42-94890 Chesty
A 34th BG Original
Crew Chief: M/Sgt Willard Fager, 391st Squadron
This plane has been determined to be Chesty after a long and sometimes confusing process of research, which also determined that 44-40284 was Tondelayo. Both of these planes were in the charge of Willard Fager as Crew Chief, both were coded L/J and both were flown by the Foster crew. After Chesty and before Tondelayo, the Foster crew flew the original Maid of Fury, after it had been changed to L/J.
This plane may have been renamed Donald Duck prior to being salvaged.
Mission #1 May 23, 1944 42-94890 L/J 18BS Harre Chesty
Mission #2 May 24, 1944 42-94890 L/J 391BS Foster Chesty
Mission #3 May 25, 1944 42-94890 L/J 391BS Foster Chesty
Mission #4 May 27, 1944 42-94890 L/J 391BS Foster Chesty
Mission #5 May 28, 1944 42-94890 L/J 18BS Coupland Chesty
Mission #6 May 29, 1944 42-94890 L/J 391BS Cliff Chesty
Mission #1 May 23, 1944 42-94890 L/J 18BS Harre Chesty
Took off at 0546 hours from Hardstand #18.
Flew position 3-3 in Low Squadron.
Carried 12 500 lb bombs. Dropped on the Primary at 0859 hours from 14,500 feet.
"Completely blacked out main target."
No damage reported.
Landed 1140 hours.
Harre (P)
Dunkle (CP)
Maddux (N) (not on one list)
Walsh (B)
Stuart (R)
Cessna (E)
Kayser (NG)
Horton (TG)
Kohler (BG)
Carnak (G)
Mission #2 May 24, 1944 42-94890 L/J 391BS Foster Chesty
Flew position 2-2 in Low Squadron.
Carried 12 500 lb GP bombs. Dropped on the secondary at 0920 hours from 21,200 feet.
No damage reported.
#1 aileron tension not great enough for altitude. Inspected and repaired.
Foster, T. F. (P)
Bresh, P. E. (CP)
Crowley, E. J. (B)
Mollica, J. V. (R)
Given, R. J. (E)
Maccarani, I. (BG) (from crew 57)
Sweeney, T. H. (TG)
Harrison, K. R. (NG)
La Buda, S. J. (G)
Mission #3 May 25, 1944 42-94890 L/J 391BS Foster Chesty
Took off at 0507 hours.
Flew position 4-2 in High Squadron.
Carried 12 500 lb bombs. Dropped on the Secondary Target at 0920 hours from 18,200 feet.
No damage reported.
Landed 1103 hours.
Interphone out. Inspected and repaired.
Foster, T. F. (P)
Bresh, P. E. (CP)
Noulett, J. V. (N)
Crowley, E. J. (B)
Mollica, J. V. (R)
Given, R. J. (E)
Corbin, B. J. (BG) (from crew #60)
Sweeney, T. H. (TG)
Harrison, K. R. (NG)
La Buda, S. J. (G)
Mission #4 May 27, 1944 42-94890 L/J 391BS Foster Chesty
Took off at 0830 hours.
Flew position 3-2 in Lead Squadron.
Carried 10 500lb bombs. Brought all bombs back to base.
No damage reported.
Landed 1606 hours.
Foster (P)
Bresh (CP)
Crowley (B)
Mollica (R)
Given (E)
Alsbury (BG) (from crew #64)
Sweeney (TG)
Harrison (NG)
La Buda (G)
Mission #5 May 28, 1944 42-94890 L/J 18BS Coupland Chesty (Airborne spare – returned early)
Took off at 1045 hours from Hardstand #18.
Flew as Airborne spare. Returned early when unneeded.
Turned back at 1302 hours at 17,000 feet at position 5237-0309.
Carried 10 500 lb GP bombs. Brought all bombs back to base.
No damage reported.
Landed 1345 hours.
Coupland, T. D. (P)
Robinson, L. S. (CP)
Levi, M. B. (N)
Hicks, C. K. (R)
Jordan, J. W. (E)
Zapach, M. (NG)
Burnett, R. C. (TG)
Rosenzweig, M. (BG)
Wells, D. S. (TT)
Mission #6 May 29, 1944 42-94890 L/J 391BS Cliff Chesty
Took off at 0740 hours from Hardstand #18.
Flew position 1-3 in High Squadron.
Carried 10 500 lb GP bombs. Dropped on the Primary but no drop report.
Major damage reported.
Brookshire was wounded. His helmet was shot off but he only required two stitches in his neck.
Landed 1700 hours.
#4 supercharger out; Elevator & aileron trim tabs out. Inspected and being repaired.
Extensive flak damage: Right landing gear tire flat; holes in waist, wings, elevator surfaces, horizontal stabilizer, flight deck and #4 engine.
16 holes in #4 engine. 14 holes in the nose of the ship. Right wing had flak holes and blown tire. Fuel cell damaged.
To Sub-Depot for repair. Declared Category E, but was repaired.
Cliff (P)
Zimmerman (CP)
Stutts (N) (apparently the new navigator as he is not shown as an add on)
Hammond (R)
Brookshire (E) WIA
Harris, E. L. (NG)
Jackson (BG)
Moore (TG)
Drahnak (G)
May 31, 1944 42-94890 L/J Chesty salvaged with battle damage.