Fisher crew
Mission #69 September 27, 1944 44-8158 H/F Fisher (PFF) flew with 490BG
Mission #70 September 28, 1944 44-8158 H/F Fisher (PFF) flew with 490BG
September 30, 1944 44-8158 H/F Fisher (PFF) flew with 490BG
October 9, 1944 44-8140 H/K Fisher (PFF) flew with 490BG
Mission #77 October 14, 1944 44-8158 H/F Fisher (PFF) flew with 490BG
October 15, 1944 44-8158 H/F Fisher (PFF) flew with 490BG
October 18, 1944 44-8200 H/H Fisher (PFF) flew with 490BG
October 25, 1944 44-8158 H/F Fisher (PFF) flew with 490BG
Mission #85 October 30, 1944 44-8212 H/B Fisher (PFF) flew with 490BG
November 4, 1944 44-8158 H/F Fisher (PFF) flew with 490BG
Mission #88 November 6, 1944 44-8202 H/N Fisher (PFF) flew with 490BG
November 21, 1944 44-8158 H/F Fisher (PFF) flew with 490BG
CREW #74; 18th Squadron (as of May 5, 1945)
Mission #174 May 5, 1945 44-8282 B/V 18BS Fisher
Mission #175 May 6, 1945 43-38326 B/U 18BS Fisher
Mission #69 September 27, 1944 44-8158 H/F Fisher (PFF) flew with 490BG
Took off at 0121 hours.
Flew Lead of Lead Squadron of 490BG.
Carried 6 500 lb M-43 bombs. Did drop but no drop report.
Landed 1627 hour.
Fisher (P)
Col. Bostrom (Command Pilot)
Mission #70 September 28, 1944 44-8158 H/F Fisher (PFF) flew with 490BG
Flew Lead of Lead Squadron of 490BG.
Fisher (P)
Maj. Adams (Command Pilot)
September 30, 1944 44-8158 H/F Fisher (PFF) flew with 490BG
Flew Deputy Lead, position 1-2 in Lead Squadron of 490BG.
Fisher (P)
October 9, 1944 44-8140 H/K Fisher (PFF) flew with 490BG
Flew Lead of Lead Squadron of 490BG
Fisher (P)
Maj. Cochran (Command Pilot)
Capt. Humphrey (Lead Navigator)
Mission #77 October 14, 1944 44-8158 H/F Fisher (PFF) flew with 490BG
Flew Lead of High Squadron of 490BG
Fisher (P)
Capt. Adams (Command Pilot)
October 15, 1944 44-8158 H/F Fisher (PFF) flew with 490BG
Flew Lead of Lead Squadron of 490BG
Maj. Lightner (Command Pilot)
Capt. Kalistrom (Lead Navigator)
October 18, 1944 44-8200 H/H Fisher (PFF) flew with 490BG
Flew Lead of High Squadron of 490BG
Fisher (P)
Maj. Blum (Command Pilot)
October 25, 1944 44-8158 H/F Fisher (PFF) flew with 490BG
Flew Lead of Lead Squadron of 490BG
Fisher (P)
Maj. Adams
Capt Humphrey
Mission #85 October 30, 1944 44-8212 H/B Fisher (PFF) flew with 490BG
Flew Lead of Lead Squadron of 490BG.
Fisher (P)
Maj. Gell (Command Pilot)
Dilts (Lead Navigator)
November 4, 1944 44-8158 H/F Fisher (PFF) flew with 490BG
Flew Lead of Lead Squadron of 490BG
Slight flak damage.
Fisher (P)
Col. Bostrom (Command Pilot)
Capt. Kallstrom (Lead Navigator)
Mission #88 November 6, 1944 44-8202 H/N Fisher (PFF) flew with 490BG
Took off 0652 hours.
Flew Lead of Lead Squadron of 490BG.
Landed 1358 hours.
Fisher (P)
Maj. Cochran (Command Pilot)
Capt. Humphrey (Lead Navigator)
November 21, 1944 44-8158 H/F Fisher (PFF) flew with 490BG
Flew Lead of Lead Squadron of 490BG
Fisher (P)
Col. Cochran (Command Pilot)
Capt Odell (Lead Navigator)
CREW #74; 18th Squadron (as of May 5, 1945)
Fisher (P)
Kangas (CP)
Redden (N)
Tyra (Tog)
Rismiller (R)
Hillegass (E)
Lucas (TG)
Kraus (BG)
Mathews (WG)
Mission #174 May 5, 1945 44-8282 B/V 18BS Fisher
Took off 0900 hours from hardstand
Flew with 18th
Dropped 3 sets of rations at 1012
hours from 400 feet.
Landed 1148 hours.
Fisher (P)
Kangas (CP)
Redden (N)
Tyra (Tog)
Rismiller (R)
Hillegass (E)
Link (X)
Perkins (X)
Mission #175 May 6, 1945 43-38326 B/U 18BS Fisher
Took off 1402 hours from hardstand #15.
Flew with 18th Squadron.
Carried a camera but it malfunctioned. No photos.
Dropped 3 sets of rations at 1457 hours from 400 feet.
Landed 1623 hours.
Fisher (P)
Kangas (CP)
Redden (N)
Tyra (Tog)
Rismiller (R)
Hillegass (E)
Burdge (X)
Marchak (X)
Hunter (X)
44-8321 unknown name
June 25, 1945 Returned to US Bradley
Flown to the US by the Fisher crew #64-34. See Microfilm reel B0115, p.1540.
Fisher, Denzel C. 2Lt O-7837738 Pilot 1091 B-17 Pilot
Kangas, Everett W. 2Lt O-784174 Co-Pilot 1091 B-17 Pilot
Tyra, Byron E. Sgt 39151023 Togg 612
Rismiller, Richard L. Sgt 35681857 Radio Op 757 Radio Operator- Mechanic-Gunner
Hillegass, Franklin M. Sgt 35330287 Engr 748
Lucas, Paul Sgt 13190750 Gunner 612
Kraus, Rudolph G. Sgt 33932231 Gunner 612
Mathews, Charles O. Sgt 34853958 Gunner 612
Cohen, Norman M/Sgt 12016299 Crew Chief 750
Redden, Clifford G. 2Lt O-2074911 Nav 1034 Navigator
Moffett, Jackson 1Lt O-1035168 Passenger 2110
Hartman, Francis M. 1Lt O-867529 Passenger 8502 Aerial Photography Officer
Papaleo, Cosimo D. T/Sgt 32198663 Passenger 945
Melton, Johnnie, E. Sgt 38209675 Passenger 060
Schultz, Raymond J. Sgt 35474272 Passenger 060
Pollock, Harold L. Sgt 33408453 Passenger 657
Pratt, William C. Major O-670239 Passenger 1034 Navigator
Hamlyn, Raymond E. Major O-740179 Passenger 2161
Tipp, Marvin R. Capt O-432600 Passenger 9301 Intelligence Staff Officer
Brophy, William C. Major O-737346 Passenger 2161