Swenson crew
CREW #31; 7th Squadron
Mission #1 May 23, 1944 7BS Swenson (Ground Spare)
Mission #2 May 24, 1944 42-52696 E/N 7BS Swenson Cookie’s
Wailing Wall
Mission #4 May 27, 1944 42-52696 E/N 7BS Swenson Cookie’s
Wailing Wall
Mission #5 May 28, 1944 42-52696 E/N 7BS Swenson Cookie’s
Wailing Wall
Mission #6 May 29, 1944 42-52696 E/N 7BS Swenson Cookie’s
Wailing Wall
Mission #8 May 31, 1944 42-52696 E/N 7BS Swenson Cookie’s
Wailing Wall
Mission #10 June 6, 1944 42-52696 E/N 391BS Swenson Cookie’s
Wailing Wall
Mission #14 June 11, 1944 44-40470 E/A 7BS Swenson Worry Bird
Mission #15 June 12, 1944 44-40470 E/A 7BS Swenson Worry Bird
Mission #17 June 17, 1944 42-94845 E/C 7BS Swenson Miz-Pah
Mission #20 June 22, 1944 42-94824 E/Q 7BS Swenson Umbriago
Mission #21 June 23, 1944 42-94879 B/D 7BS Swenson Collapsible Susie
Mission #23 June 24, 1944 42-94818 E/B 7BS Swenson Captain John Silver
Mission #25 June 25, 1944 42-52755 D/F 7BS Swenson
Mission #28 June 29, 1944 42-94845 E/N 7BS Swenson Miz-Pah (shown as 854 E/N) (Lost #3 engine – Jettisoned bombs)
Mission #30 July 6, 1944 42-94845 E/N 7BS Swenson Miz-Pah
Mission #33 July 9, 1944 42-94845 E/N Swenson Miz-Pah
Mission #36 July 17, 1944 42-94869 D/J Swenson (Airborne spare – returned early)
Mission #37 July 18, 1944 42-94813 B/E 7BS Swenson Skotty
Mission #38 July 19, 1944 42-94811 D/K 7BS Swenson Tommy Thumper II
Mission #39 July 20, 1944 41-29559 E/P Swenson Belchin’ Bessie (Airborne spare)
Mission #40 July 21, 1944 44-40320 B/N 7BS Swenson Generator Jennie
Mission #44 July 27, 1944 42-94845 E/N 7BS Swenson Miz-Pah
CREW #42; 7th Squadron (as of July 28, 1944)
Mission #45 July 28, 1944 42-94771 L/H 7BS Swenson (Aborted – mechanical)
Mission #48 August 1, 1944 42-94845 E/N 7BS Swenson Miz-Pah
Mission #49 August 2, 1944 42-94845 E/N Swenson Miz-Pah (Airborne spare)
Mission #50 August 3, 1944 42-94845 E/N 7BS Swenson Miz-Pah
Mission #52 August 5, 1944 42-94845 E/N 7BS Swenson Miz-Pah
Mission #53 August 6, 1944 42-94845 E/N 7BS Swenson Miz-Pah
Mission #54 August 7, 1944 42-94845 E/N 18BS Swenson Miz-Pah
Mission #58 August 13, 1944 42-94755 D/U 7BS Swenson Weary
Mission #59 August 14, 1944 42-94908 E/I 7BS Swenson Tiger Rag
Mission #61 August 16, 1944 42-94845 E/N 7BS Swenson Miz-Pah
Mission #62 August 18, 1944 42-94845 E/N 7BS Swenson Miz-Pah (shown as 854 E/N) Did not drop – rack malfunction
Mission #63 August 24, 1944 42-94845 E/N 7BS Swenson Miz-Pah
CREW #31; 7th Squadron
SWENSON ELBERT H (P) (1024) 2 LT 7 O-687718
ARANGO CASTON (CP) (1024) 2 LT 7 O-817370
SWANSON SAMUEL C JR (N) (1034) 2 LT 7 O-704637
CLEMENS JOHN D (B) (1035) 2 LT 7 O-697722
GARMAN MARION E (AEG) (748) SGT 7 34682908
BAKER GEORGE H (ROG) (757) SGT 7 39851472
GILLESPIE ROBERT E (AG) (612) SGT 7 39414982
ROCKWELL WILLARD F (BG) (611) SGT 7 37437168
BARRON JACK D (BG) (611) PVT 7 37657657
Mission #1 May 23, 1944 7BS Swenson (Ground Spare)
Swenson (P)
Arango (CP)
Swanson (N)
Clemens (B)
Baker (R)
Garmon (E)
Rockwell (G)
Gillespie (G)
Moreno (G)
Barron (G)
Mission #2 May 24, 1944 42-52696 E/N 7BS Swenson Cookie’s
Wailing Wall
Took off at 0503 hours Hardstand #1.
Was to fly position 3-3 in High Squadron, but went over the target in position 3-1 after Hayes aborted.
Carried 12 500 lb GP bombs. Brought all bombs back to base.
No damage reported.
Landed 1038 hours.
Swenson, E. H. (P)
Arango, C. (CP)
Clemens, J. D. (B)
Baker, G. H. (R)
Garmon, M. E. (E)
Moreno, J. (NG)
Gillespie, R. E. (TG)
Rockwell, W. F. (BG)
Barron, J. D. (G)
May 24, 1944 Swenson
Crew Status Report 1800 hours.
Crew #31, 7th Squadron
Swenson, E. H. (P) 2 Lt OK
Arango, C. (CP) 2 Lt OK
Swanson, S. C. (N) 2 Lt OK
Clemens, J. D. (B) 2 Lt OK
Baker, G. H. (R) Sgt OK
Garmon, M. E. (E) Sgt OK
Moreno, J. (NG) Sgt OK
Gillespie, R. E. (TG) Sgt OK
Rockwell, W. F. (BG) Sgt OK
Barron, J. D. (G) Sgt OK
Mission #4 May 27, 1944 42-52696 E/N 7BS Swenson Cookie’s
Wailing Wall
Took off at 0852 hours.
Flew position 4-2 in Low Squadron.
Carried 52 100 lb M47-A bombs. Brought all bombs back to base.
No damage reported.
Landed 1555 hours.
Swenson (P)
Arango (CP)
Clemens (B)
Baker (R)
Garmon (E)
Moreno (NG)
Gillespie (BG)
Rockwell (TG)
Barron (G)
Vronz (G) (from crew #21)
Mission #5 May 28, 1944 42-52696 E/N 7BS Swenson Cookie’s
Wailing Wall
Took off at 1039 hours from Hardstand #1.
Flew position 2-2 in Low Squadron.
Carried 10 500 lb GP bombs. Dropped on the Primary at 1501 hours from 21,000 feet.
No damage reported.
Landed 1802 hours.
Left magneto #2 engine dropped 50 RPM. Inspected and repaired.
Swenson (P)
Arango (CP)
Swanson (N)
Baker (R)
Gaymon (E)
Moreno (NG)
Gillespie (BG)
Rockwell (TG)
Barron (G)
Clemens (from crew #49) (only on crew loading list)
Mission #6 May 29, 1944 42-52696 E/N 7BS Swenson Cookie’s
Wailing Wall
Took off at 0732 hours from Hardstand #1.
Flew position 1-3 in Lead Squadron.
Carried 10 500 lb GP bombs. Dropped on the Primary at 1234 hours. No altitude shown.
No damage reported.
Landed 1644 hours.
#1 Generator out. Inspected and replaced.
Slight flak damage: Left aileron, #4 nacelle, bottom of left aileron.
Swenson (P)
Arango (CP)
Swanson (N)
Baker (R)
Garmon (E)
Moreno (NG)
Gillespie (BG)
Rockwell (TG)
Barron (G)
Mission #8 May 31, 1944 42-52696 E/N 7BS Swenson Cookie’s
Wailing Wall
Took off at 0801 hours.
Carried 6 1000 lb bombs. Brought all bombs back to base.
The mission was Recalled.
Landed 1153 hours.
Swenson (P)
Arango (CP)
Swanson (N)
Clemens (B)
Baker (R)
Garmon (E)
Moreno (NG)
Gillespie (BG)
Rockwell (TG)
Barron (G)
Mission #10 June 6, 1944 42-52696 E/N 391BS Swenson Cookie’s
Wailing Wall
Took off at 0237 hours.
Flew position 2-3 in 2nd Squadron.
Carried 12 500 lb bombs. Brought all bombs back to base.
No damage reported.
Landed 1035 hours.
Tachometer out. Inspected and repaired.
Swenson, E. H. (P) 2 Lt
Arango, G. (CP) 2 Lt
Clemens, J. D. (B)
Garmon, M. E. (E) S/Sgt
Baker, R. H. (R) S/Sgt
Rockwell, W. (G) S/Sgt
Gillespie, R. E. (G) Sgt
Barron, J. D. (G) Sgt
Moreno, J. (G) Sgt
Mission #14 June 11, 1944 44-40470 E/A 7BS Swenson Worry Bird
Took off at 0442 hours.
Flew position 1-3 in High Squadron.
Carried 24 250 lb GP bombs. Brought back all bombs to base due to 10/10 cloud coverage of target.
No battle damage reported.
Landed 1040 hours.
Swenson (P)
Arango (CP)
Clemens (B)
Baker (R)
Garmon (E)
Rockwell (G)
Gillespie (G)
Moreno (G)
Barron (G)
Mission #15 June 12, 1944 44-40470 E/A 7BS Swenson Worry Bird
Took off at 0513 hours.
Flew position 4-3 in Lead Squadron.
Carried a K-24 camera.
Carried 24 250 lb bombs. Dropped on the Primary at 0910 hours from 22,000 feet.
No damage reported.
Landed 1101 hours.
Swenson (P)
Arango (CP)
Clemens (B)
Baker (R)
Garmon (E)
Rockwell (G)
Gillespie (G)
Moreno (G)
Barron (G)
Mission #16 June 14, 1944 Swenson
Ground Spare - not used.
Swenson (P)
Arango (CP)
Swanson (N)
Clemens (B)
Baker (R)
Garmon (E)
Rockwell (G)
Gillespie (G)
Moreno (G)
Barron (G)
Mission #17 June 17, 1944 42-94845 E/C 7BS Swenson Miz-Pah
Took off at 1641 hours.
Flew position 1-3 in High Squadron.
Carried 12 500 lb bombs. Dropped on the Primary at 2022 hours from 18,500 feet.
No battle damage reported.
Landed 2244 hours.
Swenson (P)
Arango (CP)
Swanson (N)
Clemens (B)
Baker (R)
Garmon (E)
Rockwell (G)
Gillespie (G)
Moreno (G)
Barron (G)
Mission #20 June 22, 1944 42-94824 E/Q 7BS Swenson Umbriago
Took off at 1507 hours.
Flew as Airborne Spare. Flew the mission in position 3-2 in Low Squadron replacing Marks, who had to abort.
Carried 52 100 lb bombs. Dropped on the Primary at 1915 hours from 20,000 feet.
No damage reported.
Landed 2146 hours.
Swenson (P)
Arango (CP)
Swanson (N)
Clemens (B)
Baker (R)
Garmon (E)
Rockwell (G)
Gillespie (G)
Moreno (G)
Barron (G)
Mission #21 June 23, 1944 42-94879 B/D 7BS Swenson Collapsible Susie
Took off at 1618 hours.
Flew in Low Squadron (493BG supplied Lead and High Squadrons.)
Carried 52 100 lb Frag bombs. Brought all bombs back to base. Made three runs but got signals confused over the VHF and failed to bomb. Credited with sortie.
No damage reported.
Landed 2232 hours.
Swenson (P)
Arango (CP)
Swanson (N)
Clemens (B)
Baker (R)
Garmon (E)
Rockwell (BG)
Moreno (NG)
Barron (G)
Mission #23 June 24, 1944 42-94818 E/B 7BS Swenson Captain John Silver
Took off at 1634 hours.
Flew position 2-2 in Lead Squadron.
Carried 24 250 lb GP bombs. Dropped on the Primary. Bombs fell short.
No damage reported.
Landed 2111 hours.
Swenson (P)
Arango (CP)
Swanson (N)
Clemens (B)
Baker (R)
Garmon (E)
Rockwell (BG)
Moreno (NG)
Barron (G)
Mission #25 June 25, 1944 42-52755 D/F 7BS Swenson
Took off at 1538 hours.
Flew position 4-3 in High Squadron.
Carried 6 1000 lb bombs. Dropped on the Primary.
No damage report.
Landed at North Holt, took off again and landed at Mendlesham at 0018 hours, June 26, 1944.
Swenson (P)
Arango (CP)
Swanson (N)
Clemens (B)
Baker (R)
Garmon (E)
Rockwell (BG)
Gillespie (TG)
Moreno (NG)
Barron (G)
Mission #28 June 29, 1944 42-94845 E/N 7BS Swenson Miz-Pah (shown as 854 E/N)
Took off at 0520 hours.
Flew position 3-2 in High Squadron.
Jettisoned bombs to keep up with formation after #4 engine went out.
Landed 1218 hours. Credited with a sortie.
Bank and Turn Indicator inoperative. Inspected and repaired.
Swenson (P)
Arango (CP)
Swanson (N)
Clemens (B)
Baker (R)
Garmon (E)
Rockwell (BG)
Gillespie (TG)
Moreno (NG)
Barron (G)
Mission #30 July 6, 1944 42-94845 E/N 7BS Swenson Miz-Pah
Took off at 0547 hours.
Flew position 2-1 in High Squadron.
Carried 20 250 lb bombs. Dropped on the Primary at 0911 hours from 25,000 feet.
Slight flak damage reported.
Landed 1030 hours.
Swenson (P)
Arango (CP)
Swanson (N)
Clemens (B)
Baker (R)
Garmon (E)
Rockwell (BG)
Gillespie (TG)
Moreno (NG)
Barron (G)
Mission #33 July 9, 1944 42-94845 E/N Swenson Miz-Pah
Took off at 1026 hours.
Flew position 4-2 in Lead Squadron, C Group.
Landed 1600 hours.
Swenson (P)
Arango (CP)
Swanson (N)
Clemens (B)
Baker (R)
Garmon (E)
Rockwell (BG)
Gillespie (TG)
Moreno (NG)
Barron (G)
Mission #36 July 17, 1944 42-94869 D/J Swenson (Airborne spare – returned early)
Took off at 0701 hours.
Flew as Airborne Spare for the 490BG formation. Returned Early.
Carried 5 1000 lb bombs. Brought all bombs back to base.
No damage reported.
Landed 1026 hours at Bury St. Edmonds, then back at Mendlesham at 1547 hours.
Swenson (P)
Arango (CP)
Swanson (N)
Clemens (B)
Baker (R)
Garmon (E)
Rockwell (BG)
Gillespie (TG)
Moreno (NG)
Barron (G)
Mission #37 July 18, 1944 42-94813 B/E 7BS Swenson Skotty
Took off at 0531 hours.
Flew position 2-3 in Lead Squadron.
Carried 52 100 lb Fragmentation bombs. Dropped on Primary at 0837 hours from 17,700 feet.
No battle damaged reported.
Landed 1053 hours.
Swenson (P)
Arango (CP)
Swanson (N)
Clemens (B)
Baker (R)
Garmon (E)
Rockwell (BG)
Gillespie (TG)
Moreno (NG)
Barron (G)
Mission #38 July 19, 1944 42-94811 D/K 7BS Swenson Tommy Thumper II
Took off at 0601 hours.
Flew position 4-2 in Low Squadron.
Carried 12 500 lb GP lb bombs. Dropped on the Secondary at 0957 hours from 22,000 feet.
Slight flak damage.
Landed 1155 hours.
Swenson (P)
Arango (CP)
Swanson (N)
Clemens (B)
Baker (R)
Garmon (E)
Rockwell (BG)
Gillespie (TG)
Moreno (NG)
Barron (G)
Mission #39 July 20, 1944 41-29559 E/P Swenson Belchin’ Bessie (Airborne spare)
Did not take off.
Crew loading list not available.
Mission #40 July 21, 1944 42-94845 E/N Miz-Pah (scheduled for Swenson but replaced)
Mission #40 July 21, 1944 44-40320 B/N 7BS Swenson Generator Jennie
Took off at 0619 hours.
Flew position 1-3 in Low Squadron.
Carried 10 500 lb bombs. Jettisoned all bombs.
Landed 1334 hours.
Right rear bomb-bay door and track damaged. Inspected and repaired.
Swenson (P)
Arango (CP)
Swanson (N)
Clemens (B)
Baker (R)
Garmon (E)
Rockwell (BG)
Gillespie (TG)
Moreno (NG)
Barron (G)
Mission #44 July 27, 1944 42-94845 E/N 7BS Swenson Miz-Pah
Took off at 0534 hours.
Flew position 4-3 in Lead Squadron.
Carried 6 1000 lb bombs. Dropped on Primary at 0827 hours from 20,600 feet.
Major battle damage reported.
Landed 0936 hours.
Swenson (P)
Arango (CP)
Swanson (N)
Clemens (B)
Baker (R)
Garmon (E)
Rockwell (BG)
Gillespie (TG)
Moreno (NG)
Barron (G)
CREW #42; 7th Squadron (as of July 28, 1944)
Swenson (P)
Arango (CP)
Swanson (N)
Clemens (B)
Baker, G. H. (R)
Garmon, M. E. (E)
Moreno (NG)
Gillespie (TG)
Rockwell (BG)
Barron (G)
Mission #45 July 28, 1944 42-94771 L/H 7BS Swenson (Aborted – mechanical)
Took off at 0526 hours.
Flew position 4-3 in Low Squadron.
Carried 52 100 lb IB bombs. Brought all bombs back to base due to abortion.
Aborted due to "gas leak in left wing - coming out of wing where auxilliary hose to main tank, where hose comes through fuselage. Gas covered outside of hose and seemed to be coming out in splashes. Between 150-200 gallons lost in approximately one hour and 15 minutes. Checked for siphoning but could see no evidences of same. Gas fumes filled entire ship. Used emergency procedure to stop siphoning thinking it possibly would help - no results noted and gas still persisted in leaking."
No flak damage reported.
Landed 0623 hours.
Swenson (P)
Arango (CP)
Swanson (N)
Clemens (B)
Baker, G. H. (R)
Garmon, M. E. (E)
Moreno (NG)
Gillespie (TG)
Rockwell (BG)
Barron (G)
Mission #48 August 1, 1944 42-94845 E/N 7BS Swenson Miz-Pah
Mission #49 August 2, 1944 42-94845 E/N Swenson Miz-Pah (Airborne spare)
Took off at 1607 hours.
Landed 2128 hours.
Swenson (P)
Arango (CP)
Swanson (N)
Clemens (B)
Baker, G. H. (R)
Garmon, M. E. (E)
Moreno (NG)
Gillespie (TG)
Rockwell (BG)
Barron (G)
Mission #50 August 3, 1944 42-94845 E/N 7BS Swenson Miz-Pah
Swenson (P)
Arango (CP)
Swanson (N)
Clemens (B)
Baker, G. H. (R)
Garmon, M. E. (E)
Moreno (NG)
Rockwell (BG)
Barron (G)
Mission #52 August 5, 1944 42-94845 E/N 7BS Swenson Miz-Pah
Swenson (P)
Arango (CP)
Swanson (N)
Clemens (B)
Baker, G. H. (R)
Garmon, M. E. (E)
Moreno (NG)
Rockwell (BG)
Barron (G)
Mission #53 August 6, 1944 42-94845 E/N 7BS Swenson Miz-Pah
No crew loading list available.
Mission #54 August 7, 1944 42-94845 E/N 18BS Swenson Miz-Pah
Swenson (P)
Arango (CP)
Swanson (N)
Clemens (B)
Baker, G. H. (R)
Garmon, M. E. (E)
Moreno (NG)
Rockwell (BG)
Barron (G)
Mission #58 August 13, 1944 42-94755 D/U 7BS Swenson Weary
Swenson (P)
Arango (CP)
Swanson (N)
Clemens (B)
Baker, G. H. (R)
Garmon, M. E. (E)
Moreno (NG)
Rockwell (BG)
Ivey (G) (a write-in)
Mission #59 August 14, 1944 42-94908 E/I 7BS Swenson Tiger Rag
Swenson (P)
Arango (CP)
Swanson (N)
Clemens (B)
Baker, G. H. (R)
Garmon, M. E. (E)
Moreno (NG)
Rockwell (BG)
Touhill (G) (a write-in)
Mission #61 August 16, 1944 42-94845 E/N 7BS Swenson Miz-Pah
Swenson (P)
Arango (CP)
Swanson (N)
Clemens (B)
Baker, G. H. (R)
Garmon, M. E. (E)
Moreno (NG)
Rockwell (BG)
Barron (G)
Mission #62 August 18, 1944 42-94845 E/N 7BS Swenson Miz-Pah (shown as 854 E/N) (on take off sheet as 4845 E/J)
Took off at 0631 hours.
Flew position 2-1 in Low Squadron.
Carried 52 100 lb GP bombs. Did not drop – rack malfunction. Brought all bombs back to base.
Landed 1117 hours.
Swenson (P)
Arango (CP)
Swanson (N)
Clemens (B)
Baker, G. H. (R)
Garmon, M. E. (E)
Moreno (NG)
Rockwell (BG)
Barron (G)
Mission #63 August 24, 1944 42-94845 E/N 7BS Swenson Miz-Pah
Swenson (P)
Arango (CP)
Swanson (N)
Clemens (B)
Baker, G. H. (R)
Garmon, M. E. (E)
Moreno (NG)
Rockwell (BG)
Barron (G)