Culver crew




CREW #58; 391st Squadron Winnie the Pooh

Mission #2 May 24, 1944 41-28880 L/E 391BS Culver Winnie the Pooh

Mission #4 May 27, 1944 41-28880 L/E 391BS Culver Winnie the Pooh

Mission #6 May 29, 1944 41-28880 L/E  Winnie the Pooh (scheduled for Culver, but replaced)

Mission #6 May 29, 1944 41-29567 D/B 391BS Culver Bambi

Mission #8 May 31, 1944 41-28880 L/E 391BS Culver Winnie the Pooh

Mission #11 June 6, 1944 44-40436 L/D Nancy (scheduled for Culver but replaced)

Mission #11 June 6, 1944 44-40436 L/D 391BS Culver Nancy

Mission #12 June 6, 1944 42-52752 L/E 391BS Culver unknown name

Mission #14 June 11, 1944 41-28820 L/L 391BS Culver Four-Five Time

Mission #16 June 14, 1944 42-94869 D/J 391BS Culver

Mission #18 June 20, 1944 42-52752 L/E Culver unknown name (ground spare)

Mission #19 June 20, 1944 42-52752 L/E unknown name (scheduled for Culver but replaced)

Mission #19 June 20, 1944 41-28820 L/L 391BS Culver Four-Five Time

Mission #20 June 22, 1944 42-94845 E/N Miz-Pah (scheduled for Culver but replaced)

Mission #20 June 22, 1944 42-94845 E/N 391BS Culver Miz-Pah

Mission #21 June 23, 1944 44-40320 B/N 7BS Culver Generator Jennie

Mission #23 June 24, 1944 42-52752 L/E 391BS Culver unknown name

Mission #29 July 2, 1944 42-52752 L/E 391BS Culver unknown name

Mission #30 July 6, 1944 42-52752 L/E 391BS Culver unknown name (Aborted – mechanical trouble)

Mission #31 July 6, 1944 42-52752 L/E 18BS Culver unknown name

Mission #34 July 12, 1944 42-52752 L/E 391BS Culver unknown name

Mission #37 July 18, 1944 41-28820 L/L 391BS Culver Four-Five Time

Mission #38 July 19, 1944 42-94942 D/O 391BS Culver Me Worry II (Airborne spare)

Mission #40 July 21, 1944 44-40476 B/I 391BS Culver unknown name

Mission #42 July 25, 1944 42-52752 L/E Culver unknown name (ground spare)

Mission #44 July 27, 1944 41-29599 L/T 391BS Culver Boots


CREW #89; 391st Squadron (as of July 28, 1944)

Mission #45 July 28, 1944 42-94780 L/M 18BS Culver Smitty

Mission #48 August 1, 1944 42-52752 L/E 391BS Culver unknown name

Mission #49 August 2, 1944 42-52752 L/E 391BS Culver unknown name

Mission #50 August 3, 1944 42-52752 L/E 391BS Culver unknown name

Mission #54 August 7, 1944 42-52752 L/E 391BS Culver unknown name

Mission #56 August 10, 1944 42-52752 L/E 391BS Culver unknown name

Mission #64 September 17, 1944 43-38422 L/J 391BS Culver

Mission #65 September 19, 1944 43-38422 L/J 391BS Culver

Mission #66 September 22, 1944 43-38422 L/J 391BS Culver

Mission #67 September 25, 1944 43-38422 L/J 391BS Culver

Mission #69 September 27, 1944 43-38422 L/J 391BS Culver        Major damage

Mission #70 September 28, 1944 43-38327 L/R 391BS Culver

Mission #71 October 2, 1944 43-38327 L/R 391BS Culver

Mission #72 October 3, 1944 43-38403 H/K 391BS Culver

Mission #73 October 5, 1944 43-38422 L/J 4BS Culver




CREW #58; 391st Squadron Winnie the Pooh

CULVER DOUGLAS E (P) (1024)                       2 LT        391          O-805407

ETTELBRICK CHARLES H (CP) (1024)           2 LT        391          O-816274

BOYLE RICHARD J (N) (1034)                          2 LT        391          O-699117

HUNTER HARRY F JR (B) (1035)                     2 LT        391          O-695499

DANIELS EARL M (AEG) (748)                        S/SGT     391          31281388

HOFFMAN WILLIAM H (ROG) (757)             S/SGT     391          13135960

MORELLINO SALVATORE F (AG) (612         SGT        391          12049623

DENNY HOWARD H (BG) (611)                       SGT        391          33422306

CRAWFORD WILLIAM F (BG) (611)              SGT        391          31062391


Mission #2 May 24, 1944 41-28880 L/E Culver Winnie the Pooh                                                                Poix

Flew position 3-3 in Low Squadron.

Carried 12 500 lb GP bombs. Dropped on the secondary target of Poix at 0925 hours from 22,000 feet.

No damage reported.

Culver, Douglas E. (P)                         2 Lt         O-805407

Ettelbrick, Charles H. (CP)                  2 Lt         O-816274

Hunter, Harry F. Jr. (B)                        2 Lt         O-695499

Hoffman, William H. (R)                      S/Sgt      13135960

Daniels, Earl M. (E)                              S/Sgt      31281388

Denny, Howard H. (BG)                      Sgt          33422306

Morellino, Salvatore F. (TG)               Sgt          12049623

Crawford, William F. (NG)                   Sgt          31062391

Neverman, W. B. (G)


                     May 24, 1944 Culver

Crew Status Report 1700 hours.

Crew #58, 391st Squadron

Culver, D. E. (P)                    OK

Ettelbrick, C. H. (CP)            OK

Boyle, R. J. (N)                      OK

Hunter, H. F. (B)                   OK

Hoffman, W. H. (R)              OK

Daniels, E. M. (E)                 OK

Crawford, W. F. (NG)           OK

Morellino, S. F. (TG)            OK

Denny, H. H. (BG)                OK

Neverman, W. B. (G)            OK


Mission #3 May 25, 1944 Culver

Listed as the Warm-Up spare crew with no assigned plane..

Culver, D. E. (P)

Ettelbrick, C. H. (CP)

Hunter, H. F. (B)

Hoffman, W. H. (R)

Daniels, N. M. (E)

Denny, H. H. (BG)

Morellino, S. F. (TG)

Neverman, W. B. (G)


Mission #4 May 27, 1944 41-28880 L/E Culver Winnie the Pooh                                                                Metz

Took off at 0833 hours.

Flew position 4-3 in Lead Squadron.

Carried 10 500 lb bombs. Brought all bombs back to base.

No damage reported.

Landed 1604 hours.

Culver (P)

Ettelbrick (CP)

Hunter (B)

Hoffman (R)

Daniels (E)

Denny (BG)

Morellino (TG)

Crawford (NG)

Neverman (G)


Mission #6 May 29, 1944 41-28880 L/E Winnie the Pooh (On Hardstand #20, scheduled for Culver, but replaced)

Mission #6 May 29, 1944 41-29567 D/B 391BS Culver Bambi

Took off at 0831 hours from Hardstand #9.

Was to fly position 2-3 in High Squadron but taking off late, it may have assumed a different position upon joining the formation.

Carried 10 500lb bombs. Dropped on the primary at 1231 hours from 22,300 feet.

Received Moderate flak damage. Left tire blown, co-pilot’s window broken, bomb bay doors, hole at station 0.2.

One crewman, the Co-Pilot, was wounded.

Landed 1648 hours.

Culver (P)

Ettelbrick (CP) (WIA)

Hunter (B)

Hoffman  (R)

Daniels (E)

Crawford (NG)

Denny (BG)

Morellino (TG)

Neverman (G)


Mission #8 May 31, 1944 41-28880 L/E Culver Winnie the Pooh                                Mission to Belgium was recalled

Took off at 0753 hours.

Carried 6 1000 lb bombs. Brought all bombs back to base.

The mission was Recalled.

Landed 1225 hours.

#3 Supercharger lags at altitude. Inspected and repaired.

Culver (P)

Nigg, Stanley A. (CP)          2 Lt         (from crew #64)

Hunter (B)

Hoffman (R)

Daniels (E)

Denny (BG)

Morellino (TG)

Crawford (NG)

Neverman (G)

Funk (Photographer)


Mission #11 June 6, 1944 44-40436 L/D 391BS Culver Nancy

Took off at 0628 hours from Hardstand #22

Flew position 2-2 in Lead Squadron.

Carried 12 500 lb bombs. Due to 10/10 clouds, brought all bombs back to base.

No damage reported.

Landed 1234 hours.

Culver (P)

Dunn (CP)

Hunter (B)

Daniels (E)

Hoffman (R)

Neverman (NG)

Morellino (BG)

Denny (TG)

Crawford (G)


Mission #12 June 6, 1944 42-52752 L/E 391BS Culver unknown name

Took off at 1715 hours.

Flew position 4-2 in Lead Squadron.

Carried 12 500 lb bombs. Dropped on the Secondary but no time and altitude report.

No damage reported.

Reported in at 2320 hours as having landed at Chebburg.

Culver (P)

Dunn (CP) (from crew #36)

Hunter (B)

Daniels (E)

Hoffman (R)

Morellino (G)

Neverman (G)

Crawford (G)

Denny (G)


Mission #14 June 11, 1944 41-28820 L/L 391BS Culver Four-Five Time

Took off at 0418 hours.

Flew position 2-3 in Lead Squadron.

Carried 24 250 lb GP bombs. Brought back all bombs to base due to 10/10 cloud coverage of target.

No battle damage reported.

Landed 1051 hours.

Culver (P)

Kiern (CP) (from crew 65)

Hunter (B)

Hoffman (R)

Daniels (E)

Denny (BG)

Morellino (TG)

Crawford (NG)

Neverman (G)


Mission #16 June 14, 1944 42-52752 L/E unknown name scheduled for Culver but not used this mission.

Mission #16 June 14, 1944 42-94869 D/J 391BS Culver

Took off at 0451 hours.

Flew position 2-2 in Lead Squadron.

Carried 52 100 lb bombs. Dropped on secondary target at 0759 hours from 23,000 feet.

Slight battle damage reported.

Landed 0935 hours.

Culver (P)

Zimmerman (CP)

Hunter (B)

Hoffman (R)

Daniels (E)

Denny (BG)

Morellino (TG)

Bloom (NG) (from Crew #57)

Neverman (G)


Mission #18 June 20, 1944 42-52752 L/E Culver unknown name (ground spare)

Culver (P)

Zimmerman (CP)  (from Crew #56)

Hunter (B)

Hoffman (R)

Daniels (E)

Denny (BG)

Morellino (TG)

Crawford (NG)

Neverman (G)


Mission #19 June 20, 1944 42-52752 L/E unknown name (scheduled for Culver but replaced)

Mission #19 June 20, 1944 41-28820 L/L 391BS Culver Four-Five Time

Took off at 1808 hours.

Flew position 2-3 in Group D (391st)

Carried 52 100 lb GP bombs. Dropped on the Secondary but no time or altitude report.

No battle damage report.

Landed at Framlingham.

No Crew Loading List available.

Culver (P)


Mission #20 June 22, 1944 42-94845 E/N Miz-Pah 391BS Culver

Took off at 1452 hours.

Flew position 2-2 in Lead Squadron.

Carried 52 100 lb bombs. Dropped on the Primary at 1915 hours from 20,000 feet.

Minor damage reported. One crewmember wounded.
Landed 2153 hours.

Culver (P)

Gallagher (CP)  (from Crew #68)

Hunter (B)

Hoffman (R)

Daniels (E)

Denny (BG)

Morellino (TG)

Crawford (NG)

Neverman (G)


Mission #21 June 23, 1944 44-40320 B/N 7BS Culver Generator Jennie

Took off at 1620 hours.

Flew in Low Squadron (493BG supplied Lead and High Squadrons.)

Carried 52 100 lb GP bombs. Dropped on the Primary at 2012 hours from 18,000 feet. Made three runs.

No damage reported.

Landed 2227 hours.

Culver (P)

Cliff (CP)  (from Crew #64)

Hunter (B)

Hoffman (R)

Daniels (E)

Denny (BG)

Morellino (TG)

Neverman (NG)

Crawford (G)


Mission #23 June 24, 1944 42-52752 L/E unknown name scheduled for Culver but replaced

Mission #23 June 24, 1944 44-40461 D/G 391BS Culver

Took off at 1628 hours.

Flew position 1-3 in High Squadron.

Carried 24 250 lb GP bombs. Brought all bombs back to base. Target unidentified.

No damage reported.

Landed 2056 hours.

Culver (P)

Marsden (CP)  (pilot of Crew #62)

Hunter (B)

Hoffman (R)

Daniels (E)

Denny (BG)

Morellino (TG)

Neverman (NG)

Crawford (G)


Mission #29 July 2, 1944 42-52752 L/E 391BS Culver unknown name

Took off at 1027 hours.

Flew position 4-3 in Group C, with target of Montloois Ferme.

Carried 18 250 lb GP bombs. Dropped on the Primary at 1349 hours from 22,000 feet.

No damage reported.

Landed 1513 hours.

Culver (P)

Garneau (CP)  (from Crew #55)

Hunter (B)

Gervias (R) (from Crew #68)

Daniels (E)

Denny (BG)

Morellino (TG)

Crawford (NG)

Neverman (G)


Mission #30 July 6, 1944 42-52752 L/E 391BS Culver unknown name

Took off at 0557 hours.

Was to fly position 4-3 in Low Squadron, but Aborted - mechanical trouble.

Carried 20 250 lb bombs. Brought all bombs back to base.

No damage reported.

Landed 0927 hours.

Culver (P)

Nash (CP)  (from Crew #68)

Hunter (B)

Gervias (R) (from Crew #68)

Daniels (E)

Denny (BG)

Morellino (TG)

Crawford (NG)

Neverman (G)


Mission #31 July 6, 1944 42-52752 L/E 18BS Culver unknown name

Took off at 1709 hours.

Flew position 2-2 in Lead Squadron.

Carried 12 500 lb bombs. Dropped on the Primary at 2027 hours from 24,000 feet.

No damage reported.

Landed 2149 hours.


Mission #34 July 12, 1944 42-52752 L/E 391BS Culver unknown name

Took off at 0456 hours.

Flew position 2-3 in Lead Squadron.

Carried 20 250 lb GP bombs. Did not drop due to 10/10 cloud. Brought all bombs back to base.

No damage reported.

Landed 0932 hours.

Culver (P)

Nash (CP)  (from Crew #68)

Gombert (N) (a write-in)

Hunter (B)

Gervias (R) (from Crew #68)

Daniels (E)

Denny (BG)

Morellino (TG)

Crawford (NG)

Neverman (G)


Mission #37 July 18, 1944 41-28820 L/L 391BS Culver Four-Five Time

Took off at 0545 hours.

Flew position 4-3 in High Squadron.

Carried 52 100 lb Fragmentation bombs. Dropped on Primary at 0839 hours from 16,000 feet.

No battle damaged reported.

Landed 1044 hours.

Culver (P)

Windsor (CP)  (a write-in)

Gombert (N) (a write-in)

Hunter (B)

Hoffman (R)

Denny (BG)

Morellino (TG)

Crawford (NG)

Neverman (G)


Mission #38 July 19, 1944 42-94942 D/O 391BS Culver Me Worry II

Took off at 0713 hours.

Flew as Airborne Spare, but flew the mission, taking up position 4-3 in High Squadron.

Carried 12 500 lb GP lb bombs. Dropped on the Primary at 0930 hours from 22,100 feet.

Landed 1143 hours.

Oxygen flow valve for navigator malfunction.

Culver (P)

Scholle (CP)  (a write-in)

Gombert (N) (a write-in)

Hunter (B)

Hoffman (R)

Daniels (E)

Denny (BG)

Morellino (TG)

Crawford (NG)

Neverman (G)


                       July 20, 1944 42-52752 L/E Culver

Took off at 1608 hours.

Landed 1746 hours.


Mission #40 July 21, 1944 44-40476 B/I 391BS Culver unknown name

Took off at 0627 hours.

Flew position 3-3 in Lead Squadron.

Carried 10 500 lb bombs. Dropped 3 miles West of Neckarbln (?) secondary target, at 1052 hours from 22,500 feet.

Landed 1312 hours.

Culver (P)

Graneau  (CP)  (from crew #55)

Gombert (N) (a write-in)

Hunter (B)

Hoffman (R)

Daniels (E)

Denny (BG)

Morellino (TG)

Crawford (NG)

Neverman (G)


Mission #41 July 24, 1944 42-52572 L/E Culver (warm-up spare - not used)


Mission #42 July 25, 1944 42-52752 L/E Culver unknown name (ground spare)


Mission #44 July 27, 1944 41-29599 L/T 391BS Culver Boots

Took off at 0541 hours.

Flew position 3-2 in High Squadron on 490BG.

Carried 52 100 lb bombs. Dropped on the Primary of Brussels at 0831 hours from 21,500 feet.

Slight battle damage reported.

Landed 1018 hours.

Hydraulic pump in tail turret inoperative. Inspected & repaired.

Culver (P)

Ettlebrick (CP)

Gromat (N) (a write-in)

Hunter (B)

Hoffman (R)

Daniels (E)

Denny (BG)

Morellino (TG)

Crawford (NG)

Neverman (G)


CREW #89; 391st Squadron (as of July 28, 1944)

Culver (P)

Ettlebrick (CP)

Gombert (N)

Hunter (B)

Hoffman (R)

Daniels (E)

Crawford (NG)

Morellino (TG)

Denny (BG)

Neverman (G)


Mission #45 July 28, 1944 42-94780 L/M 18BS Culver Smitty

Took off at 0511 hours.

Flew position 4-1 in Lead Squadron.

Carried 16 250 lb bombs and 4 M-17 bombs. Brought all bombs back to base due to weather.

No flak damage reported.

Landed 0912 hours.

Check amplifier in #4 turbo supercharger. Inspected and repaired.

Solenoid cable broken on left tail gun. Replaced.

Culver (P)

Ettlebrick (CP)

Gombert (N)

Hunter (B)

Hoffman (R)

Daniels (E)

Crawford (NG)

Morellino (TG)

Denny (BG)

Neverman (G)


Mission #48 August 1, 1944 42-52752 L/E 391BS Culver unknown name


Mission #49 August 2, 1944 42-52752 L/E 391BS Culver unknown name

Took off at 1600 hours.

Landed 2120 hours.

Culver (P)

Ettlebrick (CP)

Gombert (N)

Hunter (B)

Simpson (R) (a write-in)

Daniels (E)

Crawford (NG)

Morellino (TG)

Neverman (G)


Mission #50 August 3, 1944 42-52752 L/E 391BS Culver unknown name

Culver (P)

Ettlebrick (CP)

Gombert (N)

Hunter (B)

Nelson (R) (a write-in)

Daniels (E)

Crawford (NG)

Morellino (TG)

Neverman (G)


Mission #54 August 7, 1944 42-52752 L/E 391BS Culver unknown name

Culver (P)

Ettlebrick (CP)

Gombert (N)

Hunter (B)

Daniels (E)

Crawford (NG)

Morellino (TG)

Denny (BG)

Neverman (G)


Mission #56 August 10, 1944 42-52752 L/E 391BS Culver unknown name

Culver (P)

Ettlebrick (CP)

Gombert (N)

Hunter (B)

Denny (R)

Daniels (E)

Crawford (NG)

Morellino (TG)

Neverman (G)




Mission #64 September 17, 1944 43-38422 L/J 391BS Culver

Took off from Hardstand #20 at 0657 hours.

Flew position 4-3 in 34 D Group.

Carried 38 100GP bombs. Dropped on the Primary at 1040 hours from 18,000 feet.

No damage reported.

Landed 1152 hours.


Mission #65 September 19, 1944 43-38422 L/J 391BS Culver

Mission #66 September 22, 1944 43-38422 L/J 391BS Culver

Mission #67 September 25, 1944 43-38422 L/J 391BS Culver

Mission #69 September 27, 1944 43-38422 L/J 391BS Culver        Major damage

Mission #70 September 28, 1944 43-38327 L/R 391BS Culver

Mission #71 October 2, 1944 43-38327 L/R 391BS Culver

Mission #72 October 3, 1944 43-38403 H/K 391BS Culver

Mission #73 October 5, 1944 43-38422 L/J 4BS Culver