44-40441 Floogie Boo
A 493BG Original, assigned to the 863rd Squadron as letter G, with the name Floogie Boo.
Any combat missions with the 493BG as not known to me.
Transferred to the 34BG between June 7th and June 14th 1944, assigned to the 4th Squadron as D/N.
Arrived at Mendlesham at 1400 hours on June 11, 1944.
Mission #16 June 14, 1944 44-40441 D/N 4BS Pavlicek Floogie Boo
Mission #17 June 17, 1944 44-40441 D/N 4BS Notman Floogie Boo (lead)
Mission #18 June 20, 1944 44-40441 D/N 4BS Johanson Floogie Boo (Airborne spare - returned early)
Mission #19 June 20, 1944 44-40441 D/N 18BS Paulnock Floogie Boo
Mission #20 June 22, 1944 44-40441 D/N 4BS Wright Floogie Boo
Mission #22 June 24, 1944 44-40441 D/N 4BS Johanson Floogie Boo
Mission #23 June 24, 1944 44-40441 D/N 391BS Stewart Floogie Boo
Mission #24 June 25, 1944 44-40441 D/N 4BS Johanson Floogie Boo
Mission #25 June 25, 1944 44-40441 D/N 7BS Holmes Floogie Boo
Mission #27 June 28, 1944 44-40441 D/N 4BS Wright Floogie Boo
Mission #28 June 29, 1944 44-40441 D/N 4BS Bice Floogie Boo
Mission #29 July 2, 1944 44-40441 D/N 4BS Johanson Floogie Boo
Mission #36 July 17, 1944 44-40441 D/N 4BS Lewis Floogie Boo
Mission #37 July 18, 1944 44-40441 D/N 4BS Lewis Floogie Boo
Mission #38 July 19, 1944 44-40441 D/N 7BS Avriett Floogie Boo
Mission #39 July 20, 1944 44-40441 D/N 4BS Lundeen Floogie Boo
Mission #40 July 21, 1944 44-40441 D/N 4BS Armstrong Floogie Boo
Mission #41 July 24, 1944 44-40441 D/N 18BS Gardner Floogie Boo
Mission #42 July 25, 1944 44-40441 D/N Floogie Boo (ground spare)
Mission #44 July 27, 1944 44-40441 D/P 4BS Lewis Floogie Boo
Mission #45 July 28, 1944 44-40441 D/P 4BS Lewis Floogie Boo
Mission #46 July 29, 1944 44-40441 D/P 4BS Lewis Floogie Boo
Mission #47 July 31, 1944 44-40441 D/P 4BS Lewis Floogie Boo
Mission #48 August 1, 1944 44-40441 D/P 4BS Lewis Floogie Boo
Mission #49 August 2, 1944 44-40441 D/P 4BS Lewis Floogie Boo
Mission #50 August 3, 1944 44-40441 D/P 18BS Lewis Floogie Boo
Mission #50 August 3, 1944 44-40441 D/P Floogie Boo (scheduled for Lewis but replaced)
Mission #52 August 5, 1944 44-40441 D/P 4BS Lewis Floogie Boo
Mission #56 August 10, 1944 44-40441 D/P Floogie Boo (ground spare)
Mission #57 August 11, 1944 44-40441 D/P 4BS Lewis Floogie Boo (Aborted – mechanical)
Mission #60 August 15, 1944 44-40441 D/P 4BS Lewis Floogie Boo
Mission #61 August 16, 1944 44-40441 D/P 4BS Lewis Floogie Boo
Mission #63 August 24, 1944 44-40441 D/P 4BS Lewis Floogie Boo (incorrectly listed as D/F)
June 11, 1944 44-40441 pilot unknown
Arrived from Debach at 1400 hours.
Mission #16 June 14, 1944 44-40441 D/N 4BS Pavlicek Floogie Boo (apparently not used)
Pavlicek switched to another plane.
Mission #17 June 17, 1944 44-40441 D/N 4BS Notman Floogie Boo (lead)
Took off at 1649 hours.
Flew Lead of Low Squadron.
Carried 12 500 lb bombs. Dropped on the Primary at 2022 hours from 17,300 feet.
Slight battle damage.
Landed 2314 hours.
Notman (P)
Uscinowicz (CP)
Hershenow (Command Pilot)
Walcott (N)
Griffith (N2)
Nelson (B)
Conklin (R)
Boyson (E)
Escherich (TG)
Crosby (BG)
Cockman (G)
Mission #18 June 20, 1944 44-40441 D/N 4BS Johanson Floogie Boo (Airborne spare - returned early)
Took off at 0509 hours.
Was scheduled to fly in the Lead Squadron, but swapped with Cook prior to take-off and became an Airborne spare, returning early when not needed.
Carried 12 500 lb bombs. Returned all bombs to base.
No damage reported.
Landed 0921 hours.
Johanson (P)
Griffis (CP)
McWay (N)
Trotter (R)
Copeland (E)
Hunter (NG)
Andrianola (TG)
Sadowski (BG)
Smith (G)
Mission #19 June 20, 1944 44-40441 D/N 18BS Paulnock Floogie Boo
Took off at 1753 hours.
Flew position 4-2 in Group B (18th)
Carried 52 100 lb GP bombs. Dropped on the Primary at 2058 hours from 22,700 feet.
No battle damage reported.
Landed 2213 hours.
No Crew Loading List available.
Mission #20 June 22, 1944 44-40441 D/N 4BS Wright Floogie
Took off at 1502 hours.
Flew position 3-1 in Low Squadron.
Carried a K-21 camera.
Carried 52 100 lb bombs. Dropped on the Primary at 1917
hours from 19,400 feet.
No damage reported.
Landed 2204 hours.
Wright (P)
Scales (CP)
Gordon (N)
Hilderbrand (B)
Hudson (R)
Jones, J. (E)
Biksey (BG)
Starks (TG)
Devine (NG)
Baldwin (G)
June 23, 1944 44-40441 D/N (pilot looks like Hardison but he was killed 3 days prior to this date.) Floogie Boo
Took off at 1644 hours on a local flight.
Landed 1735 hours.
Mission #22 June 24, 1944 44-40441 D/N 4BS Johanson Floogie Boo
Took off at 0440 hours.
Flew in Lead Squadron.
Carried 52 100 lb bombs. Dropped on the Primary at 0817 hours from 22,200 feet.
No damage reported.
Landed 1014 hours.
Johanson (P)
Griffis (CP)
McWay (N)
Lombardo (B)
Trotter (R)
Copeland (E)
Sadowsky (BG)
Andragnola (TG)
Hunter (NG)
Smith, C. (G)
Mission #23 June 24, 1944 44-40441 D/N 391BS Stewart Floogie Boo
Took off at 1630 hours.
Flew position 4-1 in High Squadron.
Carried 24 250 lb GP bombs. Brought all bombs back to base. Target unidentified.
No damage reported.
Landed 2101 hours.
Stewart (P)
Korf (CP)
Berns (B)
Maggietto (R)
Serna (E)
Hernandez (BG)
Charbonneau (TG)
Adney (NG)
Barbera (G)
Mission #24 June 25, 1944 44-40441 D/N 4BS Johanson Floogie Boo
Took off at 0423 hours.
Flew with the 34th BG Squadron, flying with two 493rd BG Squadrons.
Carried 52 100 lb bombs. Dropped on the Primary at 0826 hours from 19,300 feet.
No damage reported.
Landed 1039 hours.
Johanson (P)
Griffis (CP)
McWay (N)
Lombardo (B)
Trotter (R)
Copeland (E)
Sadowsky (BG)
Andragnola (TG)
Hunter (NG)
Smith, C. (G)
Orchard (Observer)
Mission #25 June 25, 1944 44-40441 D/N 7BS Holmes Floogie Boo
Took off at 1532 hours.
Flew position 1-3 in High Squadron.
Carried 6 1000 lb bombs. Dropped on the Primary at 1943 hours from 20,600 feet.
No damage reported.
Landed 2238 hours.
Holmes (P)
Granger (CP)
Grzelak (N)
Lambert (B)
Gibbs (R)
Ivey (E)
Berry (BG)
Peterson (TG)
Jensen (NG)
Weaver (G)
Mission #27 June 28, 1944 44-40441 D/N 4BS Wright Floogie
Took off at 0408 hours.
Flew position 3-1 in Low Squadron (Lead and High Squadron were from the 486th BG)
Carried 24 250 lb bombs. Brought all bombs back to base.
Recalled at 0710 hours while 15 miles NW of La Havre.
No damage reported.
Landed 0820 hours.
Wright (P)
Scales (CP)
Gordon (N)
Hilderbrand (B)
Hudson (R)
Jones, J. (E)
Biksey (BG)
Starks (TG)
Devine (NG)
Baldwin (G)
Mission #28 June 29, 1944 44-40441 D/N 4BS Bice Floogie Boo
Took off at 0530 hours.
Flew position 3-2 in Lead Squadron.
Landed 1215 hours.
#1 generator inoperative; #2 supercharger inoperative; tail turret inoperative. Inspected and repaired.
Bice (P)
Rowley (CP)
Lynn (N) (a write-in)
Humphreys (B)
Forister (R)
Blackham (E)
Snyder (BG)
Waelfel (TG)
Golden (NG)
Lawler (G) (a write-in)
Mission #29 July 2, 1944 44-40441 D/N 4BS Johanson Floogie Boo
Took off at 1000 hours.
Flew position 2-1 in Group B with target of Haute Cote.
Carried 18 250 lb bombs. Brought all bombs back to base due to 10/10 undercast and failure of GH equipment in the Lead plane.
No damage reported.
Landed 1518 hours.
Johanson (P)
Griffis (CP)
McWay (N)
Lombardo (B)
Trotter (R)
Copeland (E)
Sadowsky (BG)
Andragnola (TG)
Hunter (NG)
Smith, C. (G)
Mission #36 July 17, 1944 44-40441 D/N 4BS Lewis Floogie Boo
Mission #37 July 18, 1944 44-40441 D/N 4BS Lewis Floogie Boo
Mission #38 July 19, 1944 44-40441 D/N 7BS Avriett Floogie Boo
#2 supercharger oscillates at altitude; Engines will not idle, cut out at 1400 RPM, rate of climb indicator needs calibration, #2 generator needs paralleling. Inspected and repaired.
Mission #39 July 20, 1944 44-40441 D/N 4BS Lundeen Floogie Boo
Mission #40 July 21, 1944 44-40441 D/N 4BS Armstrong Floogie Boo
#2 inverter out; “G” box inoperative; #4 throttle sticks; cylinder head temperature high. Inspected and repaired.
Mission #41 July 24, 1944 44-40441 D/N 18BS Gardner Floogie Boo
Mission #42 July 25, 1944 44-40441 D/N Floogie Boo (ground spare)
Mission #44 July 27, 1944 44-40441 D/P 4BS Lewis Floogie Boo
Mission #45 July 28, 1944 44-40441 D/P 4BS Lewis Floogie Boo
Mission #46 July 29, 1944 44-40441 D/P 4BS Lewis Floogie Boo
Mission #47 July 31, 1944 44-40441 D/P 4BS Lewis Floogie Boo
Mission #48 August 1, 1944 44-40441 D/P 4BS Lewis Floogie Boo
Mission #49 August 2, 1944 44-40441 D/P 4BS Lewis Floogie Boo
Mission #50 August 3, 1944 44-40441 D/P 18BS Lewis Floogie Boo
Mission #50 August 3, 1944 44-40441 D/P Floogie Boo (scheduled for Lewis but replaced)
Mission #52 August 5, 1944 44-40441 D/P 4BS Lewis Floogie Boo
Mission #56 August 10, 1944 44-40441 D/P Floogie Boo (ground spare)
Mission #57 August 11, 1944 44-40441 D/P 4BS Lewis Floogie Boo (Aborted – mechanical)
Mission #60 August 15, 1944 44-40441 D/P 4BS Lewis Floogie Boo
Mission #61 August 16, 1944 44-40441 D/P 4BS Lewis Floogie Boo
Mission #63 August 24, 1944 44-40441 D/P 4BS Lewis Floogie Boo (incorrectly listed as D/F)
October 1944 Work in progress at Hanger 4, B.A.D. 2, Warton.
Transferred to MTO