42-94919 Smokey (#2)
A 34th BG Original
Mission #1 May 23, 1944 42-94919 E/D 7BS Bush
Mission #3 May 25, 1944 42-94919 E/D unused spare
Mission #4 May 27, 1944 42-94919 E/D 7BS Bush
Mission #6 May 29, 1944 42-94919 E/D 7BS Bush
Mission #7 May 30, 1944 42-94919 E/R 18BS Ralls
Mission #8 May 31, 1944 42-94919 E/R 7BS Terry
Mission #10 June 6, 1944 42-94919 E/R 7BS McAllister
Mission #13 June 7, 1944 42-94919 E/R 18BS Lindstrom
Mission #18 June 20, 1944 42-94919 E/R 7BS McDermott
Mission #19 June 20, 1944 42-94919 E/R 7BS McDermott
Mission #33 July 9, 1944 42-94919 E/C Holmes (Airborne spare)
Mission #35 July 14, 1944 42-94919 E/C (ground spare)
Mission #36 July 17, 1944 42-94919 E/C Harrmon (Airborne spare)
Mission #37 July 18, 1944 42-94919 E/C 7BS McDonald
Mission #38 July 19, 1944 42-94919 E/C 7BS McDonald
Mission #40 July 21, 1944 42-94919 E/C 7BS Harmon
Mission #41 July 24, 1944 42-94919 E/C 7BS McDannold
Mission #42 July 25, 1944 42-94919 E/C 7BS McDonnold
Mission #44 July 27, 1944 42-94919 E/H 7BS McDannold
Mission #45 July 28, 1944 42-94919 E/H 7BS Beyer
Mission #47 July 31, 1944 42-94919 E/H McDannold (Airborne spare)
Mission #48 August 1, 1944 42-94919 E/H 7BS McDermott
Mission #49 August 2, 1944 42-94919 E/H 4BS Anderson
Mission #53 August 6, 1944 42-94919 E/H 7BS McDannold
Mission #54 August 7, 1944 42-94919 E/H 18BS McDannold
Mission #57 August 11, 1944 42-94919 E/H 7BS McDannold
Mission #58 August 13, 1944 42-94919 E/H 7BS McDannold
Mission #59 August 14, 1944 42-94919 E/H McDannold (Airborne spare)
Mission #60 August 15, 1944 42-94919 E/H 18BS Winsor
Mission #61 August 16, 1944 42-94919 E/H 7BS McDannold
Mission #62 August 18, 1944 42-94919 E/H 7BS McDannold
Mission #63 August 24, 1944 42-94919 E/H 7BS McDannold (slight battle damage)
Mission #1 May 23, 1944 42-94919 E/D 7BS Bush
Took off at 0525 hours from Hardstand #3.
Flew Deputy Lead, position 1-2 in High Squadron.
Carried 12 500 lb bombs. Bomb runs at 0857 hours and 0903 hours. Brought all bombs back to base.
"2 runs but did not drop either time."
No damage reported.
Landed 1200 hours.
Lower ball turret oxygen system out. Inspected and repaired.
Bush (P)
Brophy (Command Pilot)
Duncan (CP)
Jackson (N)
Bouliane (N2)
Cook (B)
Ricker (R)
Desantis (E)
May 24, 1944 42-94919 E/D
On 34BG Marshalling Chart on Hardstand #3A at 2140 hours.
Mission #3 May 25, 1944 42-94919 E/D unused spare
May 25, 1944 42-94919 E/D Bush
Took off at 1429 hours on a local flight.
Landed 1504 hours.
Mission #4 May 27, 1944 42-94919 E/D 7BS Bush
Took off at 0844 hours.
Flew Lead of Low Squadron.
Carried 52 100 lb M47-A bombs. Brought all bombs back to base.
No damage reported.
Landed 1556 hours.
Bush (P)
Brophy (Command Pilot)
Duncan (CP)
Jackson (N)
Bouliane (N2) (from crew #29)
Cook (B)
Ricker (R)
Desantis (E)
Brown (NG)
Buckley (BG)
Bonshoff (G)
Mission #5 May 28, 1944 42-94919 E/D Avriett
Unused ground spare - Lead
May 28, 1944 42-94919 E/D Bush
Took off at 1431 hours on a local flight.
Landed 1511 hours.
Mission #6 May 29, 1944 42-94919 E/D 7BS Bush
Took off at 0739 hours from Hardstand #3.
Flew Lead of High Squadron.
Carried 10 500 lb GP bombs. Dropped on the Primary at 1233 hours from 22,500 feet.
Slight damage reported.
Landed 1706 hours.
Slight flak damage: to skin surfaces, vertical stabilizer, fuselage at right waist window, left rear bomb-bay door.
Bush (P)
Garrett (Command Pilot) Maj.
Duncan (CP)
Jackson (N)
Bouliane (PN) (from crew #28)
Cook (B)
Ricker (R)
Desantis (E)
Buckley (BG)
Vrons (TG)
Brown (G)
Mission #7 May 30, 1944 42-94919 E/R 18BS Ralls
Took off at 0650 hours from Hardstand #3
Flew Lead of Lead Squadron.
Carried a K-20 camera.
Carried 6 1000 lb bombs. Dropped on the Primary at 1108 hours from 23,000 feet.
No damage reported.
Landed 1303 hours.
Ralls (P)
Boyd (Command Pilot) Maj.
Juris (N)
Parenteau (B)
Hughey (R)
Gabel (E)
Wanfried (PN in NG position)
Westman (CP in TG position)
Markes (BG)
Moran (G)
Zelenski (G)
Mission #8 May 31, 1944 42-94919 E/R 7BS Terry
Took off at 0755 hours.
Flew Lead of 7th Squadron.
Carried 6 1000 lb bombs. Brought all bombs back to base.
The mission was Recalled.
Landed 1255 hours.
#1 Booster pump out; #1 engine, internal failure. Inspected and repaired.
Terry (P)
Eaton (Command Pilot) Maj.
Halgren (CP)
Adams (N)
Stampon (PN) (7th Squadron Navigator)
Ritchie (B)
Zakaib (R)
Schildman (E & LW)
Jenkins (G)
Frischmuth (G)
Walker (G)
Mission #10 June 6, 1944 42-94919 E/R 7BS McAllister
Took off at 0229 hours.
Flew Lead of 2nd Squadron.
Carried 12 500 lb bombs. Brought all bombs back.
No damage report.
Landed away at Staneykds.
Nose turret charging chain broken. Replaced.
McAllister, W. L. (P) Capt.
Brophy, W. C. (Command Pilot) 1 Lt.
Baldea, E. L. (N) 2 Lt.
Jorgensen, W. L. (N) 2 Lt.
Whited, R. L. (CP) 1 Lt.
Kinney, J. A. (B) 2 Lt.
Smith, R. C. (E) S/Sgt.
Sears, R. A. (R) S/Sgt.
Domino, J. F. (AG) S/Sgt.
Carroll, G. H. (G) S/Sgt.
Mission #13 June 7, 1944 42-94919 E/R 18BS Lindstrom
Took off at 1702 hours.
Flew Deputy Lead, position 1-2 in High Squadron.
Carried 12 500 lb GP bombs. Dropped on the Secondary at 2041 hours from 18,500 feet.
Slight damage reported.
Landed at Hunsden.
Lindstrom (P)
Hamill (CP)
Roberts (N)
Levi (N2) (from crew #37)
Morris (B)
Strurdivan (R)
Witham (E)
Breeding (G)
Wingo (G)
Furlo (G)
Crawford (G)
Mission #18 June 20, 1944 42-94919 E/R 7BS McDermott
Took off at 0500 hours.
Flew position 4-2 in High Squadron.
Carried 12 500 lb bombs. Dropped on the Primary at 0915 hours from 23,800 feet.
No damage reported.
Landed 1132 hours.
McDermott (P)
Durreth (CP)
Booth (N)
Ferguson (B)
Roberts (R)
Welch (E)
Palmer (BG)
Brauks (NG)
Wingfield (G)
Talbert (G) (from Crew #18)
Mission #19 June 20, 1944 42-94919 E/R 7BS McDermott
Took off at 1747 hours.
Flew position 4-2 in Group A (7th)
Carried 52 100 lb GP bombs. Dropped on the Primary but no time or altitude report.
Major battle damage reported.
Landed at Framlingham.
No Crew Loading List available.
Mission #33 July 9, 1944 42-94919 E/C Holmes
(Airborne spare - #1 supercharger out, could not gain altitude)
Mission #35 July 14, 1944 42-94919 E/C (ground spare)
Mission #36 July 17, 1944 42-94919 E/C Harrmon (Airborne spare)
Mission #37 July 18, 1944 42-94919 E/C 7BS McDonald
Mission #38 July 19, 1944 42-94919 E/C 7BS McDonald
Landed XC without brakes. Inspected, repaired and returned to base.
July 20, 1944 42-94919 E/C Harmon
Took off at 1646 hours.
Landed 1747 hours.
July 20, 1944 42-94919 E/C Harmon
Took off at 1823 hours on a flight to the bombing range.
Landed 1847 hours.
Mission #40 July 21, 1944 42-94919 E/C 7BS Harmon
Mission #41 July 24, 1944 42-94919 E/C 7BS McDannold
Mission #42 July 25, 1944 42-94919 E/C 7BS McDonnold
Mission #44 July 27, 1944 42-94919 E/H 7BS McDannold
Mission #45 July 28, 1944 42-94919 E/H 7BS Beyer
Mission #47 July 31, 1944 42-94919 E/H McDannold (Airborne spare)
Mission #48 August 1, 1944 42-94919 E/H 7BS McDermott
Mission #49 August 2, 1944 42-94919 E/H 4BS Anderson
Mission #53 August 6, 1944 42-94919 E/H 7BS McDannold
Mission #54 August 7, 1944 42-94919 E/H 18BS McDannold
Mission #57 August 11, 1944 42-94919 E/H 7BS McDannold
Mission #58 August 13, 1944 42-94919 E/H 7BS McDannold
Mission #59 August 14, 1944 42-94919 E/H McDannold (Airborne spare)
Mission #60 August 15, 1944 42-94919 E/H 18BS Winsor
Mission #61 August 16, 1944 42-94919 E/H 7BS McDannold
Mission #62 August 18, 1944 42-94919 E/H 7BS McDannold
Mission #63 August 24, 1944 42-94919 E/H 7BS McDannold
(slight battle damage)
Transferred to the MTO.