Schroeder crew


Mission List


Mission #149 March 22, 1945 44-8320 E/G 7BS Schroeder

Mission #150 March 23, 1945 44-8320 E/G 7BS Schroeder

Mission #152 March 26, 1945 44-8320 E/G 7BS Schroeder

Mission #153 March 28, 1945 43-38367 E/L 7BS Schroeder          Aborted – couldn’t find formation. Bummer!

Mission #154 March 30, 1945 44-8320 E/G 7BS Schroeder

Mission #155 March 31, 1945 44-8320 E/G 7BS Schroeder

Mission #156 April 3, 1945 44-8320 E/G 7BS Schroeder

Mission #158 April 5, 1945 43-38416 E/C 7BS Schroeder              Bombed with lead. Landed in France - engine trouble.

Mission #161 April 9, 1945 44-8320 E/G 7BS Schroeder

Mission #162 April 10, 1945 44-8320 E/G 7BS Schroeder

Mission #163 April 11, 1945 44-6822 E/E 7BS Schroeder

Mission #164 April 14, 1945 44-8320 E/G 7BS Schroeder

Mission #165 April 15, 1945 44-8320 E/G 7BS Schroeder

Mission #169 April 19, 1945 44-6465 E/O 7BS Schroeder Fancy Nancy

Mission #170 April 20, 1945 43-38991 E/Z 7BS Schroeder Sweet Seventeen  (listed incorrectly as E/A)


CREW #40; 7th Squadron

Mission #171 May 1, 1945 44-8320 E/G 7BS Schroeder

Mission #172 May 2, 1945 44-8320 E/G 7BS Schroeder

Mission #173 May 3, 1945 44-8320 E/G 7BS Schroeder

Mission #174 May 5, 1945 44-8320 E/G 7BS Schroeder

Mission #175 May 6, 1945 44-8320 E/G 7BS Schroeder


Mission and Crew Details


Mission #149 March 22, 1945 44-8320 E/G 7BS Schroeder

Mission #150 March 23, 1945 44-8320 E/G 7BS Schroeder

Mission #152 March 26, 1945 44-8320 E/G 7BS Schroeder

Mission #153 March 28, 1945 43-38367 E/L 7BS Schroeder          Aborted – couldn’t find formation. Bummer!

Mission #154 March 30, 1945 44-8320 E/G 7BS Schroeder

Mission #155 March 31, 1945 44-8320 E/G 7BS Schroeder

Mission #156 April 3, 1945 44-8320 E/G 7BS Schroeder

Mission #158 April 5, 1945 43-38416 E/C 7BS Schroeder              Bombed with lead. Landed in France - engine trouble.

Mission #161 April 9, 1945 44-8320 E/G 7BS Schroeder

Mission #162 April 10, 1945 44-8320 E/G 7BS Schroeder

Mission #163 April 11, 1945 44-6822 E/E 7BS Schroeder

Mission #164 April 14, 1945 44-8320 E/G 7BS Schroeder

Mission #165 April 15, 1945 44-8320 E/G 7BS Schroeder

Mission #169 April 19, 1945 44-6465 E/O 7BS Schroeder Fancy Nancy

Mission #170 April 20, 1945 43-38991 E/Z 7BS Schroeder Sweet Seventeen  (listed incorrectly as E/A)


CREW #40; 7th Squadron


Mission #171 May 1, 1945 44-8320 E/G 7BS Schroeder

Took off 0739 hours from hardstand #1.

Flew position 1-3 in B Squadron

Dropped 70 cases of 10 in 1 at 0914 ½ hours from 400 feet. The other 20 cases kicked out within 1 ½ minutes.

Landed 1039 hours.

Schroeder (P)

Schindler (CP)

Wright (N)

Forbes (B)

Maroney (R)

Thompson (E)

Marino (BG)

Piercy (WG)

Hayes (TG)


Mission #172 May 2, 1945 44-8320 E/G 7BS Schroeder

Took off 1150 hours from hardstand #1.

Flew position 2-2 in F Squadron.

Carried a camera to record the drop.

Dropped 90 cases of 10 in 1 rations at 1358 hours from 600 feet.

Landed 1544 hours.

Schroeder (P)

Schindler (CP)

Wright (N)

Lewenauer (B)

Maroney (R) (one of two lists has Maroney lined out)

Thompson (E) (the other list has Thompson lined out)

Marino (BG)

Hayes (TG)

Snyder A. W. (X)

Brewer (X)

Mission #173 May 3, 1945 44-8320 E/G 7BS Schroeder

Took off 0906 hours from hardstand #1.

Carried K-24 camera. Photos printed.

Dropped 3 sets of Br. rations at 1018 ¾ hours from 500 feet.

Landed 1140 hours.

Schroeder (P)

Schindler (CP)

Wright (N)

Lewenauer (B)

Maroney (R)

Thompson (E)

Hayes (TG)

Sugarman (X)

Sevoret (X) (or Sevret)

Hayes (X)


Mission #174 May 5, 1945 44-8320 E/G 7BS Schroeder

Took off 0913 hours from hardstand #1.

Flew with 7th Squadron.

Dropped 3 sets of rations at 1027 hours from 400 feet.

Landed 1149 hours.

Schroeder (P)

Schindler (CP)

Wright (N)

Lewenauer (B)

Maroney (R)

Thompson (E)

Cross (X) (on one of two lists)

Fienstein (X)

Breedlove (X)

Justiss (X) (on one of two lists, different than the one above)


Mission #175 May 6, 1945 44-8320 E/G 7BS Schroeder

Took off 1348 hours from hardstand #1.

Flew with 7th Squadron.

Dropped 1 ½ sets of rations at 1445 hours from 400 feet.

Brought back to base 1 ½ sets of rations.

Landed 1618 hours.

Schroeder (P)

Schindler (CP)

Wright (N)

Lewenauer (B)

Maroney (R)

Thompson (E)

Lt. Shelton (X)

Slade, H. S. (X)

Dziubczynski (X)


44-6465 Fancy Nancy


June 24, 1945 Returned to US: Bradley

Flown to US by the Schroeder crew #20-34. See Microfilm reel B0115, p. 1506.

Schroeder, John H.                              1Lt          O-780736                Pilot                        1091          B-17 Pilot

Schindler, Homer B.                             2Lt          O-784967                Co-Pilot                  1091          B-17 Pilot

Wright, James L. Jr.                             2Lt          O-2073292              Nav                         1034          Navigator

Maroney, Jerome P.                             S/Sgt      16138436                Radio Op               757         Radio Operator- Mechanic-Gunner

Thompson, J. W.                                  T/Sgt      38511739                Engr                        748

Lewenauer, Robert A.                         2Lt          O-2026714              Bomb                      1035

Marino, Alfred S.                                 Sgt          12178296                Gunner                   612

Piercy, Ned C.                                       S/Sgt      34606790                Gunner                   611

Hayes, Charges E. Jr.                           S/Sgt      33559877                Gunner                   612

Straight, Lawrence C.                          M/Sgt     32381766                Crew Chief             750

Roth, William R.                                   Cpl          35550645                Passenger              686

Robold, Orville L.                                 T/Sgt      35167594                Passenger              514

Troupe, Jack H.                                    T/Sgt      39199673                Passenger              514

Clark, Leon S.                                        S/Sgt      13120748                Passenger              514

Duke, Roy E.                                         S/Sgt      39229405                Passenger              938

Roosa, Howard E.                                2Lt          O-930192                Passenger              1091          B-17 Pilot

Nichols, Clarence L.                             S/Sgt      34813468                Passenger              612

Savaroso, Thomas A.                          Pfc          32915611                Passenger              901 ORD

Hines, William H.                                 Cpl          33500879                Passenger              901 ORD

Nelson, John J.                                     Cpl          32705957                Passenger              754