Smith OE crew




CREW #62; 391st Squadron

Mission #2 May 24, 1944 42-94770 L/I 391BS Smith, O. E. Salutation Rose

Mission #3 May 25, 1944 42-94770 L/I 391BS Smith, O. E. Salutation Rose

Mission #4 May 27, 1944 42-94770 L/I 391BS Smith, O. E. Salutation Rose

Mission #6 May 29, 1944 42-94770 L/I 391BS Smith, O. E. Salutation Rose MIA




CREW #62; 391st Squadron

SMITH OREN E (P) (1024)                                  2 LT        391          O-747340

BECKER JOHN A (CP) (1024)                            2 LT        391          O-751980

BUTLER DONALD D (N) (1034)                       2 LT        391          O-697819

COOK LONNIE H (B) (1035)                              CAPT     391          O-432329

GOODIE ALBERT E (AEG) (748)                       S/SGT     391          39120580

BENSON CHARLES E (ROG) (757)                   S/SGT     391          34664298

CARTE CLYDE R (AG) (612)                             SGT        391          32853022

APPLEGATE CARLTON F (BG) (612)              SGT        391          32750837

MARTIN JAMES J (BG) (611)                           SGT        391          11082311


May 14, 1944, Special Order #100, par. 2 & 3

2 Lt John A Becker, O-751980, is relieved from Crew #62 and assigned to crew #66, Gillis, replacing the Pilot, making it now the Becker crew.

2 Lt Clarence L Vinge, O-854943, is relieved from Crew #66, Gillis, and assigned to Crew #62, Smith, OE.


Mission #2 May 24, 1944 42-94770 L/I 391BS Smith, O. E. Salutation Rose

Flew position 4-1 in Low Squadron.

Carried 12 500 lb GP bombs. Dropped on the secondary target at 0925 hours from 22,000 feet.

No damaged reported.

Smith, O. E. (P)

Vinge, C. L. (CP)

Butler, D. D. (N)

Nelson, K. E. (B)

Benson, C. E. (R)

Goode, A. E. (E)

Martin, J. J. (BG)

Applegate, C. F. (TG)

Carte, C. R. (NG)

Horvath, S. J. (G)


                     May 24, 1944 Smith, O. E.

Crew Status Report 1700 hours.

Crew #62, 391st Squadron

Smith, O. E. (P)                      OK

Vinge, C. L. (CP)                   OK

Butler, D. D. (N)                    OK

Nelson, R. E. (B)                   OK

Benson, C. E. (R)                  OK

Goode, A. E. (E)                    OK

Carte, C. R. (NG)                   OK

Applegate, C. F. (TG)          OK

Martin, J. J. (BG)                   OK

Horvath, S. J. (G)                  OK


Mission #3 May 25, 1944 42-94770 L/I 391BS Smith, O. E. Salutation Rose

Took off at 0502 hours.

Flew position 3-1 in High Squadron.

Carried 12 500 lb bombs. Dropped on the Secondary Target at 0920 hours from 18,400 feet.

No damage reported.

Landed 1100 hours.

Oil leak #4 engine. Inspected and repaired.

Smith, O. E. (P)

Vinge, C. L. (CP)

Butler, D. D. (N)

Nelson, R. E. (B)

Benson, E. E. (R)

Goode, A. E. (E)

Martin, J. J. (BG)

Applegate, C. E. (TG)

Carte, C. R. (NG)

Horvath, S. J. (G)


Mission #4 May 27, 1944 42-94770 L/I 391BS Smith, O. E. Salutation Rose

Took off at 0829 hours.

Flew position 3-1 in Lead Squadron.

Carried 10 500 lb bombs. Brought all bombs back to base.

No damage reported.

Landed 1601 hours.

Supercharger surging. Inspected and repaired.

Ball turret entrance door torn off. Gunner failed to fasten securely after throwing out his flak suit. Door replaced.

Smith (P)

Gray (CP) (from crew #54)

Butler (N)

Nelson (B)

Benson (R)

Goode (E)

Martin (BG)

Applegate (TG)

Carte (NG)

Horvath (G)


May 28, 1944, Special Order #114, par. 4 & 5

1 Lt Warren E Gray, O-725287, is relieved from Crew #54, Ray, and assigned to Crew #62, Smith, OE, as Co-Pilot.

2 Lt Clarence L Vinge, O-854943, is relieved from Crew #62, Smith OE, and is assigned to Crew #54, Ray, as Co-Pilot.


Mission #6 May 29, 1944 42-94770 L/I 391BS Smith, O. E. Salutation Rose         MIA

Took off at 0742 hours from Hardstand #21.

Flew position 3-1 in High Squadron.

Carried 10 500 lb GP bombs. No drop report.

Missing in Action. Left formation with #1 engine feathered and #4 smoking at 1400 hours at 5437N-0942E. Aircraft peeled off from formation and ran into more flak. Gas leaking and going down rapidly. No chutes observed. Ship was under control when last heard from. Aircraft was picked up on radio and was identified as giving heading 345 degrees true in an attempt to reach Sweden.

Smith (P)

Gray (CP) (from crew #54)

Butler (N)

Nelson (B)

Benson (R)

Goode (E)

Carte (NG)

Martin (BG)

Applegate (TG)

Horvath (G)


B-24H 42-94770 L/I Salutation Rose  Missing in Action believed near Tutow. Crashed at Altenhof, Germany. With 391BS. Pilot: Smith. Missing Air Crew Report # 5349. 1 Killed in Action, 9 Prisoner of War.

POW SMITH OREN E (P)                                   LT               391      O-747340        CUTLER IL

POW GRAY WARREN E (CP)                           1 LT            391      O-725287        HOLLYWOOD CA

POW BUTLER DONALD D (N)                        2 LT            391      O-697819        BRYON OH

KIA NELSON RICHARD E (B)                          2 LT            391      O-697777        SNOW HILL MD

POW CARTE CLYDE R (NT)                             SGT            391      32853022        PERU NY

POW GOODE ALBERT E (TT)                          S/SGT         391      39120580        SAN FRANCISCO CA

POW BENSON CHARLES (RO)                        SGT            391      34664298        WILMINGTON NC

POW MARTIN JAMES J (BT)                          SGT            391      11082311        NEWTON MA

POW HORVATH STEVE J (WG)                      SGT            391      33278844        IMPERIAL PA

POW APPLEGATE CARLTON F (TG)             SGT            391      32750837        TOUS RIVER NJ