.
To Sub-depot for repairs.
Terry (P)
Halgren (CP)
Adams (N)
Stampon (PN) (7th Squadron Navigator)
Ritchie (B)
Zakaib (R)
Schildman (E & LW)
Tymczyszyn (NG)
Jenkins (BG)
Frischmuth (TT)
Mission #14 June 11, 1944 42-94845 E/G 7BS Bush Miz-Pah
Took off at 0450 hours.
Flew Lead of the High Squadron.
Carried 24 250 lb GP bombs. Brought back all bombs to base due to 10/10 cloud coverage of target.
No battle damage reported.
Landed at 1040 hours.
Bush (P)
Tavasti (Command Pilot)
Duncan (CP)
Jackson (N)
Boulaine (N2)
Cook (B)
Ricker (R)
Desantis (E)
Vronz (G)
Brown (G)
Buckley (G)
Mission #16 June 14, 1944 42-94845 E/C 7BS Alexander Miz-Pah
Took off at 0333 hours.
Flew position 4-1 in High Squadron.
Carried a camera.
Carried 52 100 lb bombs. Dropped on Secondary target 0750 hours from 18,250 feet.
No damage reported.
Landed 0945 hours.
Alexander (P)
Carlson (CP)
Gross (N)
Owens (R)
Howarter (E)
Rutka (G)
Deatherage (G)
Lucyek (G)
Seifert (G)
Mission #17 June 17, 1944 42-94845 E/C 7BS Swenson Miz-Pah
Took off at 1641 hours.
Flew position 1-3 in High Squadron.
Carried 12 500 lb bombs. Dropped on the Primary at 2022 hours from 18,500 feet.
No battle damage reported.
Landed 2244 hours.
Swenson (P)
Arango (CP)
Swanson (N)
Clemens (B)
Baker (R)
Garmon (E)
Rockwell (G)
Gillespie (G)
Moreno (G)
Barron (G)
Mission #18 June 20, 1944 42-94845 E/N Miz-Pah (ground spare)
Mission #19 June 20, 1944 42-94845 E/N 7BS Alexander Miz-Pah
Took off at 1746 hours.
Flew position 4-1 in Group A (7th)
Carried 52 100 lb bombs. Dropped on the Primary but no time or altitude is listed.
No battle damage report.
Landed 2208 hours.
No crew loading list is available for this mission but is likely the same as above.
Mission #20 June 22, 1944 42-94845 E/N Miz-Pah 391BS Culver
Took off at 1452 hours.
Flew position 2-2 in Lead Squadron.
Carried 52 100 lb bombs. Dropped on the Primary at 1915 hours from 20,000 feet.
Minor damage reported. One crewmember wounded.
Landed 2153 hours.
Culver (P)
Gallagher (CP) (from Crew #68)
Hunter (B)
Hoffman (R)
Daniels (E)
Denny (BG)
Morellino (TG)
Crawford (NG)
Neverman (G)
June 27, 1944 42-94845 E/N McDannold Miz-Pah
Took off at 1356 hours.
Landed 1929 hours.
Mission #28 June 29, 1944 42-94845 E/N 7BS Swenson Miz-Pah (shown as 854 E/N)
Took off at 0520 hours.
Flew position 3-2 in High Squadron.
Jettisoned bombs to keep up with formation after #4 engine went out.
Landed 1218 hours. Credited with a sortie.
Bank and Turn Indicator inoperative. Inspected and repaired.
Swenson (P)
Arango (CP)
Swanson (N)
Clemens (B)
Baker (R)
Garmon (E)
Rockwell (BG)
Gillespie (TG)
Moreno (NG)
Barron (G)
Mission #29 July 2, 1944 42-94845 E/N Richart Miz-Pah (ground spare – did not take off)
Mission #30 July 6, 1944 42-94845 E/N 7BS Swenson Miz-Pah
Mission #32 July 8, 1944 42-94845 E/N 7BS Brown Miz-Pah
Mission #33 July 9, 1944 42-94845 E/N Swenson Miz-Pah
Mission #40 July 21, 1944 42-94845 E/N Miz-Pah (scheduled for Swenson but replaced)
Mission #41 July 24, 1944 42-94845 E/N 7BS Whited Miz-Pah
Mission #42 July 25, 1944 42-94845 E/N 7BS Whited Miz-Pah (listed incorrectly in one place as 854)
Mission #44 July 27, 1944 42-94845 E/N 7BS Swenson Miz-Pah
Mission #47 July 31, 1944 42-94845 E/N 7BS Terry Miz-Pah
Mission #48 August 1, 1944 42-94845 E/N 7BS Swenson Miz-Pah
Mission #49 August 2, 1944 42-94845 E/N Swenson Miz-Pah (Airborne spare)
Mission #50 August 3, 1944 42-94845 E/N 7BS Swenson Miz-Pah
Mission #51 August 4, 1944 42-94845 E/N Miz-Pah (ground spare)
Mission #52 August 5, 1944 42-94845 E/N 7BS Swenson Miz-Pah
Mission #53 August 6, 1944 42-94845 E/N 7BS Swenson Miz-Pah
Mission #54 August 7, 1944 42-94845 E/N 18BS Swenson Miz-Pah
Mission #55 August 8, 1944 42-94845 E/N 7BS Vande Guche Miz-Pah
Mission #56 August 10, 1944 42-94845 E/N 18BS McCage Miz-Pah
Mission #57 August 11, 1944 42-94845 E/N 7BS Winsor Miz-Pah (Aborted – mechanical)
Mission #60 August 15, 1944 42-94845 E/N 391BS Murphy Miz-Pah
Mission #61 August 16, 1944 42-94845 E/N 7BS Swenson Miz-Pah
Mission #62 August 18, 1944 42-94845 E/N 7BS Swenson Miz-Pah (incorrectly shown as 854) Did not drop – rack malfunction
Mission #63 August 24, 1944 42-94845 E/N 7BS Swenson Miz-Pah
Transferred to Special Operations
October 13, 1944 Crash landed and salvaged.