Alexander crew




CREW #33; 7th Squadron

Mission #1 May 23, 1944 41-29559 E/P 7BS Alexander Belchin’ Bessie

Mission #4 May 27, 1944 41-29559 E/P 7BS Alexander Belchin’ Bessie

Mission #6 May 29, 1944 41-29559 E/P 7BS Alexander Belchin’ Bessie Slight damage.

Mission #8 May 31, 1944 42-94908 E/E 7BS Alexander Tiger Rag

Mission #11 June 6, 1944 41-29559 E/P 7BS Alexander Belchin’ Bessie

Mission #12 June 6, 1944 41-29559 E/P 7BS Alexander Belchin’ Bessie

Mission #14 June 11, 1944 42-94879 B/D 18BS Alexander Collapsible Susie

Mission #15 June 12, 1944 42-52707 D/P 7BS Alexander Open Season (Airborne spare)

Mission #16 June 14, 1944 42-94845 E/C 7BS Alexander Miz-Pah

Mission #17 June 17, 1944 41-28877 E/I 7BS Alexander Sooner

Mission #18 June 20, 1944 42-94815 B/B 7BS Alexander Frivolous Sal

Mission #19 June 20, 1944 42-94845 E/N 7BS Alexander Miz-Pah

Mission #23 June 24, 1944 42-52707 D/P 7BS Alexander Open Season

Mission #25 June 25, 1944 42-94818 E/B 7BS Alexander Captain John Silver 

Mission #28 June 29, 1944 42-94748 L/P 7BS Alexander Undecided

Mission #29 July 2, 1944 42-94824 E/Q 7BS Alexander Umbriago (Airborne spare – jettisoned bombs in the channel)

Mission #30 July 6, 1944 41-29542 B/L 7BS Alexander Rough House Kate

Mission #32 July 8, 1944 42-94755 D/D 7BS Alexander Weary Willie

Mission #35 July 14, 1944 41-29559 E/P 7BS Alexander Belchin’ Bessie

Mission #36 July 17, 1944 41-29559 E/P 4BS Alexander Belchin’ Bessie

Mission #37 July 18, 1944 41-29559 E/P 7BS Alexander Belchin’ Bessie

Mission #38 July 19, 1944 41-29559 E/P 7BS Alexander Belchin’ Bessie

Mission #39 July 20, 1944 42-94904 B/P Alexander Belle of the Brawl (Airborne spare)

Mission #40 July 21, 1944 41-29559 E/P 7BS Alexander Belchin’ Bessie

Mission #41 July 24, 1944 41-29559 E/P 7BS Alexander Belchin’ Bessie

Mission #42 July 25, 1944 41-29559 E/P 7BS Alexander Belchin’ Bessie


CREW #44; 7th Squadron (as of July 28, 1944)

Mission #45 July 28, 1944 41-29599 L/T 7BS Alexander Boots

Mission #47 July 31, 1944 42-94908 E/I 7BS Alexander Tiger Rag

Mission #48 August 1, 1944 42-94813 D/Z 7BS Alexander Skotty

Mission #49 August 2, 1944 44-40276 E/C 18BS Alexander

Mission #50 August 3, 1944 42-94811 D/K 7BS Alexander Tommy Thumper II

Mission #52 August 5, 1944 41-29559 E/P 7BS Alexander Belchin’ Bessie

Mission #53 August 6, 1944 41-29559 E/P 7BS Alexander Belchin’ Bessie

Mission #55 August 8, 1944 41-29559 E/P 7BS Alexander Belchin’ Bessie

Mission #57 August 11, 1944 41-29559 E/P 7BS Alexander Belchin’ Bessie (Crashed on take off)

Mission #58 August 13, 1944 44-40482 B/B 7BS Alexander The Dugan Wagon (#2) (lead – Target #6)

Mission #60 August 15, 1944 42-94799 E/E 18BS Alexander The Paper Doll

Mission #61 August 16, 1944 44-40208 L/U 7BS Alexander

Mission #62 August 18, 1944 44-40420 E/A 7BS Alexander




CREW #33; 7th Squadron. Flew over on 41-29559

ALEXANDER SHELBY T (P) (1024)                 1 LT        7              O-726544

CARLSON EDWARD R (CP) (1024)                 2 LT        7              O-818595

JORGENSON WAYNE L (N) (1034)                  2 LT        7              O-703267

McKEON PATRICK J (B) (1035)                       2 LT        7              O-698025

HOWARTER WAYNE E (AEG) (748)              SGT        7              39279107

OWENS HAROLD G (ROG) (757)                     SGT        7              34686586

SEIFERT WILLIAM W (AG) (612)                   SGT        7              32850670

RUTKA HAROLD C (BG) (611)                        CPL         7              17050426

DEATHERAGE GRADY C JR (BG) (748)         SGT        7              33526000


                   April 13, 1944 41-29559 Alexander

Special Order 1100; Headquarters Station #11; Caribean Wing, ATC; Morrison Field; West Palm Beach, Florida.

Subject: Movement Orders, Flight Echelons, Shipment 5464.

B-24 41-29559 5464-CZ48

1 Lt         Shelby T. Alexander            O-726544                (P)

2 Lt         Edward R. Carlson               O-818594                (CP)

2 Lt         Wayne L. Jorgenson           O-703267                (N)

2 Lt         Patrick J. McKeon                O-698025                (B)

S/Sgt      Wayne E. Howarter             39279107                (AEMG)

S/Sgt      Herold G. Owens                  34686585                (ROMG)

Sgt          William W. Seifert                32850670                (AG)

Sgt          Harold C. Rutka                    17050426                (CG)

Sgt          Grady C. Deatherage, Jr.     33526000                (CG)       

T/Sgt      Wesley E. Franklin               17043375                (X) Non-combat crewmember. Assigned shipment DZ.


Mission #1 May 23, 1944 41-29559 E/P 7BS Alexander Belchin’ Bessie

Took off at 0536 hours from Hardstand #3.

Flew position 4-1 in High Squadron.

Carried 12 500 lb bombs. Made a run at 0856 hours but did not drop bombs. Brought all bombs back to base.

"Low squadron hit target on 1st & 2nd buildings."

No damage reported.

Landed 1203 hours.

Alexander (P)

Carlson (CP)

McKeon (B)

Owens (R)

Howarter (E)

Rutka (BG)

Deatherage (TG)

Lucyk (NG)

Seifert (G)

(NOTE: Navigator Jorgenson flew with crew #27 McAllister)


                     May 24, 1944 Alexander

Crew Status Report 1800 hours.

Crew #33, 7th Squadron

Alexander, S. T. (P)              1 Lt         OK

Carlson, E. R. (CP)                2 Lt         OK

Jorgenson, W. (N)               2 Lt         OK

McKeon, P. J. (B)                 2 Lt         OK

Owens, H. G. (R)                   T/Sgt      OK

Howarter, W. E. (E)              T/Sgt      OK

Lucyk, P. (NG)                      S/Sgt      OK

Deatherage (TG)                   S/Sgt      OK

Rutka, H. C. (BG)                  S/Sgt      OK

Seifert, W. W. (G)                 S/Sgt      OK


                     May 25, 1944 41-29559 E/P Alexander

Took off at 1333 hours on a local flight.

Landed 1400 hours.


Mission #4 May 27, 1944 41-29559 E/P 7BS Alexander Belchin’ Bessie

Took off at 0851 hours.

Flew position 4-1 in Low Squadron.

Carried 52 100 lb M47-A bombs. Brought all bombs back to base.

No damage reported.

Landed 1554 hours.

#1 Generator out. Inspected and replaced.

Alexander (P)

Carlson (CP)

Swanson (N) (from crew #31)

McKeon (B)

Owens (R)

Howarter (E)

Lucyk (NG)

Deatherage (BG)

Rutka (TG)

Seifert (G)


Mission #6 May 29, 1944 41-29559 E/P 7BS Alexander Belchin’ Bessie

Took off at 0733 hours from Hardstand #3.

Flew position 2-1 in Lead Squadron.

Carried 10 500 lb GP bombs. Dropped on the Primary at 1234 hours from 22,000 feet.

Slight damage reported.

Landed 1647 hours.

Slight Flak damage. Fuselage, right side; left wing leading edge; left vertical stab.; fuel cell #4; left wing tip.

Alexander (P)

Carlson (CP)

Joegenson (N)

McKeon (B)

Owens (R)

Howarter (E)

Lucyk (NG)

Deatherage (BG)

Rutka (TG)

Seifert (G)


Mission #8 May 31, 1944 42-94908 E/E 7BS Alexander Tiger Rag

Took off at 0759 hours.

Carried 6 1000 lb bombs. Brought all bombs back to base.

The mission was Recalled.

Landed 1212 hours.

Alexander (P)

Carlson (CP)

Gullace (N) (from crew #23)

McKeon (B)

Owens (R)

Howaters (E)

Lucyk (G)

Deatherage (G)

Rutka (G)

Seifert (G)


                     May 31, 1944 41-29559 E/P Alexander Belchin’ Bessie

Took off at 1714 hours.

Landed 1732 hours.


Mission #11 June 6, 1944 41-29559 E/P 7BS Alexander Belchin’ Bessie

Took off at 0610 hours from Hardstand #19.

Flew position 1-3 in Lead Squadron.

Carried 12 500 lb bombs. Due to 10/10 clouds, brought all bombs back to base.

No damage reported.

Landed 1231 hours.

Alexander, S. T. (P)

Carlson, E. R. (CP)

McKeon, P. J. (B)

Howater, W. E. (E)

Owens, H. C. (R)

Seifert, W. W. (AG)

Deatherage, G. C. (G)

Rutka, H. C. (G)

Lucyk, P. (G)


Mission #12 June 6, 1944 41-29559 E/P 7BS Alexander Belchin’ Bessie

Took off at 1706 hours.

Flew position 2-1 in High Squadron.

Carried 12 500 lb bombs. Brought all bombs back to base.

Aborted due to weather. Could not find the formation.

No damage report.

Landed 1902 hours at A.B.

Alexander (P)

Carlson (CP)

McKeon (B)

Holwater (E)

Owens (R)

Siefert (G)

Deatherage (G)

Rutka (G)

Lucyk (G)


Mission #14 June 11, 1944 42-94768 B/N (scheduled for Alexander, but replaced)

Mission #14 June 11, 1944 42-94879 B/D 18BS Alexander Collapsible Susie

Took off at 0422 hours

Flew position 4-1 in High Squadron

Carried 12 500 lb bombs. Jettisoned 2 bombs, returned 10 bombs to base due to 10/10 cloud coverage of target.

No battle damage reported.

Landed 1052 hours

Alexander (P)

Carlson (CP)

McKeon (B)

Owens (R)

Howarter (E)

Rutka (BG)

Deatherage (TG)

Lucyek (NG)

Seifert (G)


Mission #15 June 12, 1944 42-52707 D/P 7BS Alexander Open Season

Took off at 0534 hours as Airborne spare

Flew the mission, taking position 2-3 in High Squadron when Marks aborted.

Carried 24 250 lb bombs. Dropped 14 bombs at 0915 hours from 21,800 feet. Jettisoned 6 bombs and brought 4 bombs back to base.

No damage reported.

Landed 1211 hours.

Alexander (P)

Carlson (CP)

Crowe (N)

Owens (R)

Howarter (E)

Rutka (G)

Deatherage (G)

Lucyek (G)

Seifert (G)


Mission #16 June 14, 1944 42-94845 E/C 7BS Alexander Miz-Pah

Took off at 0333 hours.

Flew position 4-1 in High Squadron.

Carried a camera.

Carried 52 100 lb bombs. Dropped on Secondary target 0750 hours from 18,250 feet.

No damage reported.

Landed 0945 hours.

Alexander (P)

Carlson (CP)

Gross (N)

Owens (R)

Howarter (E)

Rutka (G)

Deatherage (G)

Lucyek (G)

Seifert (G)


Mission #17 June 17, 1944 41-28877 E/I 7BS Alexander Sooner

Took off at 1646 hours.

Flew position 4-1 in High Squadron.

Carried 12 500 lb bombs. Dropped on the Primary at 2023 hours from 18,300 feet.

No damage reported.

Landed 2249 hours.

Alexander (P)

Carlson (CP)

Gross (N)

Owens (R)

Howarter (E)

Rutka (G)

Deatherage (G)

Lucyek (G)

Seifert (G)


Mission #18 June 20, 1944 42-94815 B/B 7BS Alexander Frivolous Sal

Took off at 0508 hours.

Flew position 4-2 in Low Squadron.

Carried 12 500 lb bombs. Dropped on the Primary at 0915 hours from 21,800 feet.

No battle damage.

Landed 1143 hours.

Alexander (P)

Carlson (CP)

Gross (N)

Owens (R)

Howarter (E)

Rutka (G)

Deatherage (G)

Lucyek (G)

Seifert (G)


Mission #19 June 20, 1944 42-94845 E/N 7BS Alexander Miz-Pah

Took off at 1746 hours.

Flew position 4-1 in Group A (7th)

Carried 52 100 lb bombs. Dropped on the Primary but no time or altitude is listed.

No battle damage report.

Landed 2208 hours.

No crew loading list is available for this mission but is likely the same as above.


Mission #23 June 24, 1944 42-52707 D/P 7BS Alexander Open Season

Took off at 1638 hours.

Flew position 4-2 in Lead Squadron.

Carried 24 250 lb GP bombs. Dropped on the Primary. Fair hits.

No damage reported.

Landed 2105 hours.

Alexander (P)

Carlson (CP)

Gross (N)

McKeon (B)

Owens (R)

Howarter (E)

Rutka (BG)

Deatherage (TG)

Lucyk (NG)

Seifert (G)


Mission #25 June 25, 1944 42-94818 E/B 7BS Alexander Captain John Silver 

Took off at 1536 hours.

Flew position 3-2 in High Squadron.

Carried a K-20 and a K-24 camera.

Carried 6 1000 lb bombs. Dropped on the Primary at 1943 hours from 20,450 feet.

No damage reported.

Landed 2237 hours.

Alexander (P)

Carlson (CP)

Gross (N)

McKeon (B)

Owens (R)

Howarter (E)

Rutka (BG)

Deatherage (TG)

Lucyk (NG)

Seifert (G)


Mission #28 June 29, 1944 42-94748 L/P 7BS Alexander Undecided

Took off at 0522 hours.

Flew position 4-1 in High Squadron.

Aborted. #4 engine went out.

Landed 0845 hours. No sortie.

Alexander (P)

Carlson (CP)

Gross (N)

McKeon (B)

Owens (R)

Howarter (E)

Rutka (BG)

Deatherage (TG)

Lucyk (NG)

Seifert (G)


Mission #29 July 2, 1944 42-94824 E/Q 7BS Alexander Umbriago

Took off at 1029 hours.

Carried a K-20 camera.

Carried 18 250 lb bombs. Jettisoned all bombs in the channel.

No damage reported.

Landed at Dunnsford, time not given.

Alexander (P)

Carlson (CP)

Gross (N)

McKeon (B)

Owens (R)

Howarter (E)

Rutka (BG)

Deatherage (TG)

Lucyk (NG)

Seifert (G)


Mission #30 July 6, 1944 41-29542 B/L 7BS Alexander Rough House Kate

Took off at 0544 hours.

Flew position 3-2 in High Squadron.

Carried 20 250 lb bombs. Dropped on the Primary at 0911/30 hours from 24,780 feet.

No damage reported.

Landed 1028 hours.

Alexander (P)

Carlson (CP)

Gross (N)

McKeon (B)

Owens (R)

Howarters (E)

Rutka (BG)

Deatherage (TG)

Lucyk (NG)

Seifert (G)


Mission #32 July 8, 1944 42-94755 D/D 7BS Alexander Weary Willie

Took off at 0424 hours.

Flew position 4-2 in Lead Squadron.

Carried 20 250 lb bombs. Dropped on the Primary at 0802 hours from 22,500 feet.

No damage reported.

Landed 0906 hours.

Alexander (P)

Carlson (CP)

Gross (N)

McKeon (B)

Owens (R)

Howarters (E)

Rutka (BG)

Deatherage (TG)

Lucyk (NG)

Seifert (G)


Mission #35 July 14, 1944 41-29559 E/P 7BS Alexander Belchin’ Bessie

Took off at 1631 hours.

Flew position 1-3 in Lead Squadron.

Carried 20 250 lb GP bombs. Dropped on the Primary at 2019 hours from 21,550 feet.

No damage reported.

Landed 2218 hours.

Alexander (P)

Carlson (CP)

Gross (N)

McKeon (B)

Owens (R)

Howarters (E)

Rutka (BG)

Deatherage (TG)

Lucyk (NG)

Seifert (G)


Mission #36 July 17, 1944 41-29559 E/P 4BS Alexander Belchin’ Bessie

Took off at 0635 hours.

Flew position 1-3 in High Squadron.

Carried 5 1000 lb bombs. Dropped on the Primary at 1053 hours from 20,500 feet.

No damage reported.

Landed 1303 hours.

Alexander (P)

Carlson (CP)

Gross (N)

McKeon (B)

Owens (R)

Howarters (E)

Rutka (BG)

Deatherage (TG)

Lucyk (NG)

Seifert (G)


Mission #37 July 18, 1944 41-29559 E/P 7BS Alexander Belchin’ Bessie

Took off at 0527 hours.

Flew position 3-1 in Lead Squadron.

Carried 52 100 lb Fragmentation bombs. Dropped on Primary at 0836 hours from 17,400 feet.

No battle damaged reported.

Landed 1024 hours.

Alexander (P)

Carlson (CP)

Gross (N)

McKeon (B)

Owens (R)

Howarters (E)

Rutka (BG)

Deatherage (TG)

Lucyk (NG)

Seifert (G)


Mission #38 July 19, 1944 41-29559 E/P 7BS Alexander Belchin’ Bessie

Took off at 0559 hours.

Flew position 3-1 in Low Squadron.

Carried 12 500 lb GP lb bombs. Dropped on the Secondary at 0958 hours from 22,000 feet.

Slight flak damage.

Landed 1144 hours.

Alexander (P)

Carlson (CP)

Gross (N)

McKeon (B)

Owens (R)

Howarters (E)

Rutka (BG)

Deatherage (TG)

Lucyk (NG)

Seifert (G)


Mission #39 July 20, 1944 42-94904 B/P Alexander Belle of the Brawl (Airborne spare)

Did not take off.

No crew loading list available.


Mission #40 July 21, 1944 41-29559 E/P 7BS Alexander Belchin’ Bessie

Took off at 0622 hours.

Flew position 3-1 in Low Squadron.

Carried 10 500 lb bombs. Dropped on unidentified marshalling yards at 1050 hours from 23,000 feet, reporting hits on the tracks.

Landed 1310 hours.

#3 supercharger inoperative. Inspected and repaired.

Alexander (P)

Carlson (CP)

Gross (N)

McKeon (B)

Owens (R)

Howarters (E)

Rutka (BG)

Deatherage (TG)

Lucyk (NG)

Seifert (G)


Mission #41 July 24, 1944 41-29559 E/P 7BS Alexander Belchin’ Bessie

Took off at 0950 hours.

Flew position 3-1 in High Squadron.

Carried 52 100 lb fragmentation bombs. Brought all bombs back to base due to 10/10 cloud over target area.

Landed 1512 hours.

Alexander (P)

Carlson (CP)

Gross (N)

McKeon (B)

Owens (R)

Howarters (E)

Rutka (BG)

Deatherage (TG)

Lucyk (NG)

Seifert (G)


Mission #42 July 25, 1944 41-29559 E/P 7BS Alexander Belchin’ Bessie

Took off at 0741 hours.

Flew position 3-1 in High Squadron.

Carried 52 100 lb fragmentation bombs. Dropped on the Primary at 1037 hours from 12,000 feet.

No damage reported.

Landed 1242 hours.

Alexander (P)

Carlson (CP)

Gross (N)

McKeon (B)

Owens (R)

Howarters (E)

Rutka (BG)

Deatherage (TG)

Lucyk (NG)

Seifert (G)


CREW #44; 7th Squadron (as of July 28, 1944)

Alexander (P)

Carlson (CP)

Gross (N)

McKeon (B)

Owens (R)

Howarters (E)

Lucyk (NG)

Deatherage (TG)

Rutka (BG)

Seifert (G)


Mission #45 July 28, 1944 41-29599 L/T 7BS Alexander Boots

Took off at 0527 hours.

Flew position 3-1 in Low Squadron.

Carried 52 100 lb IB bombs. Brought all bombs back to base.

No flak damage reported.

Landed 0927 hours.

Charging cable broken on left gun, Martin turret. Repaired.

Alexander (P)

Carlson (CP)

Gross (N)

McKeon (B)

Owens (R)

Howarters (E)

Lucyk (NG)

Deatherage (TG)

Rutka (BG)

Seifert (G)


Mission #47 July 31, 1944 42-94908 E/I 7BS Alexander Tiger Rag

Took off at 0919 hours.

Flew position 3-1 in High-High Squadron.

Carried 20 250 lb bombs. Dropped on Primary at 1311 hours from 24,120 feet.

No battle damage reported.

Landed 1535 hours.

#2 engine fouls up while taxiing. Changing engine.

Alexander (P)

Carlson (CP)

Gross (N)

McKeon (B)

Owens (R)

Howarter (E)

Lucyek (NG)

Rutka (BG)

Seifert (G)


Mission #48 August 1, 1944 42-94813 D/Z 7BS Alexander Skotty


Mission #49 August 2, 1944 44-40276 E/C 18BS Alexander

Took off at 1551 hours.

Landed 2124 hours.

Alexander (P)

Carlson (CP)

Gross (N)

McKeon (B)

Owens (R)

Howarters (E)

Lucyk (NG)

Deatherage (TG)

Rutka (BG)

Seifert (G)


Mission #50 August 3, 1944 42-94811 D/K 7BS Alexander Tommy Thumper II

Alexander (P)

Carlson (CP)

Gross (N)

McKeon (B)

Owens (R)

Howarters (E)

Lucyk (NG)

Deatherage (TG)

Rutka (BG)


Mission #52 August 5, 1944 41-29559 E/P 7BS Alexander Belchin’ Bessie

Took off at 0819 hours.

Flew position 3-1 in High Squadron.

Carried 12 500 lb GP bombs. Dropped on the Primary at 1247 hours from 23,500 feet.

No damage reported.

Landed 1441 hours.

#4 carburetor air temperature gauge inoperative. Inspected and repaired.

Alexander (P)

Carlson (CP)

Gross (N)

McKeon (B)

Owens (R)

Howarters (E)

Lucyk (NG)

Rutka (BG)

Seifert (G)


Mission #53 August 6, 1944 41-29559 E/P 7BS Alexander Belchin’ Bessie

No time recorded on the take off and landing sheet.

Flew 3-1 in Lead Squadron.

Carried 20 250 lb GP bombs. Brought all bombs back to base due to bad weather.

No damage reported.

No crew loading list available.


Mission #55 August 8, 1944 41-29559 E/P 7BS Alexander Belchin’ Bessie

Took off at 1010 hours.

Flew Deputy Lead, position 1-2 in 34B Group, Low Section.

Carried 12 250 lb long delay fuse bombs, 6 - 6 hour and 6 - 24 hour delay. Dropped on the Primary at 1306:30 hours from 21,550 feet.

No damage reported.

Landed 1424 hours.

Alexander (P)

Granger (CP) (a write-in)

Gross (N)

McKeon (B)

Owens (R)

Howarters (E)

Deatherage (TG)

Rutka (BG)

Seifert (G)


Mission #57 August 11, 1944 41-29559 E/P 7BS Alexander Belchin’ Bessie

Was to fly position 3-1 in Lead Squadron.

Carried 52 100 lb bombs. Fortunately any fire was quickly extinguished and the bombs safely removed.

Crashed on take off at 0852 hours. (DBST, according to the accident report)

The accident report is in the mission folder.

Alexander (P)

Raver (CP) (a write-in)

Gross (N)

McKeon (B)

Owens (R)

Howarters (E)

Lucyk (NG)

Rutka (BG)

Seifert (G)


B-24H 41-29559 E/P Belchin’ Bessie Failed to lift off the runway. Fortunately what fire there was extinguished quickly and all of the bombs were safely removed. With 7BS. Pilot: Alexander. Crew OK. Salvaged with non-battle damage.

RTD ALEXANDER SHELBY T (P)                   1 LT            7          O-726544

RTD RAVER JACOB T (CP)                              2 LT            7          O-767647

RTD GROSS ROBERT H (N)                              2 LT            7          O-703628        Minor injuries

RTD McKEON PATRICK J (B)                         2 LT            7          O-698025

RTD HOWARTER WAYNE E (E)                    T/SGT        7          39279107

RTD OWENS HAROLD G (R)                           T/SGT        7          34686585

RTD LUCYK PETER (G)                                     S/SGT         7          33674674        Minor injuries

RTD SEIFERT WILLIAM W (G)                       S/SGT         7          32850670

RTD RUTKA HAROLD C (G)                            S/SGT         7          17050426


Mission #58 August 13, 1944 44-40482 B/B 7BS Alexander The Dugan Wagon (#2) (lead – Target #6)

Alexander (P)

McDermott (CP) (a write-in)

Gross (N)

McKeon (B)

Owens (R)

Howarters (E)

Rutka (BG)

Seifert (G)

Vronz (G) (a write-in)


Mission #60 August 15, 1944 42-94799 E/E 18BS Alexander The Paper Doll

Alexander (P)

Strong (CP) (a write-in)

Gross (N)

McKeon (B)

Owens (R)

Howarters (E)

Deatherage (TG)

Rutka (BG)

Seifert (G)


Mission #61 August 16, 1944 44-40208 L/U 7BS Alexander

Alexander (P)

Strong (CP) (a write-in)

Gross (N)

McKeon (B)

Owens (R)

Howarters (E)

Lucyk (NG)

Deatherage (TG)

Rutka (BG)

Seifert (G)


Mission #62 August 18, 1944 44-40420 E/A 7BS Alexander

Took off at 0630 hours.

Flew position 1-2 in Low Squadron.

Carried 52 100 lb GP bombs. Dropped 45 bombs on the Primary at 0957 hours from 21,400 feet. Jettisoned 7 bombs.

Slight damage reported.

Landed 1157 hours.

Alexander (P)

Durrett (CP) (a write-in)

Gross (N)

Jorgenson (N) (a write-in)

McKeon (B)

Owens (R)

Howarters (E)

Deatherage (TG)

Rutka (BG)

Seifert (G)