Heiby crew


Mission List


CREW #25; 4th Squadron (as of September 17, 1944)

Mission #64 September 17, 1944 43-38402 L/P 4BS Heiby

Mission #65 September 19, 1944 44-8309 E/H 4BS Heiby

Mission #68 September 26, 1944 43-38415 L/G 4BS Heiby

Mission #71 October 2, 1944 43-38386 E/K 4BS Heiby

Mission #72 October 3, 1944 44-8320 E/G 4BS Heiby

Mission #73 October 5, 1944 43-38367 E/L 7BS Heiby

Mission #74 October 6, 1944 43-38113 E/S 7BS Heiby

Mission #75 October 7, 1944 43-38188 B/D 7BS Heiby  MIA.


Mission and Crew Details


CREW #25; 4th Squadron (as of September 17, 1944)

Heiby (P)

Krebaun (CP)

Geist (N)

Kubly (B)

Moore, W. M. (R)

West (E)

Coates (TG)

Riley (BG)

Betterton (WG)


Mission #64 September 17, 1944 43-38402 L/P 4BS Heiby

Took off from Hardstand #18 at 0609 hours.

Flew position 2-3 in 34 B Group.

Carried 30 260F bombs. Dropped on the Primary at 1000 hours from 22,500 feet.

Major damage reported. Slight wounds to some crew?

Landed 1105 hours.

Heiby (P)

Krebaun (CP)

Geist (N)

Kubly (B)

Moore, W. M. (R)

West (E)

Coates (TG)

Riley (BG)

Betterton (WG)


Mission #65 September 19, 1944 44-8309 E/H 4BS Heiby

Mission #68 September 26, 1944 43-38415 L/G 4BS Heiby

Mission #71 October 2, 1944 43-38386 E/K 4BS Heiby

Mission #72 October 3, 1944 44-8320 E/G 4BS Heiby

Mission #73 October 5, 1944 43-38367 E/L 7BS Heiby

Mission #74 October 6, 1944 43-38113 E/S 7BS Heiby

Mission #75 October 7, 1944 43-38188 B/D 7BS Heiby  MIA.


B-17G 43-38188 B/D Missing in Action, Merseburg flak. On the return, the aircraft was trailing the formation by about 20 miles with one or two engines out and airspeed at 125 KPH, when the pilot contacted the Group leader to ask for fighter support and permission to land at a friendly field on the continent. Permission was granted and fighters dispatched. Different crews monitoring the VHF heard the pilot contact the fighters and heard the fighters reply that they would follow him to a friendly field. The pilot was heard on VHF to state he was heading for Eindhoven, Holland. Unknown if he reached Eindhoven. Later learned that he forced-landed at Zutphen, Holland. With 7BS. Pilot: Heiby. Missing Air Crew Report # 9549. 2 Killed in Action, 7 Prisoner of War.

KIA HEIBY JAMES A  (P)                                 2 LT        7              O-820745                7              BUCYRUS OH     

POW KREBAUM WILLIAM J (CP)                 2 LT        7              O-823883                8              DETROIT MI

POW GEIST MEYER J (N)                                  2 LT        7              O-2058461              7              BROOKLYN NY

EVD KUBLY ALVIN R (B)                                  2 LT        7              O-717997                8              WATERTOWN WI

POW WEST LOUIS E (E/TT)                             SGT        7              39277653                7              SAN DIEGO CA

POW MOORE WILEY M JR (R)                        SGT        7              14180709                8              ASHEVILLE NC

KIA BETTERTON HUBERT M JR (W)            SGT        7              16167678                7              HARTSELLE AL

POW RILEY WILLIS R (BT)                              SGT        7              15375543                7              LEBANON OH

POW COATES EVERETTE F (TG)                    SGT        7              33851578                7              WAKE VA


NOTE:    2 LT Alvin R. Kubly Evaded and was Returned to Duty March 28, 1945.

                Sgt Wiley M. Moor, Jr. was returned to Military Control on April 18, 1945.