Baskin crew


Walter Malone Baskin was KIA while flying a fighter, after completing his tour as a bomber pilot.


Mission List


As Pilot of CREW # 77; 18th Squadron (taking over Kimmerle crew with Kimmerle as co-pilot)

Mission #64 September 17, 1944 43-38332 B/Q 18BS Baskin

Mission #65 September 19, 1944 43-38332 B/Q 18BS Baskin

Mission #67 September 25, 1944 43-38332 B/Q 18BS Baskin

Mission #71 October 2, 1944 43-38332 B/Q 4BS Baskin

Mission #72 October 3, 1944 43-38332 B/Q 18BS Baskin


As Pilot of CREW #78; 18th Squadron (taking over Parkhurst crew)

Mission #77 October 14, 1944 43-38374 B/X 18BS Baskin

Mission #78 October 15, 1944 43-38374 B/X 18BS Baskin

Mission #81 October 22, 1944 43-38373 B/J 18BS Baskin

Mission #82 October 25, 1944 43-38338 B/M 18BS Baskin           Major damage.

Mission #85 October 30, 1944 43-38374 B/X 18BS Baskin


Mission and Crew Details


As Pilot of CREW # 77; 18th Squadron

Mission #64 September 17, 1944 43-38332 B/Q 18BS Baskin

Took off from Hardstand #17 at 0656 hours.

Flew position 1-3 in 34 A Group.

Carried 30 260F bombs. Dropped 27 bombs on the Primary at 1010 hours from 21,000 feet. Brought 3 bombs back to base.

No damage reported.

Landed 1124 hours.

Baskin (P)                                              Took over the Kimmerle crew, #77, with Kimmerle flying as co-pilot.

Kimmerle (CP)

Mahon (N)

Kaplan (B)

Mee (R)

Zufall (E)

Salvestrini (TG)

Young (WG)

King (WG)


Mission #65 September 19, 1944 43-38332 B/Q 18BS Baskin

Baskin (P)                                              Took over the Kimmerle crew, #77, with Kimmerle flying as co-pilot.

Kimmerle (CP)

Mahon (N)

Kaplan (B)

Mee (R)

Zufall (E)

Salvestrini (TG)

Young (WG)

King (WG)


Mission #67 September 25, 1944 43-38332 B/Q 18BS Baskin

Baskin (P)                                              Took over the Kimmerle crew, #77, with Kimmerle flying as co-pilot.

Kimmerle (CP)

Mahon (N)

Danhaver (B) (from crew #68)

Mee (R)

Zufall (E)

Salvestrini (TG)

Young (WG)

King (WG)


Mission #71 October 2, 1944 43-38332 B/Q 4BS Baskin

Baskin (P)                                              Baskin is now shown as the regular pilot of crew #77.

Kimmerle (CP)

Mahon (N)

Danhaver (B)                                        Now the regular Bombardier.

Mee (R)

Zufall (E)

Young (WG)

King (WG)

Miller (G) (a write-in)


Mission #72 October 3, 1944 43-38332 B/Q 18BS Baskin

Baskin (P)

Kimmerle (CP)

Mahon (N)

Danhaver (B)

Mee (R)

Zufall (E)

Salvestrini (TG)

Young (WG)

King (WG)


As Pilot of CREW #78; 18th Squadron (taking over Parkhurst crew)


Mission #77 October 14, 1944 43-38374 B/X 18BS Baskin

Baskin (P)                                              Taking over crew #78, Parkhurst, for this mission. (Parkhurst flies as CP for Kimmerle with the regular Baskin crew, #77.)

Mote (CP)

Yarbrough (N)

Fossum (B)

Ilkka (R)

Hulings (E)

Chaney (TG)

Lockwood (G)

Keist (G)

O'Brien (G)


Mission #78 October 15, 1944 43-38374 B/X 18BS Baskin

Baskin (P)                                              Taking over crew #78

Mote (CP)

Yarbrough (N)

Fossum (B)

Ilkka (R)

Hulings (E)

Chaney (TG)

Lockwood (G)

Keist (G)


Mission #81 October 22, 1944 43-38373 B/J 18BS Baskin

Baskin (P)                                              Taking over crew #78

Mote (CP)

Yarbrough (N)

Fossum (B)

Ilkka (R)

Hulings (E)

Chaney (TG)

Lockwood (G)

Keist (G)


Mission #82 October 25, 1944 43-38338 B/M 18BS Baskin           Major damage.

Baskin (P)                                              Taking over crew #78

Mote (CP)

Yarbrough (N)

Fossum (B)

Ilkka (R)

Hulings (E)

Chaney (TG)

Lockwood (G)

Keist (G)


Mission #85 October 30, 1944 43-38374 B/X 18BS Baskin

Baskin (P)                                              Taking over crew #78

Mote (CP)

Yarbrough (N)

Fossum (B)

Ilkka (R)

Hulings (E)

Chaney (TG)

Lockwood (G)

Keist (G)