Runyan crew




CREW #15; 4th Squadron Maid of Fury

Mission #1 May 23, 1944 42-94790 D/O 4BS Runyan

Mission #3 May 25, 1944 41-29566 D/H 4BS Runyan War Eagle

Mission #4 May 27, 1944 42-94790 D/O 4BS Runyan (Abort)

Mission #5 May 28, 1944 42-94790 D/O 4BS Runyan

Mission #7 May 30, 1944 42-94824 E/Q 4BS Runyan Umbriago

Mission #8 May 31, 1944 ???? ?/? 4BS Runyan (Airborne spare - flew the mission)

Mission #11 June 6, 1944 41-29510 D/V 4BS Runyan

Mission #14 June 11, 1944 41-29566 D/O 4BS Runyan War Eagle

Mission #15 June 12, 1944 41-29566 D/O 4BS Runyan War Eagle

Mission #17 June 17, 1944 41-29566 D/O 4BS Runyan War Eagle

Mission #20 June 22, 1944 41-29566 D/O 4BS Runyan War Eagle

Mission #23 June 24, 1944 41-29566 D/O 391BS Runyan War Eagle

Mission #29 July 2, 1944 42-94942 D/O 4BS Runyan Me Worry II

Mission #36 July 17, 1944 42-94942 D/O 4BS Runyan Me Worry II

Mission #37 July 18, 1944 42-94942 D/O 4BS Runyan Me Worry II

Mission #39 July 20, 1944 42-94942 D/O 4BS Runyan Me Worry II

Mission #40 July 21, 1944 42-94942 D/O 4BS Runyan Me Worry II

Mission #42 July 25, 1944 42-94942 D/O 18BS Runyan Me Worry II

Mission #43 July 27, 1944 42-94813 D/Z 18BS Runyan Skotty (Aborted – mechanical)


CREW #15; 4th Squadron (as of July 28, 1944)

Mission #45 July 28, 1944 42-94942 D/O 4BS Runyan Me Worry II

Mission #46 July 29, 1944 42-94942 D/O 4BS Runyan Me Worry II

Mission #47 July 31, 1944 42-94942 D/O 4BS Runyan Me Worry II

Mission #55 August 8, 1944 42-94942 D/O 4BS Runyan Me Worry II

Mission #57 August 11, 1944 42-94942 D/O Runyan Me Worry II (Airborne spare) (Aborted – mechanical)

Mission #58 August 13, 1944 44-40461 D/B 18BS Runyan

Mission #59 August 14, 1944 41-28878 D/Y Runyan The Heavenly Body (Airborne spare)

Mission #60 August 15, 1944 44-40443 D/D 4BS Runyan Jerk’s Berserk

Mission #61 August 16, 1944 42-94942 D/O 4BS Runyan Me Worry II

Mission #63 August 24, 1944 42-94942 D/O 4BS Runyan Me Worry II (Major battle damage)


CREW #15; 4th Squadron (as of September 17, 1944)

Mission #64 September 17, 1944 43-38280 E/M 4BS Runyan Missbehaven Raven

Mission #65 September 19, 1944 43-38300 B/P 4BS Runyan

Mission #67 September 25, 1944 43-38334 H/A 4BS Runyan

Mission #68 September 26, 1944 43-38188 H/C 4BS Runyan

Mission #70 September 28, 1944 43-38326 B/U 4BS Runyan

Mission #71 October 2, 1944 43-38331 B/Y 4BS Runyan

Mission #72 October 3, 1944 43-38353 E/A 4BS Runyan

Mission #74 October 6, 1944 44-8263 E/Y 7BS Runyan Bombs jettisoned. #3 engine trouble.

Mission #75 October 7, 1944 43-38433 B/R 7BS Runyan               Major damage.




CREW #15; 4th Squadron Maid of Fury

RUNYAN ARTHUR C (P) (1024)                       2 LT        4              O-751037

SCHWARTZ SERAPHINE E (CP) (1024)         2 LT        4              O-817550

MANKIN GLENN J (B) (1035)                           2 LT        4              O-662323

MULLIN FRANCIS J (AEG) (748)                     S/SGT     4              32738039

LUCAS RAYMOND (ROG) (757)                      S/SGT     4              38466124

PEACOCK ROBERT E (BG) (748)                      SGT        4              31318532

BYERS RAY C (BG) (611)                                   SGT        4              33506839

GUYNN KENNETH (BG) (612)                           SGT        4              33647896


Mission #1 May 23, 1944 42-94790 D/O 4BS Runyan

Took off at 0520 hours from Hardstand #9.

Was to fly position 2-3 in Lead Squadron, but instead flew position 3-3 in High Squadron.

Carried 12 500 lb. Bombs. Dropped on Primary at 0856 hours from 15,000 feet.

"Bombs burst just short of target area. Other targets bombed heavily."

No damage reported.

Landed 1156 hours.

Runyan (P)

Schwartz (CP)

Lynn (N)

Mankin (B)

Lucas (R)

Mullin (E)

Peacock (NG)

Guynn (TG)

Black (BG)

Byers (G)


                     May 24, 1944 Runyan

Crew Status Report 1700 hours.

Crew #15; 4th Squadron

Runyan, A. (P)                      OK

Schwartz, S. (CP)                  OK

Lynn, J. (N)                           OK

Mankin, G. (B)                      OK

Lucas, R. (R)                         OK

Mullin, F. (E)                         OK

Peacock, R. (NG)                  OK

Guynn, K. (TG)                     OK

Black, W. (BG)                      OK

Byers, R. (G)                          OK


Mission #3 May 25, 1944 41-29566 D/H 4BS Runyan War Eagle

Took off at 0514 hours.

Flew position 3-3 in Low Squadron.

Carried 12 500 lb bombs. Did not drop. Brought all bombs back to base.

No damage reported.

Landed 1041 hours.

Runyan (P)

Schwartz (CP)

Lynn (N)

Lucas (R)

Mullin (E)

Black (BG)

Guynn (TG)

Peacock (NG)

Byers (G)


Mission #4 May 27, 1944 42-94790 D/O 4BS Runyan (Abort)

Took off at 0839 hours.

Was to fly position 3-1 in High Squadron, but aborted.

Carried 10 500 lb bombs. Brought all bomba back to base.

Returned early because of malfunction in induction system of #1 engine.

Landed 1015 hours.

No sortie.

Runyan (P)

Schwartz (CP)

Lynn (N)

Mankin (B)

Lucas (R)

Mullin (E)

Black (BG)

Guynn (TG)

Peacock (NG)

Byers (G)


Mission #5 May 28, 1944 42-94790 D/O 4BS Runyan

Took off at 1024 hours from Hardstand #10.

Flew position 3-3 in Lead Squadron.

Carried 10 500 lb GP bombs. Dropped on the Primary at 1458 hours from 21,500 feet.

No damage reported.

Landed 1758 hours.

#2 supercharger inoperative; #1 cylinder head temperature running high. Inspected and repaired.

Runyan (P)

Schwartz (CP)

Lynn (N)

Lucas (R)

Mullin (E)

Black (BG)

Guynn (TG)

Peacock (NG)

Byers (G)


Mission #7 May 30, 1944 42-94824 E/Q 4BS Runyan Umbriago

Took off at 0707 hours from Hardstand #4.

Flew position 4-2 in High Squadron.

Carried 6 1000 lb bombs. Dropped on the Primary at 1110 hours from 23,500 feet.

No damage reported.

Landed 1251 hours.

Runyan (P)

Schwartz (CP)

Mankin (B)

Lucas (R)

Mullin (E)

Peacock (NG)

Block (BG)

Guynn (TG)

Byers (G)


Mission #8 May 31, 1944 41-29566 4BS Runyan War Eagle (Airborne Spare)

Took off at 0804 hours.

Airborne spare - flew the mission

Carried 6 1000 lb bombs. Brought all bombs back to base.

The mission was Recalled.

Landed 1155 hours.

Bank & Turn indicator inoperative. Inspected and repaired.

Runyan (P)

Schwartz (CP)

Lynn (N)

Mankin (B)

Lucas (R)

Mullin (E)

Peacock (NG)

Guynn (TG)

Block (BG)

Byers (G)


Mission #11 June 6, 1944 41-29510 D/V 4BS Runyan

Took off at 0624 hours from Hardstand #11.

Flew position 4-3 in High Squadron.

Carried 12 500 lb bombs. Due to 10/10 clouds, brought all bombs back to base.

No damage reported.

Landed 1222 hours.

#1 & #3 manifold pressure lags; Pilot's heater inoperative; mike switch ball turret inoperative. Inspected and repaired.

Runyan, A. C. (P)

Schwartz, S. F. (CP)

Mankin, C. J. (B)

Mullin, F. J. (E)

Lucas, R. E. (R)

Byers, R. C. (G)

Jones, G. B. (G)

Gwynn, K. E. (G)

Black, W. T. (G)


Mission #14 June 11, 1944 41-29566 D/O 4BS Runyan War Eagle

Took off at 0445 hours.

Flew position 3-1 in Low Squadron.

Carried 24 250 lb GP bombs. Brought back all bombs to base due to 10/10 cloud coverage of target.

No battle damage reported.

Landed 1028 hours.

Runyan (P)

Schwartz (CP)

Lynn (N)

Mankin (B)

Lucas (R)

Muller (E)

Peacock (NG)

Guynn (TG)

Block (BG)

Byers (G)


Mission #15 June 12, 1944 41-29566 D/O 4BS Runyan War Eagle

Took off at 0517 hours.

Flew position 2-2 in High Squadron.

Carried 24 250 lb bombs. Dropped 20 bombs on the Primary at 0911 hours from 22,800 feet. 2 bombs brought back. 2 unknown I suppose.

No damage reported.

Landed 1112 hours.

Runyan (P)

Schwartz (CP)

Mankin (B)

Lucas (R)

Mullin (E)

Peacock (NG)

Guynn (TG)

Block (BG)

Byers (G)


Mission #17 June 17, 1944 41-29566 D/O 4BS Runyan War Eagle

Took off at 1656 hours.

Flew position 4-2 in Low Squadron.

Carried 12 500 lb bombs. Dropped on the Primary at 2022 hours from 16,800 feet.

Slight battle damage reported.

Landed 2250 hours.

Runyan (P)

Schwartz (CP)

Lynn (N)

Lucas (R)

Mullin (E)

Peacock (NG)

Guynn (TG)

Block (BG)

Byers (G)


Mission #20 June 22, 1944 41-29566 D/O 4BS Runyan War Eagle

Took off at 1503 hours.

Flew position 4-1 in Low Squadron.

Carried 52 100 lb bombs. Dropped on the Primary at 1917 hours from 19,100 feet.

No damage reported.

Landed 2205 hours.

Runyan (P)

Whited (CP) (a write-in)

Lynn (N)

Mankin (B)

Lucas (R)

Mullen (E)

Block (BG)

Guynn (TG)

Peacock (NG)

Beyers (G)


Mission #23 June 24, 1944 41-29566 D/O 391BS Runyan War Eagle

Took off at 1639 hours.

Flew position 4-3 in High Squadron.

Carried 24 250 lb GP bombs. Jettisoned all bombs when the plane encountered engine trouble.

Lost all four engines on the way back. The entire crew bailed out over the English coast.

The plane crashed at East Lydd, England.

No crew loading list available for this crew.

Runyan (P)

Beyer (CP) (pilot of crew #55)


Mission #29 July 2, 1944 42-94942 D/O 4BS Runyan

Took off at 1002 hours.

Was to fly position 3-1 in Group B, but aborted due to supercharger trouble.

Carried 18 250 lb bombs. Brought all bombs back to base due to abortion.

No sortie.

No damage reported.

Landed 1235 hours.

Runyan (P)

Lundeen (CP) (from Crew #2)

Lynn (N)

Mankin (B)

Lucas (R)

Mullen (E)

Block (BG)

Sumpter (TG) (a write in)

Peacock (NG)

Beyers (G)


Mission #36 July 17, 1944 42-94942 D/O 4BS Runyan Me Worry II

Took off at 0636 hours.

Flew position 3-1 in High Squadron.

Carried 5 1000 lb bombs. Dropped on the Primary at 1052 hours from 21,000 feet.

No damage reported.

Landed 1311 hours.

Runyan (P)

Miller (CP) (a write-in)

Lynn (N)

Mankin (B)

Lucas (R)

Mullen (E)

Block (BG)

Scott (TG) (a write in)

Peacock (NG)

Beyers (G)


Mission #37 July 18, 1944 42-94942 D/O 4BS Runyan Me Worry II

Took off at 0537 hours.

Flew position 2-1 in Low Squadron.

Carried a K-21 camera.

Carried 52 100 lb Fragmentation bombs. Dropped on Primary at 0847 hours from 17,000 feet.

No battle damaged reported.

Landed 1044 hours.

Runyan (P)

Murphy (CP) (a write-in)

Lynn (N)

Mankin (B)

Lucas (R)

Mullen (E)

Block (BG)

Scott (TG) (a write in)

Peacock (NG)

Beyers (G)


Mission #39 July 20, 1944 42-94942 D/O 4BS Runyan Me Worry II

Took off at 0729 hours.

Flew position 2-3 in Lead Squadron.

Carried 10 500 lb GP bombs. Dropped on the Primary at 1113 hours from 22,500 feet.

Carried a K-21 camera.

No damage reported.

Landed 1312 hours.

Runyan (P)

Strong (CP) (a write-in)

Lynn (N)

Mankin (B)

Lucas (R)

Mullen (E)

Block (BG)

Scott (TG) (a write in)

Peacock (NG)

Beyers (G)


Mission #40 July 21, 1944 42-94942 D/O 4BS Runyan Me Worry II

Took off at 0603 hours.

Flew position 2-1 in High Squadron.

Carried 10 500 lb bombs. Dropped at Munich, results unobserved, at 1034 hours from 21,000 feet.

Landed 1327 hours.

Runyan (P)

Johnson (CP) (a write-in)

Lynn (N)

Mankin (B)

Lucas (R)

Mullen (E)

Block (BG)

Scott (TG) (a write in)

Peacock (NG)

Beyers (G)


Mission #42 July 25, 1944 42-94942 D/O 18BS Runyan Me Worry II

Took off at 0752 hours.

Flew position 3-3 in Lead Squadron.

Carried 52 100 lb GP bombs. Dropped on the Primary at 1037 hours from 12,000 feet.

No damage reported.

Landed 1257 hours.

Runyan (P)

Rowley (CP) (a write-in)

Lynn (N)

Mankin (B)

Lucas (R)

Mullen (E)

Block (BG)

Scott (TG) (a write in)

Peacock (NG)

Beyers (G)


Mission #43 July 27, 1944 42-94813 D/Z 18BS Runyan Skotty (Aborted – mechanical)

Took off at 0507 hours.

Flew position 3-2, in C Group, flying as Low Squadron in 93 B Wing with 493rd C Group

Carried 6 1000 lb bombs. Returned all bombs to base as Mission was Recalled.

No battle damage.

Aborted due to engine failure.

Landed 0808 hours.

Runyan (P)

Johnson (CP) (a write-in)

Lynn (N)

Mankin (B)

Lucas (R)

Mullen (E)

Block (BG)

Scott (TG) (a write in)

Peacock (NG)

Beyers (G)


CREW #15; 4th Squadron (as of July 28, 1944)

Runyan (P)

Schwartz (CP)

Lynn (N)

Mankin (B)

Lucas (R)

Mullen (E)

Peacock (NG)

Scott (TG)

Block (BG)

Beyers (G)


Mission #45 July 28, 1944 42-94942 D/O 4BS Runyan Me Worry II

Took off at 0500 hours.

Flew position 2-2 in High Squadron.

Carried 12 250 lb bombs. Brought all bombs back to base due to weather.

No flak damage reported.

Landed 0942 hours.

Runyan (P)

Bouldin (CP) (the Pilot of crew #22)

Lynn (N)

Mankin (B)

Lucas (R)

Mullen (E)

Peacock (NG)

Scott (TG)

Block (BG)

Beyers (G)


Mission #46 July 29, 1944 42-94942 D/O 4BS Runyan Me Worry II

Took off at 0455 hours.

Flew position 3-1 in Lead Squadron.

Carried 12 500 lb bombs. Dropped on the Primary at 0847 hours from 20,500 feet.

No damage reported.

Landed 1029 hours.

#3 & #4 manifold pressure oscillates; Pilot's & Co-pilot's heaters inoperative; oil leak in engine. Inspected and repaired.

Runyan (P)

Saunders (CP) (from crew #22)

Lynn (N)

Mankin (B)

Lucas (R)

Mullen (E)

Peacock (NG)

Block (BG)

Beyers (G)


Mission #47 July 31, 1944 42-94942 D/O 4BS Runyan Me Worry II

Took off at 0942 hours.

Flew position 4-3 in Lead Squadron.

Carried 20 250 lb bombs. Brought all bombs back to base due to abortion.

Aborted due to #4 supercharger trouble. No Sortie.

Landed 0952 hours.

Runyan (P)

Saunders (CP) (from crew #22)

Lynn (N)

Mankin (B)

Lucas (R)

Mullen (E)

Peacock (NG)

Block (BG)

Beyers (G)


Mission #55 August 8, 1944 42-94942 D/O 4BS Runyan Me Worry II

Runyan (P)

Ames (CP) (a write-in) (Pilot of crew #18)

Lynn (N)

Mankin (B)

Lucas (R)

Mullen (E)

Scott (TG)

Block (BG)

Beyers (G)


Mission #57 August 11, 1944 42-94942 D/O Runyan Me Worry II (Airborne spare) (Aborted – mechanical)

Runyan (P)

Schwartz (CP)

Lynn (N)

Mankin (B)

Lucas (R)

Mullen (E)

Scott (TG)

Block (BG)

Beyers (G)


Mission #58 August 13, 1944 44-40461 D/B 18BS Runyan

Runyan (P)

Schwartz (CP)

Lynn (N)

Mankin (B)

Lucas (R)

Mullen (E)

Scott (TG)

Block (BG)

Beyers (G)


Mission #59 August 14, 1944 41-28878 D/Y Runyan The Heavenly Body (Airborne spare)

Runyan (P)

Schwartz (CP)

Lynn (N)

Mankin (B)

Lucas (R)

Mullen (E)

Scott (TG)

Block (BG)

Beyers (G)


Mission #60 August 15, 1944 44-40443 D/D 4BS Runyan Jerk’s Berserk

Runyan (P)

Schwartz (CP)

Lynn (N)

Klienfall (N)

Mankin (B)

Lucas (R)

Mullen (E)

Scott (TG)

Block (BG)

Beyers (G)


Mission #61 August 16, 1944 42-94942 D/O 4BS Runyan Me Worry II

Runyan (P)

Schwartz (CP)

Lynn (N)

Mankin (B)

Lucas (R)

Mullen (E)

Peacock (NG)

Scott (TG)

Block (BG)


Mission #63 August 24, 1944 42-94942 D/O 4BS Runyan Me Worry II (Major battle damage)

Runyan (P)

Schwartz (CP)

Lynn (N)

Mankin (B)

Lucas (R)

Mullen (E)

Peacock (NG)

Scott (TG)

Beyers (G)


CREW #15; 4th Squadron (as of September 17, 1944)

Runyan (P)

Schwartz (CP)

Lynn (N)

Mankin (B)

Lucas (R)

Mullin (E)

Peacock (NG)

Block (BG)

Byers (G)


Mission #64 September 17, 1944 43-38280 E/M 4BS Runyan Missbehaven Raven

Took off from Hardstand #3 at 0605 hours.

Flew position 3-2 in 34 B Group.

Carried 30 260F bombs. Dropped on the Primary at 0940 hours from 21,300 feet.

Slight damage reported.

Landed 1049 hours.

Runyan (P)

Ferry (CP) (add on)

Lynn (N)

Mankin (B)

Lucas (R)

Mullin (E)

Peacock (NG)

Block (BG)

Byers (G)


Mission #65 September 19, 1944 43-38300 B/P 4BS Runyan

Mission #67 September 25, 1944 43-38334 H/A 4BS Runyan

Mission #68 September 26, 1944 43-38188 H/C 4BS Runyan

Mission #70 September 28, 1944 43-38326 B/U 4BS Runyan

Mission #71 October 2, 1944 43-38331 B/Y 4BS Runyan

Mission #72 October 3, 1944 43-38353 E/A 4BS Runyan

Mission #74 October 6, 1944 44-8263 E/Y 7BS Runyan Bombs jettisoned. #3 engine trouble.

Mission #75 October 7, 1944 43-38433 B/R 7BS Runyan               Major damage.