Hanson Oscar crew




CREW #65 391st Squadron

Mission #7 May 30, 1944 42-94748 L/P Hanson Undecided (unused ground spare – lead)

Mission #8 May 31, 1944 42-94757 B/Q 391BS Hanson The Dugan Wagon (Ground spare – did not take off)

Mission #11 June 6, 1944 44-40328 L/K 391BS Hanson This Above All

Mission #13 June 7, 1944 42-52696 E/N 391BS Hanson Cookie’s Wailing Wall Crash-landed at Eye

Mission #16 June 14, 1944 41-29518 L/H 391BS Hanson Picadilly Lucy

Mission #18 June 20, 1944 41-28820 L/L 391BS Hanson Four-Five Time

Mission #19 June 20, 1944 44-40436 L/D 391BS Hanson Nancy

Mission #20 June 22, 1944 44-40476 B/I 391BS Hanson unknown name

Mission #20 June 22, 1944 41-28820 L/L Four-Five Time (scheduled for Hanson but replaced)

Mission #26 June 27, 1944 41-28820 L/L 391BS Hanson Four-Five Time

Mission #28 June 29, 1944 42-94755 D/D 391BS Hanson Weary Willie

Mission #29 July 2, 1944 41-28820 L/L 391BS Hanson Four-Five Time

Mission #30 July 6, 1944 41-28820 L/L 391BS Hanson Four-Five Time

Mission #32 July 8, 1944 41-28820 L/L 391BS Hanson Four-Five Time

Mission #34 July 12, 1944 41-28820 L/L 391BS Hanson Four-Five Time

Mission #44 July 27, 1944 41-28820 L/L 391BS Hanson Four-Five Time


CREW #96; 391st Squadron (as of July 28, 1944)

Mission #46 July 29, 1944 42-94766 L/F 391BS Hanson Crow's Nest

Mission #54 August 7, 1944 42-50585 L/D 391BS Hanson

Mission #58 August 13, 1944 42-50585 L/D 391BS Hanson

Mission #59 August 14, 1944 44-40320 B/D 391BS Hanson Generator Jennie

Mission #64 September 17, 1944 43-38380 L/B 391BS Hanson

Mission #71 October 2, 1944 43-38372 L/A 391BS Hanson

Mission #73 October 5, 1944 43-38372 L/A 4BS Hanson

Mission #77 October 14, 1944 43-38372 L/A 391BS Hanson

Mission #84 October 28, 1944 43-38372 L/A 391BS Hanson

Mission #87 November 5, 1944 43-38059 L/M 391BS Hanson

Mission #89 November 9, 1944 43-38372 L/A 391BS Hanson

Mission #91 November 21, 1944 43-38059 L/M 391BS Hanson

Mission #95 November 30, 1944 43-38059 L/M 391BS Hanson    MIA. (see below)




CREW #65 391st Squadron

HANSON OSCAR T (P) (1024)                          1 LT        391          O-1699379

KEIRN ROY C (CP) (1024)                                  1 LT        391          O-1169594

TOPPING DONALD C (N) (1034)                      2 LT        391          O-703344

LIPSCOMB LINDSAY (B) (1035)                      2 LT        391          O-696233

SHULL PAUL A (AEG) (748)                             S/SGT     391          17059208

SIMPSON GEORGE H (ROG) (757)                   SGT        391          35252969

BROWN SIDNEY C (AG) (612)                          SGT        391          31313627

BURTON JOE N (BG) (748)                                SGT        391          34687605

BUTTERBAUGH RAYMOND L (BG) (748)     SGT        391          35097767


                     May 24, 1944 Hanson, O. T.

Crew Status Report 1700 hours.

Crew #65, 391st Squadron

Hanson, O. T. (P)                 OK

Keirn, R. C. (CP)                   OK

Topping, D. G. (N)               OK

Lipscomb, L. I. (B)                OK

Simpson, G. H. (R)                OK

Shull, P. A. (E)                      OK

Butterbaugh, R. L. (NG)      OK

Burton, J. N. (TG)                 OK

Brown, S. C. (BG)                 OK

Johnston, K. W. (G)             OK


Mission #7 May 30, 1944 42-94748 L/P Hanson Undecided (unused ground spare – lead)

Hanson (P)

Keirn (CP)

Lipscomb (B)

Simpson (R)

Shull (E)

Brown (BG)

Burton (TG)

Butterbaugh (NG)

Johnston (G)


                      May 30, 1944 42-52759 E/F Hanson

Took off at 1800 hours on a flight to Debach.

Plane transferred to Debach.

No landing time given.


Mission #8 May 31, 1944 42-94757 B/Q 391BS Hanson The Dugan Wagon

Ground spare – taken over by the Eastman crew. (See Eastman)

Carried 6 1000 lb bombs.

Hanson (P)

Keirn (CP)

Topping (N)

Lipscomb (B)

Simpson (R)

Shull (E)

Brown (BG)

Burton (TG)

Butterbaugh (NG)

Johnston (G)


                      May 31, 1944 42-94824 E/Q Hanson Umbriago

Took off at 1139 hours for an XC flight.

Landed 1403 hours.


Mission #11 June 6, 1944 44-40328 L/K 391BS Hanson This Above All

Took off at 0611 hours from Hardstand #18.

Flew position 3-2 in Lead Squadron.

Carried 12 500 lb bombs. Due to 10/10 clouds, brought all bombs back to base.

No damage reported.

Landed 1226 hours.

Hanson (P)

Keirn (CP)

Topping (N)

Lipscomb (B)

Shull (E)

Simpson (R)

Burton (BG)

Brown (TG)

Butterbaugh (NG)

Griffis (G)


Mission #13 June 7, 1944 42-52696 E/N 391BS Hanson Cookie’s Wailing Wall

Took off at 1705 hours.

Flew position 4-2 in High Squadron.

Carried 12 500 lb GP bombs. Dropped on the Secondary at 2100 hours from 19,000 feet.

Major damage reported. Plane salvaged.

Crash-landed 0030 hours on June 8th at Eye.

Hanson (P)

Keirn (CP)

Topping (N)

Lipscomb (B)

Simpson (R)

Shull (E)

Brown (G)

Burton (G)

Butterbaugh (G)

Johnston (G)


Mission #16 June 14, 1944 41-28820 L/L Four-Five Time scheduled for Hanson but not used this mission.

Mission #16 June 14, 1944 41-29518 L/H 391BS Hanson Picadilly Lucy

Took off at 0343 hours.

Flew position 1-3 in Lead Squadron.

Carried 52 100 lb bombs. Dropped on secondary target at 0756 hours from 18,000 feet.

Slight battle damage reported.

Landed 0921 hours.

Hanson (P)

Keirn (CP)

Lipscomb (B)

Simpson (R)

Shull (E)

Alsbury (BG)

Burton (TG)

Brown (NG)

Rivett (G)


                       June 17, 1944 42-94878 L/Q Hanson

Took off on a flight to Manston.

No landing time shown.


Mission #18 June 20, 1944 41-28820 L/L 391BS Hanson Four-Five Time

Took off at 0457 hours.

Flew position 3-1 in High Squadron.

Carried a K-20 and a K-24 camera, taking photos at 0915 hours.

Carried 12 500 lb bombs. Dropped on the Primary at 0915 hours from 23,500 feet.

No damage reported.

Landed 1151 hours.

Hanson (P)

Keirn (CP)

Topping (N)

Simpson (R)

Shull (E)

Brown (BG)

Burton (TG)

Alsbury (NG) (from Crew #64)

Bloom (G) (from Crew #57)

Litsey (Photographer)


Mission #19 June 20, 1944 44-40436 L/D 391BS Hanson Nancy

Took off at 1810 hours.

Flew position 3-2 in Group D (391st)

Carried 52 100 lb GP bombs. Dropped on the Secondary at 2104 hours from 22,600 feet.

Slight battle damage reported.

Landed 2226 hours.

No Crew Loading List available.


Mission #20 June 22, 1944 41-28820 L/L Four-Five Time (scheduled for Hanson but replaced)

Mission #20 June 22, 1944 44-40476 B/I 391BS Hanson unknown name

Took off at 1516 hours.

Flew position 2-3 in Lead Squadron.

Carried 40 100 lb bombs. Dropped on the Primary at 1916 hours from 20,000 feet.

Minor damage reported.

Landed 2154 hours.

Hanson (P)

Keirn (CP)

Topping (N)

Lipscomb (B)

Simpson (R)

Shull (E)

Brown (BG)

Burton (TG)

Butterbaugh (NG)

Johnston (G)

Alsbury (NG) (from Crew #64)

Layton (G) (from Crew #54)


Mission #26 June 27, 1944 41-28820 L/L 391BS Hanson Four-Five Time

Took off at 1521 hours.

Was to fly position 2-3 in the only Squadron flying that day (391st)

Carried 10 500 lb bombs. Brought all bombs back to base.

Aborted - #3 engine feathered at Beachey Head.

No damage reported.

Landed 1712 hours.

Hanson (P)

Keirn (CP)

Topping (N)

Lipscomb (B)

Simpson (R)

Shull (E)

Brown (BG)

Burton (TG)

Alsbury (NG) (from Crew #64)

Layton (G) (from Crew #54)


Mission #28 June 29, 1944 42-94755 D/D 391BS Hanson Weary Willie

Took off at 0543 hours.

Landed 1207 hours.

Not included on the Crew Loading List.


Mission #29 July 2, 1944 41-28820 L/L 391BS Hanson Four-Five Time

Took off at 1024 hours.

Flew position 3-3 in Group C, with target of Montloois Ferme.

Carried 18 250 lb GP bombs. Dropped on the Primary at 1349 hours from 22,200 feet.

No damage reported.

Landed 1511 hours.

Hanson (P)

Keirn (CP)

Topping (N)

Lipscomb (B)

Simpson (R)

Shull (E)

Brown (BG)

Burton (TG)

Alsbury (NG) (from Crew #64)

Layton (G) (from Crew #54)


Mission #30 July 6, 1944 41-28820 L/L 391BS Hanson Four-Five Time

Took off at 0550 hours.

Flew position 2-1 in Low Squadron.

Carried a K-20 camera.

Carried 12 250 lb delayed fuse bombs, 8-36 hr, 4-72 hr. Dropped on the Primary at 0912 1/2 hours from 23,500 feet.

No damage reported.

Landed 1005 hours.

Hanson (P)

Keirn (CP)

Lipscomb (B)

Simpson (R)

Shull (E)

Brown (BG)

Burton (TG)

Alsbury (NG) (from Crew #64)

Layton (G) (from Crew #54)

Litsey (Photographer)


Mission #32 July 8, 1944 41-28820 L/L 391BS Hanson Four-Five Time

Took off at 0435 hours.

Flew position 2-1 in High Squadron.

Carried 20 250 lb bombs. Dropped on the Primary at 0815 hours from 23,000 feet.

Minor flak damage reported.

Landed 0910 hours.

Hanson (P)

Keirn (CP)

Lipscomb (B)

Simpson (R)

Shull (E)

Brown (BG)

Burton (TG)

Alsbury (G) (from Crew #64)

Layton (G) (from Crew #54)


Mission #34 July 12, 1944 41-28820 L/L 391BS Hanson Four-Five Time

Took off at 0451 hours.

Flew position 2-1 in Lead Squadron.

Carried 20 250 lb GP bombs. Did not drop due to 10/10 cloud. Brought all bombs back to base.

No damage reported.

Landed 0932 hours.

Hanson (P)

Keirn (CP)

Lipscomb (B)

Simpson (R)

Shull (E)

Brown (BG)

Burton (TG)

Alsbury (G) (from Crew #64)

Layton (G) (from Crew #54)

Ganger (no position given) (a write-in)


Mission #44 July 27, 1944 41-28820 L/L 391BS Hanson Four-Five Time

Took off at 0542 hours.

Flew position 4-1 in High Squadron on 490BG.

Carried 52 100 lb bombs. Jettisoned all bombs at 5143N-0338E at 0856 hours from 21,000 feet.

Major battle damage reported.

Landed 1010 hours.

Hanson (P)

Keirn (CP)

Lipscomb (B)

Simpson (R)

Shull (E)

Brown (BG)

Burton (TG)

Alsbury (G) (from Crew #64)

Layton (G) (from Crew #54)


CREW #96; 391st Squadron (as of July 28, 1944)

Hanson (P)

Keirn (CP)

Curisis (N)

Topping (N)

Lipscomb (B)

Simpson (R)

Shull (E)

Brown (NG)

Burton (TG)

Alsbury (BG)

Layton (G)


Mission #46 July 29, 1944 42-94766 L/F 391BS Hanson Crow's Nest

Took off at 0507 hours.

Flew position 4-1 in Low Squadron.

Carried 20 250 lb bombs. Dropped on the Primary at 0844 hours from 19,740 feet.

No damage reported.

Landed 1047 hours.

#1 carburetor air temperature inoperative; Navigator's oxygen line inoperative. Inspected and repaired.

Intervalometer inoperative at altitude. Checked and found OK.

Hanson (P)

Keirn (CP)

Topping (N)

Lipscomb (B)

Simpson (R)

Shull (E)

Brown (NG)

Burton (TG)

Alsbury (BG)

Layton (G)


Mission #54 August 7, 1944 42-50585 L/D 391BS Hanson

Hanson (P)

Keirn (CP)

Curisis (N)

Topping (N)

Lipscomb (B)

Simpson (R)

Shull (E)

Brown (NG)

Burton (TG)

Alsbury (BG)

Layton (G)


Mission #58 August 13, 1944 42-50585 L/D 391BS Hanson

Hanson (P)

Keirn (CP)

Curisis (N)

Topping (N)

Lipscomb (B)

Simpson (R)

Shull (E)

Harrison (NG) (a write-in)

Burton (TG)

Layton (G)

Litsey (Photographer)


Mission #59 August 14, 1944 44-40320 B/D 391BS Hanson Generator Jennie

Hanson (P)

Keirn (CP)

Curisis (N)

Topping (N)

Lipscomb (B)

Simpson (R)

Shull (E)

Burton (TG)

Alsbury (BG)

Layton (G)




Mission #64 September 17, 1944 43-38380 L/B 391BS Hanson

Took off from Hardstand #22 at 0653 hours.

Flew position 3-1 in 34 D Group.

Carried 24 100GP bombs. Dropped on the Primary at 1039/45 hours from 18,000 feet.

No damage reported.

Landed 1150 hours.


Mission #71 October 2, 1944 43-38372 L/A 391BS Hanson

Mission #73 October 5, 1944 43-38372 L/A 4BS Hanson

Mission #77 October 14, 1944 43-38372 L/A 391BS Hanson

Mission #84 October 28, 1944 43-38372 L/A 391BS Hanson

Mission #87 November 5, 1944 43-38059 L/M 391BS Hanson

Mission #89 November 9, 1944 43-38372 L/A 391BS Hanson

Mission #91 November 21, 1944 43-38059 L/M 391BS Hanson

Mission #95 November 30, 1944 43-38059 L/M 391BS Hanson    MIA.


B-17G 43-38059 L/M Missing in Action Merseburg flak. Received direct flak hit in #1 engine just after bombs away.  The aircraft violently slid under the formation losing 2-3000 feet altitude. Engine caught fire and the prop was reported later as windmilling. About five minutes after being hit the engine blew up and tore of the wing sending the plane into a dive straight down. Five to nine chutes reported. Crashed Sommerda, Germany. With 391BS. Pilot: Oscar T. Hanson. Missing Air Crew Report # 10841. 1 Evaded, 4 Killed, 4 Prisoner of War.

KIA HANSON OSCAR T (P)                             CAPT     391          O-1699379              24            BEMIDJI MN

KIA KEIRN ROY C (CP)                                     1 LT        391          O-1169594              26            McKEESPORT PA

POW TOPPING DONALD G (N)                       1 LT        391          O-703344                22            ST LOUIS MO

POW LIPSCOMB LINDSEY L (B)                     1 LT        391          O-696233                22            CONROE TX

EVD SHULL PAUL L (E/TT)                              T/SGT    391          17059208                24            KANSAS CITY MO

KIA SIMPSON GEORGE H  (R)                         T/SGT    391          35252969                27            WABASH IN

KIA LAYTONLAWRENCE D (BT)                  S/SGT     391          14147329                20            ATLANTA GA

POW BURTON JOE N (TG)                               S/SGT     391          34687605                24            ATHENS GA

POW BROWN SIDNEY C (WG)                        S/SGT     391          31313627                23


KEIRN ROY C is buried at the Netherlands American Cemetery, A-14-23.


The Bits & Pieces Project shows Joe Burton as KIA and Lawrence Layton as POW but the records of the 34th BG indicate that Layton was KIA and that Burton was POW.

A record dated 17 May 1945 changes the status of Joe N. Brown from MIA to POW as of 30 Nov 1944. Another record dated 26 May 1945 changes the status of Hanson, Keirn, Simpson and Layton from MIA to KIA as of 30 Nov 1944, based on a letter from 1st United States Army dated 28 April 1945, "Report of Burial."