Jones WS crew


NOTE: The tail gunner on this crew, Harold Carothers, had a fascinating military career in WWII, as related in a letter by Dr. Milton Braveman to MM, Dec 1989, p.26.  Harold "outlined a fascinating service record from pre-Pearl Harbor days at Clark Field in the Phillipines, through aerial gunnery school and his 22 missions with the 92nd BG where he was the only survivor of his crew. This was followed by some 20 additional missions with the 95th and 100th Bomb Groups. With each of these groups he lost more crew members and suffered severe wounds. He was returned to the States for R & R and assigned to PR duty to boost the sale of War Bonds. He requested and received orders back to the 8th AF where he was assigned as tail gunner with the Wyatt Jones crew of the 18th Squadron. Only with the 34th BG did he complete a full combat tour. He was at flight engineer school when, at Gen Hap Arnold's directive, Harold was transferred to the Pacific Theater. The second of his two missions in B-29s was the last bombing of Japan. Incidentally, he was over Berlin the first time that city was attacked by the 8th AF."


Mission List


Mission #91 November 21, 1944 43-38304 B/L 18BS Jones, W.

Mission #92 November 25, 1944 43-38415 L/G 18BS Jones

Mission #93 November 26, 1944 43-38378 L/K 18BS Jones

Mission #96 December 4, 1944 44-8321 B/F 18BS Jones               Maher (BT) had frostbitten right foot. Cause not ascertained.

Mission #98 December 6, 1944 43-38386 E/K 18BS Jones, W. S.

Mission #99 December 11, 1944 43-38326 B/U 18BS Jones, W. S.

Mission #100 December 12, 1944 43-38423 L/N 18BS Jones

Mission #101 December 15, 1944 43-38409 B/B 18BS Jones, W. S.

Mission #102 December 24, 1944 43-38991 L/Z 18BS Jones, W. S.

Mission #105 December 30, 1944 44-8283 B/G 18BS Jones, W. S.

Mission #106 December 31, 1944 43-38332 B/Q 18BS Jones, W. S.

Mission #107 January 2, 1945 44-8321 B/F 18BS Jones, W. S.

Mission #109 January 7, 1945 44-8529 B/A 18BS Jones, W. S.

Mission #110 January 10, 1945 44-8529 B/A 18BS Jones, W.

Mission #114 January 16, 1945 43-38392 B/E 18BS Jones, W.      Caught fire and crashed near Cambridge. Ball gunner killed.

Mission #115 January 20, 1945 43-38365 L/S 18BS Jones, W. S.

Mission #116 January 23, 1945 43-38409 B/B 18BS Jones, W. S.

Mission #119 February 3, 1945 43-38953 B/D 18BS Jones, W. S.

Mission #120 February 6, 1945 43-38953 B/D 18BS Jones, W.

Mission #122 February 14, 1945 43-38410 H/J 18BS Jones, W. S.

Mission #123 February 15, 1945 44-6820 H/C 7BS Jones, W. S.

Mission #125 February 19, 1945 43-38953 B/D 18BS Jones, W.

Mission #126 February 20, 1945 44-6822 H/E 391BS Jones, W. S.

Mission #127 February 21, 1945 43-38991 H/Z 18BS Jones, W. S.

Mission #128 February 22, 1945 44-6822 H/E 18BS Jones

Mission #131 February 26, 1945 43-38991 H/Z 18BS Jones, W. S.

Mission #132 February 27, 1945 43-38959 H/R 18BS Jones, W. S.

Mission #133 March 1, 1945 44-6820 H/C 18BS Jones, W. S.


CREW #71; 18th Squadron

Mission #134 March 2, 1945 43-38991 H/Z 18BS Jones, W. S.    

Mission #136 March 4, 1945 43-38410 H/J 18BS Jones, W. S.

Mission #137 March 7, 1945 43-38959 H/R 18BS Jones, W. S.

Mission #139 March 10, 1945 44-6820 H/C 18BS Jones, W. S.

Mission #140 March 11, 1945 43-38959 H/R 18BS Jones, W. S.


Mission and Crew Details


Mission #91 November 21, 1944 43-38304 B/L 18BS Jones, W.

Mission #92 November 25, 1944 43-38415 L/G 18BS Jones

Mission #93 November 26, 1944 43-38378 L/K 18BS Jones

Mission #96 December 4, 1944 44-8321 B/F 18BS Jones               Maher (BT) had frostbitten right foot. Cause not ascertained.

Mission #98 December 6, 1944 43-38386 E/K 18BS Jones, W. S.

Mission #99 December 11, 1944 43-38326 B/U 18BS Jones, W. S.

Mission #100 December 12, 1944 43-38423 L/N 18BS Jones

Mission #101 December 15, 1944 43-38409 B/B 18BS Jones, W. S.

Mission #102 December 24, 1944 43-38991 L/Z 18BS Jones, W. S.

Mission #105 December 30, 1944 44-8283 B/G 18BS Jones, W. S.

Mission #106 December 31, 1944 43-38332 B/Q 18BS Jones, W. S.

Mission #107 January 2, 1945 44-8321 B/F 18BS Jones, W. S.

Mission #109 January 7, 1945 44-8529 B/A 18BS Jones, W. S.

Mission #110 January 10, 1945 44-8529 B/A 18BS Jones, W.

Mission #114 January 16, 1945 43-38392 B/E 18BS Jones, W.      Caught fire and crashed near Cambridge. Ball gunner killed.


Mission #114 January 16, 1945 B-17G 43-38392 B/E “Old Crow” with 18BS crash-landed at Ampton, UK during assembly. #3 engine caught fire at 12,000 feet and pilot ordered the crew to bail out. All the crew got out OK, but the explosion of the plane when it hit the ground apparently collapsed the ball gunner’s chute, letting him fall the last 150-200 feet to the ground. Pilot: W. S. Jones. 1 Killed in Action.  Plane was salvaged.







KIA MAHER ROBERT A   (BT)                       SGT        18            18193045

RTD CAROTHERS (gunner)             

RTD CHAFFEE (gunner)   


Mission #115 January 20, 1945 43-38365 L/S 18BS Jones, W. S.

Mission #116 January 23, 1945 43-38409 B/B 18BS Jones, W. S.

Mission #119 February 3, 1945 43-38953 B/D 18BS Jones, W. S.

Mission #120 February 6, 1945 43-38953 B/D 18BS Jones, W.

Mission #122 February 14, 1945 43-38410 H/J 18BS Jones, W. S.

Mission #123 February 15, 1945 44-6820 H/C 7BS Jones, W. S.

Mission #125 February 19, 1945 43-38953 B/D 18BS Jones, W.

Mission #126 February 20, 1945 44-6822 H/E 391BS Jones, W. S.

Mission #127 February 21, 1945 43-38410 H/J (scheduled for W. S. Jones but replaced)

Mission #127 February 21, 1945 43-38991 H/Z 18BS Jones, W. S.

Mission #128 February 22, 1945 44-6822 H/E 18BS Jones

Mission #131 February 26, 1945 43-38991 H/Z 18BS Jones, W. S.

Mission #132 February 27, 1945 43-38959 H/R 18BS Jones, W. S.

Mission #133 March 1, 1945 44-6820 H/C 18BS Jones, W. S.


CREW #71; 18th Squadron


Mission #134 March 2, 1945 43-38991 H/Z 18BS Jones, W. S.    

From hardstand #9, took off 0622 hours.

Flew position 1-2 in High Squadron.

Carried 20 250 lb bombs. Dropped on secondary target at 1028 hours from 23,900 feet.

Slight damage to the bomber.

Initial E/A claims: 2-0-0. Credit 1 destroyed to Allen (E/TT)

Landed 1553 hours.

Jones, W. S. (P)

Clarke (CP)

Bloczynski (N)

Dooley (B)

Neal (R)

Allen (E)

Pendergraff (BG)

Carotherrs (NG) (probably should be TG)

Boozman (G)


Mission #136 March 4, 1945 43-38410 H/J 18BS Jones, W. S.

Mission #137 March 7, 1945 43-38959 H/R 18BS Jones, W. S.

Mission #139 March 10, 1945 44-6820 H/C 18BS Jones, W. S.

Mission #140 March 11, 1945 43-38959 H/R 18BS Jones, W. S.